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BBC's collaboration with Chinese Communist Party in spreading CCP's propaganda

It was reported that BBC and Bilibili announced a strategic cooperation agreement that expands on past cooperation efforts in 2020 exploring the potential for BBC Studios to invest in Bilibili-produced content and for the BBC to bring PRC's content experience to global stage.

According to 20-F file of Bilibili Inc. filed with US SEC, phone number of Bilibili Inc. is "+86 21 25099255". It is used by Shanghai Bilibili Technology Co., Ltd.,a wholly owned subsidiary of Bilibili Inc. where a branch of Chinese Communist Party(a/k/a Communist Party of China, CCP, 中共, 中国共产党,共匪, 黑帮,黑社会,恐怖组织)  was set up in 2017 and CCP committee exists.

CCP committee of Shanghai Bilibili Technology Co., Ltd.(上海哔哩哔哩科技有限公司党委),"Bilibili‘s CCP Committee" was established on 27th June 2019 when Vice Chairman and Chief Operating Officer Li Ni(a/k/a Ni Li, 李旎) of Bilibili Inc. became CCP secretary therein. Cheng Xiuming, member of the Standing Committee of the Yangpu District CCP Committee and head of the Organization Department of the Yangpu District CCP Committee(杨浦区委常委、组织部部长程绣明), Luo Yi, deputy director of Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism (Radio and Television Bureau)(上海市文化和旅游局(广播电视局)副局长罗毅), Jia Chao, deputy director of the Organization Department 2 of CCP Shanghai Committee(上海市委组织部组织二处副处长贾超),Li Zhengming, secretary of the Wujiaochang Sub-district CCP Working Committee(五角场街道党工委书记李正明), and You Haiyang, director of the Program Department and TV Drama Department of the Shanghai Municipal Radio and Television Bureau(上海市广播电视局节目处、电视剧处处长游海洋) attended meeting of CCP committee of Shanghai Bilibili Technology Co., Ltd. 
Cheng Xiuming hoped that the Bilibili‘s CCP Committee would base itself on platform operations, optimize the network environment, strive to use party-building culture to lead corporate culture, and use corporate culture to guide network culture, so that the Internet, the "biggest variable", can become the "biggest increment" in business development. Luo Yi required Bilibili‘s CCP Committee to focus on ideology, build a solid ideological defense line, strengthen content construction, and strengthen positive propaganda. Ni Li proposed a new direction for the work of Bilibili‘s CCP Committee: First, give full play to the positive role of the Party Committee in the development of the enterprise, and integrate the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the Party organization into the company's cause; second, continuously strengthen the construction of the Party organization itself, strengthen the ideological and political education of Party members, and pay attention to the growth and development of Party members; third, focus on combining the creation of a positive energy ecology in the enterprise with Party building work, and give full play to the role of Bilibili as a positive energy communication platform. Cheng Xiuming and Jia Chao unveiled the CCP and Mass Service Station of Shanghai Bilibili Technology Co., Ltd.

CCP committee of Shanghai Bilibili Technology Co., Ltd.  carried out the theme activity of "Carry forward the spirit of party building and gather innovative forces" on 3rd August 2023. Bilibili company party members and party member UP hosts visited the Memorial Hall of the First National Congress of the CCP. The event first introduced the basic situation of Bilibili's party building work. The person in charge of the Bilibili Party Committee said that under the care and guidance of the Organization Department of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee Cyberspace Administration, and with the help and guidance of the Organization Department of the Yangpu District Party Committee and the Wujiaochang Street Party Working Committee, Bilibili continued to work hard on the breadth and depth of party building work, always adhering to the principle of "wherever the enterprise develops, the party's work will cover it", and strived to achieve "deep integration of party building work and business development", giving full play to the characteristics and advantages of the Internet content platform, and exploring and forming a new model of Internet enterprise party building work with distinctive characteristics of Bilibili, such as the "3X3" matrix working method. The Bilibili Party Committee would through a series of measures, further consolidate the foundation of party building, learn innovative theories, convey CCP's mainstream voices, and promote upward forces, promote the effectiveness of various party building work in new economic organizations, new social organizations, and new employment groups in Bilibili, and promote the implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of CCP in Bilibili.

China Intercontinental Communication Center is an international communication agency affiliated to the Information Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China (PRC). Li Mian, director of the Media Promotion Center of the China International Communication Center, claimed in 2016 that the China International Communication Center launched joint production of "Chinese New Year" with the BBC of the UK. China Intercontinental Communication Center has cooperated extensively with BBC, Discovery Channel, and National Geographic.
It was claimed on CCTV.com operated by China Media Group led by Central Propaganda Department of CCP that starting from 15th June 2022, the four-episode documentary "China on Stage" co-produced by the China Intercontinental Communication Center, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Bilibili and British Lion Productions, supported and guided by the External Promotion Bureau of Central Propaganda Department of the CCP's Central Committee (a/k/a Central Propaganda Department of CCP) was to be launched on the Bilibili platform, with one episode updated every Wednesday at 8 pm.and the film would also be broadcast overseas through BBC World News and other mainstream media.
It was reported by People's Daily of CCP on 13th May 2022 that China Media Group and BBC Studios jointly produced National Parks: Kingdom of Wildlife, claiming that it truly records the interesting animal stories, rare and wonderful natural scenes and warm interactions between people and animals in China's national parks, and that it subtly interprets the ecological wisdom of the Chinese people. It claims that the film has been distributed to more than 100 countries and regions around the world. The BBC purchased the premiere rights of the film for 360,000 Great British Pounds and is the agent for the distribution rights in regions other than Greater China.
Yan Chengsheng, Director of the International Cooperation Department of the State Administration of Radio and Television of the PRC(中华人民共和国国家广播电视总局国际合作司司长闫成胜), stated, "In recent years, we have continuously strengthened the construction of international communication channels, created the 'China Joint Booth', 'China Online Theater', 'China Television Theater' and the New Media International Communication Demonstration Base, established the brand image of Chinese film and television, and enhanced the overseas marketing capabilities of Chinese radio, film and television and online audio-visual institutions, conveyed China's mainstream values ​​to the world, showed contemporary life, and told people's stories." According to the 2022 annual financial report of the State Administration of Radio and Television of the PRC, the main responsibilities of the State Administration of Radio and Television include but are not limited to implementing the CCP's propaganda policies and guidelines, strengthening the management of radio and television positions, grasping the correct public opinion orientation and creative orientation, and guiding the creation and production of TV dramas, supervising and managing, and reviewing the content of radio and television programs and online audio-visual programs, guiding and supervising the broadcasting of radio and television advertisements, carrying out international exchanges and cooperation in radio and television, and coordinating and promoting the work of going global in the field of radio and television (ie external propaganda). Its revenue in 2023 was about RMB 4,110,715,400, of which about RMB 3,301,756,200 came from central government fund or central fiscal appropriation.

 BBC has a serious problem of spreading propaganda for Chinese Communist Party. It is more likely than not that there is a Fifth Column of CCP in BBC. Given such serious weaknesses of BBC, there is not a surpise that there are repeated accidents occured to BBC's broadcasting, either to conduct censorship for CCP or to spread propaganda for terrorists.
