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第 1 条简称。
(a) 总则——本法可称为“2023 财年詹姆斯·M·英霍夫国防授权法”。
(b) 参考资料——本法或任何其他法案中对“2023 财年国防授权法”的任何引用均应视为对“James M. Inhofe 财政年度国防授权法”的引用 2023 年”。
第2条 目录
Sec. 1. Short title.
Sec. 2. Organization of Act into divisions; table of contents.
Sec. 3. Congressional defense committees.
Sec. 4. Budgetary effects of this Act.
Sec. 5. Explanatory statement.
Subtitle A--Authorization of Appropriations
Sec. 101. Authorization of appropriations.
Subtitle B--Army Programs
Sec. 111. Limitations on production of Extended Range Cannon Artillery
Subtitle C--Navy Programs
Sec. 121. Requirements relating to EA-18G aircraft of the Navy.
Sec. 122. Navy shipbuilding workforce development special incentive.
Sec. 123. Extension of prohibition on availability of funds for Navy
port waterborne security barriers.
Sec. 124. Limitation on authority to modify capabilities and fleet
configuration of E-6B aircraft.
Sec. 125. Multiyear procurement authority for Arleigh Burke class
Sec. 126. Procurement authority for Ship-to-Shore Connector program.
Sec. 127. Procurement authority for CH-53K heavy lift helicopter
Sec. 128. Procurement authorities for John Lewis-class fleet
replenishment oiler ships.
Sec. 129. Procurement authorities for certain amphibious shipbuilding
Sec. 130. Contracts for design and construction of the DDG(X) destroyer
Sec. 131. Tomahawk and Standard Missile-6 capability on FFG-62 class
Sec. 132. Report on advance procurement for CVN-82 and CVN-83.
Sec. 133. Quarterly briefings on the CH-53K King Stallion helicopter
Subtitle D--Air Force Programs
Sec. 141. Modification of inventory requirements for aircraft of the
combat air forces.
Sec. 142. Inventory and other requirements relating to air refueling
tanker aircraft.
Sec. 143. Requirements relating to F-22 aircraft.
Sec. 144. Modification of exception to prohibition on certain
reductions to B-1 bomber aircraft
Sec. 145. Repeal of Air Force E-8C force presentation requirement.
Sec. 146. Minimum inventory of C-130 aircraft.
Sec. 147. Prohibition on availability of funds for retirement of C-40
Sec. 148. Prohibition on availability of funds for termination of
production lines for HH-60W aircraft.
Sec. 149. Prohibition on certain reductions to inventory of E-3
airborne warning and control system
Sec. 150. Limitation on divestment of F-15 aircraft.
Sec. 151. Authority to procure upgraded ejection seats for certain T-
38A aircraft.
Sec. 152. Procurement authority for digital mission operations platform
for the Space Force.
Sec. 153. Digital transformation commercial software acquisition.
Sec. 154. Requirements study and strategy for the combat search and
rescue mission of the Air Force.
Sec. 155. Plan for transfer of KC-135 aircraft to the Air National
Sec. 156. Annual reports on T-7A Advanced Pilot Training System.
Subtitle E--Defense-wide, Joint, and Multiservice Matters
Sec. 161. Increase in Air Force and Navy use of used commercial dual-
use parts in certain aircraft and engines.
Sec. 162. Assessment and strategy for fielding capabilities to counter
threats posed by unmanned aerial system
Sec. 163. Assessment and report on military rotary wing aircraft
industrial base.
Sec. 164. Comptroller General audit of efforts to modernize the
propulsion, power, and thermal management
systems of F-35 aircraft.
Subtitle A--Authorization of Appropriations
Sec. 201. Authorization of appropriations.
Subtitle B--Program Requirements, Restrictions, and Limitations
Sec. 211. Modification of cooperative research and development project
Sec. 212. Clarification of role of senior official with principal
responsibility for artificial intelligence
and machine learning.
Sec. 213. Inclusion of Office of Under Secretary of Defense for
Research and Engineering in personnel
management authority to attract experts in
science and engineering.
Sec. 214. Modification of limitation on cancellation of designation of
Executive Agent for a certain Defense
Production Act program.
Sec. 215. Support for research and development of bioindustrial
manufacturing processes.
Sec. 216. Air-breathing and rocket booster testing capacity upgrades to
support critical hypersonic weapons
Sec. 217. Competitively awarded demonstrations and tests of
electromagnetic warfare technology.
Sec. 218. Administration of the Advanced Sensor Applications Program.
Sec. 219. Quantifiable assurance capability for security of
Sec. 220. Government-Industry-Academia Working Group on
Sec. 221. Target date for deployment of 5G wireless broadband
infrastructure at all military
Sec. 222. Outreach to historically Black colleges and universities and
other minority-serving institutions
regarding National Security Innovation
Network programs that promote
entrepreneurship and innovation at
institutions of higher education.
Sec. 223. Report and pilot program based on recommendations regarding
defense research capacity at historically
Black colleges and universities and other
minority-serving institutions.
Sec. 224. Pilot program to support the development of patentable
inventions in the Department of the Navy.
Sec. 225. Pilot program to facilitate the development of battery
technologies for warfighters.
Subtitle C--Plans, Reports, and Other Matters
Sec. 231. Modification to annual reports of the Director of Operational
Test and Evaluation.
Sec. 232. Extension of requirement for quarterly briefings on strategy
for fifth generation information and
communications technologies.
Sec. 233. Plan for investments to support the development of novel
processing approaches for defense
Sec. 234. Plans to accelerate the transition to 5G information and
communications technology within the
military departments.
Sec. 235. Plan for Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Innovation
Fellowship Program.
Sec. 236. Strategy and plan for fostering and strengthening the defense
innovation ecosystem.
Sec. 237. Assessment and strategy relating to hypersonic testing
capacity of the Department of Defense.
Sec. 238. Annual report on studies and reports of federally funded
research and development centers.
Sec. 239. Report on recommendations from Army Futures Command Research
Program Realignment Study.
Sec. 240. Report on potential for increased utilization of the
Electronic Proving Grounds testing range.
Sec. 241. Study on costs associated with underperforming software and
information technology.
Sec. 242. Study and report on sufficiency of operational test and
evaluation resources supporting certain
major defense acquisition programs.
Subtitle A--Authorization of Appropriations
Sec. 301. Authorization of appropriations.
Subtitle B--Energy and Environment
Sec. 311. Center for Excellence in Environmental Security.
Sec. 312. Participation in pollutant banks and water quality trading.
Sec. 313. Consideration under Defense Environmental Restoration Program
for State-owned facilities of the National
Guard with proven exposure of hazardous
substances and waste.
Sec. 314. Renewal of annual environmental and energy reports of
Department of Defense.
Sec. 315. Aggregation of energy conservation measures and funding.
Sec. 316. Additional special considerations for energy performance
goals and energy performance master plan.
Sec. 317. Purchase or lease of electric, zero emission, advanced-
biofuel-powered, or hydrogen-powered
vehicles for the Department of Defense.
Sec. 318. Clarification and requirement for Department of Defense
relating to renewable biomass and biogas.
Sec. 319. Programs of military departments on reduction of fuel
reliance and promotion of energy-aware
Sec. 320. Establishment of joint working group to determine joint
requirements for future operational energy
needs of Department of Defense.
Sec. 321. Amendment to budgeting of Department of Defense relating to
extreme weather.
Sec. 322. Prototype and demonstration projects for energy resilience at
certain military installations.
Sec. 323. Pilot program for development of electric vehicle charging
solutions to mitigate grid stress.
Sec. 324. Pilot program on use of sustainable aviation fuel.
Sec. 325. Policy to increase disposition of spent advanced batteries
through recycling.
Sec. 326. Guidance and target goal relating to formerly used defense
sites programs.
Sec. 327. Analysis and plan for addressing heat island effect on
military installations.
Sec. 328. Limitation on replacement of non-tactical vehicle fleet of
Department of Defense with electric
vehicles, advanced-biofuel-powered
vehicles, or hydrogen-powered vehicles.
Subtitle C--Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility
Sec. 331. Defueling of Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility.
Sec. 332. Authorization of closure of underground storage tank system
at Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility.
Sec. 333. Report on bulk fuel requirements applicable to United States
Indo-Pacific Command.
Sec. 334. Placement of sentinel or monitoring wells in proximity to Red
Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility.
Sec. 335. Studies relating to water needs of the Armed Forces on Oahu.
Sec. 336. Study on alternative uses for Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage
Sec. 337. Briefing on Department of Defense efforts to track health
implications of fuel leaks at Red Hill Bulk
Fuel Storage Facility.
Subtitle D--Treatment of Perfluoroalkyl Substances and Polyfluoroalkyl
Sec. 341. Department of Defense research relating to perfluoroalkyl or
polyfluoroalkyl substances.
Sec. 342. Increase of transfer authority for funding of study and
assessment on health implications of per-
and polyfluoroalkyl substances
contamination in drinking water by Agency
for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.
Sec. 343. Prizes for development of non-PFAS-containing turnout gear.
Sec. 344. Modification of limitation on disclosure of results of
testing for perfluoroalkyl or
polyfluoroalkyl substances on private
Sec. 345. Restriction on procurement or purchasing by Department of
Defense of turnout gear for firefighters
containing perfluoroalkyl substances or
polyfluoroalkyl substances.
Sec. 346. Annual report on PFAS contamination at certain military
installations from sources other than
aqueous film-forming foam.
Sec. 347. Report on critical PFAS uses; briefings on Department of
Defense procurement of certain items
containing PFOS or PFOA.
Subtitle E--Logistics and Sustainment
Sec. 351. Resources required for achieving materiel readiness metrics
and objectives for major defense
acquisition programs.
Sec. 352. Annual plan for maintenance and modernization of naval
Sec. 353. Inclusion of information regarding joint medical estimates in
readiness reports.
Sec. 354. Inapplicability of advance billing dollar limitation for
relief efforts following major disasters or
Sec. 355. Repeal of Comptroller General review on time limitations on
duration of public-private competitions.
Sec. 356. Implementation of Comptroller General recommendations
regarding Shipyard Infrastructure
Optimization Plan of the Navy.
Sec. 357. Limitation on availability of funds for military information
support operations.
Sec. 358. Notification of modification to policy regarding retention
rates for Navy ship repair contracts.
Sec. 359. Research and analysis on capacity of private shipyards in
United States and effect of those shipyards
on Naval fleet readiness.
Sec. 360. Independent study relating to fuel distribution logistics
across United States Indo-Pacific Command.
Sec. 361. Quarterly briefings on expenditures for establishment of fuel
distribution points in United States Indo-
Pacific Command area of responsibility.
Subtitle F--Matters Relating to Depots and Ammunition Production
Sec. 371. Budgeting for depot and ammunition production facility
maintenance and repair: annual report.
Sec. 372. Extension of authorization of depot working capital funds for
unspecified minor military construction.
Sec. 373. Five-year plans for improvements to depot and ammunition
production facility infrastructure.
Sec. 374. Modification to minimum capital investment for certain
Sec. 375. Continuation of requirement for biennial report on core
depot-level maintenance and repair.
Sec. 376. Continuation of requirement for annual report on funds
expended for performance of depot-level
maintenance and repair workloads.
Sec. 377. Clarification of calculation for certain workload carryover
of Department of the Army.
Subtitle G--Other Matters
Sec. 381. Annual reports by Deputy Secretary of Defense on activities
of Joint Safety Council.
Sec. 382. Accountability for Department of Defense contractors using
military working dogs.
Sec. 383. Membership of Coast Guard on Joint Safety Council.
Sec. 384. Inclusion in report on unfunded priorities National Guard
responsibilities in connection with natural
and man-made disasters.
Sec. 385. Support for training of National Guard personnel on wildfire
prevention and response.
Sec. 386. Interagency collaboration and extension of pilot program on
military working dogs and explosives
Sec. 387. Amendment to the Sikes Act.
Sec. 388. National standards for Federal fire protection at military
Sec. 389. Pilot programs for tactical vehicle safety data collection.
Sec. 390. Requirements relating to reduction of out-of-pocket costs of
members of the Armed Forces for uniform
Sec. 391. Implementation of recommendations relating to animal facility
sanitation and plan for housing and care of
Sec. 392. Continued designation of Secretary of the Navy as executive
agent for Naval Small Craft Instruction and
Technical Training School.
Sec. 393. Prohibition on use of funds for retirement of legacy maritime
mine countermeasures platforms.
Subtitle A--Active Forces
Sec. 401. End strengths for active forces.
Sec. 402. End strength level matters.
Sec. 403. Additional authority to vary Space Force end strength.
Subtitle B--Reserve Forces
Sec. 411. End strengths for Selected Reserve.
Sec. 412. End strengths for reserves on active duty in support of the
Sec. 413. End strengths for military technicians (dual status).
Sec. 414. Maximum number of reserve personnel authorized to be on
active duty for operational support.
Subtitle C--Authorization of Appropriations
Sec. 421. Military personnel.
Subtitle A--Officer Personnel Policy
Sec. 501. Authorized strengths for Space Force officers on active duty
in grades of major, lieutenant colonel, and
Sec. 502. Distribution of commissioned officers on active duty in
general officer and flag officer grades.
Sec. 503. Redistribution of Naval officers serving on active duty in
the grades of O-8 and O-9.
Sec. 504. Authorized strength after December 31, 2022: general officers
and flag officers on active duty.
Sec. 505. Extension of grade retention for certain officers awaiting
Sec. 506. Exclusion of officers serving as lead special trial counsel
from limitations on authorized strengths
for general and flag officers.
Sec. 507. Constructive service credit for certain officers of the Armed
Sec. 508. Improvements to the selection of warrant officers in the
military departments for promotion.
Sec. 509. Advice and consent requirement for waivers of mandatory
retirement for Superintendents of military
service academies.
Sec. 509A. Modification of reports on Air Force personnel performing
duties of a Nuclear and Missile Operations
Officer (13N).
Sec. 509B. Assessments of staffing in the Office of the Secretary of
Defense and other Department of Defense
headquarters offices.
Sec. 509C. GAO review of certain officer performance evaluations.
Sec. 509D. Study of chaplains.
Subtitle B--Reserve Component Management
Sec. 511. Inclusion of additional information on the Senior Reserve
Officers' Training Corps in reports
accompanying the national defense strategy.
Sec. 512. Expansion of eligibility to serve as an instructor in the
Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps.
Sec. 513. Backdating of effective date of rank for reserve officers in
the National Guard due to undue delays in
Federal recognition.
Sec. 514. Inspections of the National Guard.
Sec. 515. Authority to waive requirement that performance of Active
Guard and Reserve duty at the request of a
Governor may not interfere with certain
Sec. 516. Continued National Guard support for FireGuard program.
Sec. 517. Enhancement of National Guard Youth Challenge Program.
Sec. 518. Notice to Congress before certain actions regarding units of
certain reserve components.
Sec. 519. Independent study on Federal recognition of National Guard
Sec. 519A. Review and update of report on geographic dispersion of
Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps.
Sec. 519B. Briefing on duties of the Army Interagency Training and
Education Center.
Subtitle C--General Service Authorities and Military Records
Sec. 521. Consideration of adverse information by special selection
review boards.
Sec. 522. Expansion of eligibility for direct acceptance of gifts by
members of the Armed Forces and Department
of Defense and Coast Guard employees and
their families.
Sec. 523. Limitation of extension of period of active duty for a member
who accepts a fellowship, scholarship, or
Sec. 524. Expansion of mandatory characterizations of administrative
discharges of certain members on the basis
of failure to receive COVID-19 vaccine.
Sec. 525. Rescission of COVID-19 vaccination mandate.
Sec. 526. Temporary exemption from end strength grade restrictions for
the Space Force.
Sec. 527. Notification to next of kin upon the death of a member of the
Armed Forces: study; update; training;
Sec. 528. Gender-neutral fitness physical readiness standards for
military occupational specialties of the
Sec. 529. Recurring report regarding COVID-19 mandate.
Sec. 530. Sense of Congress regarding women involuntarily separated
from the Armed Forces due to pregnancy or
Subtitle D--Recruitment and Retention
Sec. 531. Treatment of personally identifiable information regarding
prospective recruits.
Sec. 532. Revival and extension of temporary authority for targeted
recruitment incentives.
Sec. 533. Report on recruiting efforts of certain Armed Forces.
Sec. 534. Review of marketing and recruiting of the Department of
Sec. 535. Report on Department of Defense recruitment advertising to
racial and ethnic minority communities.
Sec. 536. Improving oversight of military recruitment practices in
public secondary schools.
Sec. 537. Best practices for the retention of certain female members of
the Armed Forces.
Sec. 538. Review of certain personnel policies of special operations
Sec. 539. Support for members who perform duties regarding remotely
piloted aircraft: study; report.
Sec. 539A. Retention and recruitment of members of the Army who
specialize in air and missile defense
Subtitle E--Military Justice and Other Legal Matters
Sec. 541. Matters in connection with special trial counsel.
Sec. 542. Technical corrections relating to special trial counsel.
Sec. 543. Randomization of court-martial panels.
Sec. 544. Jurisdiction of Courts of Criminal Appeals.
Sec. 545. Special trial counsel of the Department of the Air Force.
Sec. 546. Independent investigation of sexual harassment.
Sec. 547. Primary prevention research agenda and workforce.
Sec. 548. Limitation on availability of funds for relocation of Army
CID special agent training course.
Sec. 549. Review of titling and indexing practices of the Army and
certain other organizations.
Sec. 549A. Briefing and report on resourcing required for
implementation of military justice reform.
Sec. 549B. Report on sharing information with counsel for victims of
offenses under the Uniform Code of Military
Sec. 549C. Dissemination of civilian legal services information.
Subtitle F--Member Education
Sec. 551. Authorization of certain support for military service academy
Sec. 552. Individuals from the District of Columbia who may be
considered for appointment to military
service academies.
Sec. 553. Agreement by a cadet or midshipman to play professional sport
constitutes a breach of agreement to serve
as an officer.
Sec. 554. Naval Postgraduate School and United States Air Force
Institute of Technology: terms of Provosts
and Chief Academic Officers.
Sec. 555. Naval Postgraduate School: attendance by enlisted members.
Sec. 556. Modification of annual report on demographics of military
service academy applicants.
Sec. 557. Study and report on professional military education.
Sec. 558. Report on treatment of China in curricula of professional
military education.
Subtitle G--Member Training and Transition
Sec. 561. Codification of Skillbridge program.
Sec. 562. Pilot program on remote personnel processing in the Army.
Sec. 563. Annual report on members separating from active duty who file
claims for disability benefits.
Sec. 564. Female members of certain Armed Forces and civilian employees
of the Department of Defense in STEM.
Subtitle H--Military Family Readiness and Dependents' Education
Sec. 571. Clarification and expansion of authorization of support for
chaplain-led programs for members of the
Armed Forces.
Sec. 572. Pilot program to expand eligibility for enrollment at
domestic dependent elementary and secondary
schools: extension; report.
Sec. 573. Commercial air waiver for next of kin regarding
transportation of remains of casualties.
Sec. 574. Certain assistance to local educational agencies that benefit
dependents of military and civilian
Sec. 575. Assistance to local educational agencies that benefit
dependents of members of the Armed Forces
with enrollment changes due to base
closures, force structure changes, or force
Sec. 576. Pilot program on hiring of special needs inclusion
coordinators for Department of Defense
child development centers.
Sec. 577. Promotion of certain child care assistance.
Sec. 578. Industry roundtable on military spouse hiring.
Sec. 579. Recommendations for the improvement of the Military
Interstate Children's Compact.
Sec. 579A. Feasibility of inclusion of au pairs in pilot program to
provide financial assistance to members of
the Armed Forces for in-home child care.
Sec. 579B. Briefing on policies regarding single parents serving as
members of the Armed Forces.
Sec. 579C. Public reporting on certain military child care programs.
Sec. 579D. Briefing on verification of eligible federally connected
children for purposes of Federal impact aid
Sec. 579E. Sense of Congress on rights of parents of children attending
schools operated by the Department of
Defense Education Activity.
Subtitle I--Decorations, Awards, and Other Honors
Sec. 581. Clarification of procedure for boards for the correction of
military records to review determinations
regarding certain decorations.
Sec. 582. Authorizations for certain awards.
Sec. 583. Posthumous appointment of Ulysses S. Grant to grade of
General of the Armies of the United States.
Sec. 584. Enhanced information related to awarding of the Purple Heart.
Subtitle J--Miscellaneous Reports and Other Matters
Sec. 591. Report on non-citizen members of the Armed Forces.
Sec. 592. Notification on manning of afloat naval forces:
modifications; codification.
Sec. 593. Clarification of authority of NCMAF to update Chaplains Hill
at Arlington National Cemetery.
Sec. 594. Disinterment of remains of Andrew Chabrol from Arlington
National Cemetery.
Sec. 595. Pilot program on safe storage of personally owned firearms.
Sec. 596. Pilot program on car sharing on remote or isolated military
Sec. 597. Briefing on the effects of economic inflation on members of
the Armed Forces.
Sec. 598. Study on improvement of access to voting for members of the
Armed Forces overseas.
Sec. 599. Report on incidence of military suicides by military job
Sec. 599A. Report on efforts to prevent and respond to deaths by
suicide in the Navy.
Sec. 599B. Report on officer personnel management and the development
of the professional military ethic of the
Space Force.
Subtitle A--Bonus and Incentive Pays
Sec. 601. One-year extension of certain expiring bonus and special pay
Sec. 602. Increase to maximum amounts of certain bonus and special pay
Sec. 603. Cold weather duty: authorization of assignment or special
duty pay; travel allowance for members of
the Armed Forces assigned to Alaska.
Sec. 604. Air Force rated officer retention demonstration program.
Subtitle B--Allowances Other Than Travel and Transportation Allowances
Sec. 611. Increases in maximum allowable income for purposes of
eligibility for basic needs allowance.
Sec. 612. Extension of authority to temporarily adjust basic allowance
for housing in certain areas.
Sec. 613. Temporary continuation of rate of basic allowance for housing
for members of the Armed Forces whose sole
dependent dies while residing with the
Sec. 614. Basic allowance for housing for members without dependents
when home port change would financially
disadvantage member.
Sec. 615. Revival and redesignation of provision establishing benefits
for certain members assigned to the Defense
Intelligence Agency.
Sec. 616. Extension of one-time uniform allowance for officers who
transfer to the Space Force.
Sec. 617. OCONUS cost of living allowance: adjustments; notice to
certain congressional committees.
Subtitle C--Travel and Transportation Allowances
Sec. 621. Allowable travel and transportation allowances: complex
Sec. 622. Expansion of authority to reimburse a member of the uniformed
services for spousal business costs arising
from a permanent change of station.
Sec. 623. Extension of authority to reimburse members for spouse
relicensing costs pursuant to a permanent
change of station.
Sec. 624. Reimbursement of a member of the uniformed services for costs
to relocate a pet that arise from a
permanent change of station.
Sec. 625. Travel and transportation allowances for certain members of
the Armed Forces who attend a professional
military education institution or training
Sec. 626. Conforming amendments to update references to travel and
transportation authorities.
Sec. 627. Pilot program to reimburse members of the Armed Forces for
certain child care costs incident to a
permanent change of station or assignment.
Subtitle D--Leave
Sec. 631. Technical amendments to leave entitlement and accumulation.
Sec. 632. Modification of authority to allow members of the Armed
Forces to accumulate leave in excess of 60
Sec. 633. Convalescent leave for a member of the Armed Forces.
Subtitle E--Family and Survivor Benefits
Sec. 641. Claims relating to the return of personal effects of a
deceased member of the Armed Forces.
Sec. 642. Extension of parent fee discount to child care employees.
Sec. 643. Survivor Benefit Plan open season.
Sec. 644. Military installations with limited child care: briefing.
Sec. 645. Food insecurity among military families: data collection;
training; report.
Subtitle F--Defense Resale Matters
Sec. 651. Prohibition of the sale of certain goods from the Xinjiang
Uyghur Autonomous Region in commissaries
and exchanges.
Subtitle G--Miscellaneous Studies, Briefings and Reports
Sec. 661. Study on basic pay.
Sec. 662. Report on accuracy of basic allowance for housing.
Sec. 663. Review of dislocation and relocation allowances.
Sec. 664. Complex overhaul pay: briefing.
Sec. 665. Studies on compensation for DOD child care providers.
Sec. 666. Barriers to home ownership for members of the Armed Forces:
study; report.
Subtitle A--TRICARE and Other Health Care Benefits
Sec. 701. Improvements to TRICARE dental program.
Sec. 702. Health benefits for members of the National Guard following
required training or other duty to respond
to a national emergency.
Sec. 703. Improvement of referrals for specialty care under TRICARE
Prime during permanent changes of station.
Sec. 704. Confidentiality requirements for mental health care services
for members of the Armed Forces.
Sec. 705. Audit of behavioral health care network providers listed in
TRICARE directory.
Sec. 706. Independent analysis of quality and patient safety review
process under direct care component of
TRICARE program.
Sec. 707. Study on providing benefits under TRICARE Reserve Select and
TRICARE dental program to members of the
Selected Reserve and dependents thereof.
Sec. 708. GAO study on certain contracts relating to TRICARE program
and oversight of such contracts.
Sec. 709. GAO study on coverage of mental health services under TRICARE
program and relationship to certain mental
health parity laws.
Subtitle B--Health Care Administration
Sec. 711. Accountability for wounded warriors undergoing disability
Sec. 712. Inclusion of level three trauma care capabilities in
requirements for medical centers.
Sec. 713. Centers of excellence for specialty care in military health
Sec. 714. Maintenance of Core Casualty Receiving Facilities to improve
medical force readiness.
Sec. 715. Congressional notification requirement to modify scope of
services provided at military medical
treatment facilities.
Sec. 716. Improvements to processes to reduce financial harm caused to
civilians for care provided at military
medical treatment facilities.
Sec. 717. Authority to carry out studies and demonstration projects
relating to delivery of health and medical
care through use of other transaction
Sec. 718. Licensure requirement for certain health-care professionals
providing services as part of mission
relating to emergency, humanitarian, or
refugee assistance.
Sec. 719. Authorization of permanent program to improve opioid
management in the military health system.
Sec. 720. Modification of requirement to transfer research and
development and public health functions to
Defense Health Agency.
Sec. 721. Access to certain dependent medical records by remarried
former spouses.
Sec. 722. Authority for Department of Defense program to promote early
literacy among certain young children.
Sec. 723. Plan for Accountable Care Organization demonstration.
Sec. 724. Feasibility study and plan on establishing a Military Health
System Medical Logistics Directorate and
Military Health System Education and
Training Directorate.
Subtitle C--Reports and Other Matters
Sec. 731. Briefing and report on reduction or realignment of military
medical manning and medical billets.
Sec. 732. Independent analysis of Department of Defense Comprehensive
Autism Care Demonstration program.
Sec. 733. Clarification of membership requirements and compensation
authority for independent suicide
prevention and response review committee.
Sec. 734. Termination of veterans' advisory board on radiation dose
Sec. 735. Brain health initiative of Department of Defense.
Sec. 736. Establishment of partnership program between United States
and Ukraine for military trauma care and
Sec. 737. Improvements relating to behavioral health care available
under military health system.
Sec. 738. Certification program in provision of mental health services
to members of the Armed Forces and military
Sec. 739. Standardization of policies relating to service in Armed
Forces by individuals diagnosed with HBV.
Sec. 740. Suicide cluster: standardized definition for use by
Department of Defense; congressional
Sec. 741. Limitation on reduction of military medical manning end
strength: certification requirement and
other reforms.
Sec. 742. Feasibility study on establishment of Department of Defense
internship programs relating to civilian
behavioral health providers.
Sec. 743. Updates to prior feasibility studies on establishment of new
command on defense health.
Sec. 744. Capability assessment and action plan with respect to effects
of exposure to open burn pits and other
environmental hazards.
Sec. 745. Kyle Mullen Navy SEAL medical training review.
Sec. 746. Reports on composition of medical personnel of each military
department and related matters.
Sec. 747. Report on effects of low recruitment and retention on
operational tempo and physical and mental
health of members of the Armed Forces.
Sec. 748. Guidance for addressing healthy relationships and intimate
partner violence through TRICARE Program.
Sec. 749. Briefing on suicide prevention reforms for members of the
Armed Forces.
Subtitle A--Acquisition Policy and Management
Sec. 801. Writing award to encourage curiosity and persistence in
overcoming obstacles in acquisition.
Sec. 802. Task and delivery order contracting for architectural and
engineering services.
Sec. 803. Data requirements for commercial products for major weapon
Sec. 804. Revision of authority for procedures to allow rapid
acquisition and deployment of capabilities
needed under specified high-priority
Sec. 805. Treatment of certain clauses implementing Executive orders.
Sec. 806. Life cycle management and product support.
Sec. 807. Amendments to contractor employee protections from reprisal
for disclosure of certain information.
Sec. 808. Use of fixed-price type contracts for certain major defense
acquisition programs.
Sec. 809. Acquisition reporting system.
Subtitle B--Amendments to General Contracting Authorities, Procedures,
and Limitations
Sec. 811. Inclusion in budget justification materials of enhanced
reporting on proposed cancellations and
modifications to multiyear contracts.
Sec. 812. Comptroller General assessment of acquisition programs and
related efforts.
Sec. 813. Extension of Defense Modernization Account authority.
Sec. 814. Clarification to fixed-price incentive contract references.
Sec. 815. Modification of reporting requirement in connection with
requests for multiyear procurement
authority for large defense acquisitions.
Sec. 816. Modification of provision relating to determination of
certain activities with unusually hazardous
Sec. 817. Modification to prohibition on operation or procurement of
foreign-made unmanned aircraft systems.
Sec. 818. Extension of pilot program to accelerate contracting and
pricing processes.
Sec. 819. Extension of pilot program for distribution support and
services for weapons systems contractors.
Sec. 820. Extension and modification of Never Contract with the Enemy.
Sec. 821. Repeal of requirement for Inspector General of the Department
of Defense to conduct certain reviews.
Sec. 822. Modification of contracts to provide extraordinary relief due
to inflation impacts.
Subtitle C--Provisions Relating to Acquisition Workforce
Sec. 831. Key experiences and enhanced pay authority for acquisition
workforce excellence.
Sec. 832. Defense Acquisition University reforms.
Sec. 833. Modifications to Defense Civilian Training Corps.
Sec. 834. Acquisition workforce incentives relating to training on, and
agreements with, certain start-up
Sec. 835. Curricula on software acquisitions and cybersecurity software
or hardware acquisitions for covered
Sec. 836. Department of Defense national imperative for industrial
skills program.
Subtitle D--Provisions Relating to Software and Technology
Sec. 841. Guidelines and resources on the acquisition or licensing of
intellectual property.
Sec. 842. Modification of authority of the Department of Defense to
carry out certain prototype projects.
Sec. 843. Other transaction authority clarification.
Sec. 844. Prizes for advanced technology achievements.
Sec. 845. Congressional notification for pilot program to accelerate
the procurement and fielding of innovative
Sec. 846. Report on software delivery times.
Subtitle E--Industrial Base Matters
Sec. 851. Modification to the national technology and industrial base.
Sec. 852. Modification to miscellaneous limitations on the procurement
of goods other than United States goods.
Sec. 853. Requirements for the procurement of certain components for
certain naval vessels and auxiliary ships.
Sec. 854. Modifications to the procurement technical assistance
Sec. 855. Codification of prohibition on certain procurements from the
Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.
Sec. 856. Codification of the Department of Defense Mentor-Protege
Sec. 857. Procurement requirements relating to rare earth elements and
strategic and critical materials.
Sec. 858. Analyses of certain activities for action to address sourcing
and industrial capacity.
Sec. 859. Demonstration exercise of enhanced planning for industrial
mobilization and supply chain management.
Sec. 860. Risk management for Department of Defense pharmaceutical
supply chains.
Sec. 861. Strategy for increasing competitive opportunities for certain
critical technologies.
Sec. 862. Key advanced system development industry days.
Subtitle F--Small Business Matters
Sec. 871. Codification of Small Business Administration scorecard.
Sec. 872. Modifications to the SBIR and STTR programs.
Sec. 873. Access to data on bundled or consolidated contracts.
Sec. 874. Small business integration working group.
Sec. 875. Demonstration of commercial due diligence for small business
Sec. 876. Development and assessment of mission effectiveness metrics.
Subtitle G--Other Matters
Sec. 881. Technical correction to effective date of the transfer of
certain title 10 acquisition provisions.
Sec. 882. Security clearance bridge pilot program.
Sec. 883. Existing agreement limits for Operation Warp Speed.
Sec. 884. Incorporation of controlled unclassified information guidance
into program classification guides and
program protection plans.
Subtitle A--Office of the Secretary of Defense and Related Matters
Sec. 901. Increase in authorized number of Assistant and Deputy
Assistant Secretaries of Defense.
Sec. 902. Conforming amendments relating to repeal of position of Chief
Management Officer.
Sec. 903. Limitation on use of funds pending demonstration of product
to identify, task, and manage congressional
reporting requirements.
Sec. 904. Limitation on use of funds pending compliance with
requirements relating to alignment of Close
Combat Lethality Task Force.
Subtitle B--Other Department of Defense Organization and Management
Sec. 911. Updates to management reform framework.
Sec. 912. Briefing on changes to Unified Command Plan.
Sec. 913. Clarification of peacetime functions of the Navy.
Sec. 914. Responsibilities and functions relating to electromagnetic
spectrum operations.
Sec. 915. Joint all domain command and control.
Sec. 916. Strategic management dashboard demonstration.
Sec. 917. Demonstration program for component content management
Sec. 918. Report on potential transition of all members of the Space
Force into a single component.
Subtitle A--Financial Matters
Sec. 1001. General transfer authority.
Sec. 1002. Sense of Congress relating to the corrective action plans
review process.
Sec. 1003. Annual reports on budgetary effects of inflation.
Subtitle B--Counterdrug Activities
Sec. 1011. Extension of authority to support a unified counterdrug and
counterterrorism campaign in Colombia.
Subtitle C--Naval Vessels and Shipyards
Sec. 1021. Modification to annual naval vessel construction plan.
Sec. 1022. Navy consultation with Marine Corps on major decisions
directly concerning Marine Corps amphibious
force structure and capability.
Sec. 1023. Amphibious warship force structure.
Sec. 1024. Modification to limitation on decommissioning or
inactivating battle force ships before end
of expected service life.
Sec. 1025. Amphibious warfare ship assessment and requirements.
Sec. 1026. Battle force ship employment, maintenance, and manning
baseline plans.
Sec. 1027. Withholding of certain information about sunken military
Sec. 1028. Business case analyses on disposition of certain Government-
owned dry-docks.
Sec. 1029. Prohibition on retirement of certain naval vessels.
Subtitle D--Counterterrorism
Sec. 1031. Extension of prohibition on use of funds for transfer or
release of individuals detained at United
States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba,
to the United States.
Sec. 1032. Extension of prohibition on use of funds to construct or
modify facilities in the United States to
house detainees transferred from United
States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Sec. 1033. Modification and extension of prohibition on use of funds
for transfer or release of individuals
detained at United States Naval Station,
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to certain countries.
Sec. 1034. Extension of prohibition on use of funds to close or
relinquish control of United States Naval
Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Subtitle E--Miscellaneous Authorities and Limitations
Sec. 1041. Submission of national defense strategy in classified and
unclassified form.
Sec. 1042. Department of Defense support for funerals and memorial
events for Members and former Members of
Sec. 1043. Modification of authority for humanitarian demining
assistance and stockpiled conventional
munitions assistance.
Sec. 1044. Modification of provisions relating to anomalous health
Sec. 1045. Security clearances for recently separated members of the
Armed Forces and civilian employees of the
Department of Defense.
Sec. 1046. Integrated and authenticated access to Department of Defense
systems for certain congressional staff for
oversight purposes.
Sec. 1047. Introduction of entities in transactions critical to
national security.
Sec. 1048. Joint training pipeline between United States Navy and Royal
Australian Navy.
Sec. 1049. Standardization of sectional barge construction for
Department of Defense use on rivers and
intercoastal waterways.
Sec. 1050. Department of Defense support for recently enacted
Subtitle F--Studies and Reports
Sec. 1051. Modification of annual report on unfunded priorities.
Sec. 1052. Congressional notification of military information support
operations in the information environment.
Sec. 1053. Modification and continuation of reporting requirement
relating to humanitarian assistance.
Sec. 1054. Briefing on Global Force Management Allocation Plan.
Sec. 1055. Report and budget details regarding Operation Spartan
Sec. 1056. Annual report on civilian casualties in connection with
United States military operations.
Sec. 1057. Extension of certain reporting deadlines.
Sec. 1058. Extension and modification of reporting requirement
regarding enhancement of information
sharing and coordination of military
training between Department of Homeland
Security and Department of Defense.
Sec. 1059. Continuation of requirement for annual report on National
Guard and reserve component equipment.
Sec. 1060. Modification of authority of Secretary of Defense to
transfer excess aircraft to other
departments of the Federal Government and
authority to transfer excess aircraft to
Sec. 1061. Combatant command risk assessment for airborne intelligence,
surveillance, and reconnaissance.
Sec. 1062. Study on military training routes and special use air space
near wind turbines.
Sec. 1063. Annual reports on safety upgrades to the high mobility
multipurpose wheeled vehicle fleets.
Sec. 1064. Department of Defense delays in providing comments on
Government Accountability Office reports.
Sec. 1065. Justification for transfer or elimination of certain flying
Sec. 1066. Reports on United States military force presence in Europe.
Sec. 1067. Report on Department of Defense practices regarding
distinction between combatants and
civilians in United States military
Sec. 1068. Report on strategy and improvement of community engagement
efforts of Armed Forces in Hawaii.
Sec. 1069. Report on Department of Defense military capabilities in the
Sec. 1070. Quarterly briefings on Department of Defense support for
civil authorities to address immigration at
the southwest border.
Sec. 1071. Annual report on procurement of equipment by State and local
governments through the Department of
Sec. 1072. Briefing on financial oversight of certain educational
institutions receiving Department of
Defense funds.
Sec. 1073. Report on effects of certain ethics requirements on
Department of Defense hiring, retention,
and operations.
Sec. 1074. Joint Concept for Competing.
Sec. 1075. Analysis of feasibility and advisability of relocating major
units of the United States Armed Forces to
certain European countries.
Sec. 1076. Report on effects of strategic competitor naval facilities
in Africa.
Subtitle G--Other Matters
Sec. 1081. Technical and conforming amendments.
Sec. 1082. Department of Defense Civilian Protection Center of
Sec. 1083. Ronald V. Dellums Memorial Fellowship in STEM.
Sec. 1084. Amendment to memorial for members of the Armed Forces killed
in attack on Hamid Karzai International
Sec. 1085. Public availability of cost of certain military operations.
Sec. 1086. Combating military reliance on Russian energy.
Sec. 1087. Establishment of joint force headquarters in area of
operations of United States Indo-Pacific
Sec. 1088. National tabletop exercise.
Sec. 1089. Personnel supporting the Office of the Assistant Secretary
of Defense for Special Operations and Low
Intensity Conflict.
Sec. 1090. Sense of Congress on redesignation of the Africa Center for
Strategic Studies as the James M. Inhofe
Center for Africa Strategic Studies.
Sec. 1091. Integration of electronic warfare into Tier 1 and Tier 2
joint training exercises.
Sec. 1092. National Commission on the Future of the Navy.
Sec. 1093. Dynamic airspace pilot program.
Sec. 1101. Restricted reporting option for Department of Defense
civilian employees choosing to report
experiencing adult sexual assault.
Sec. 1102. Modification and extension of authority to waive annual
limitation on premium pay and aggregate
limitation on pay for Federal civilian
employees working overseas.
Sec. 1103. One-year extension of temporary authority to grant
allowances, benefits, and gratuities to
civilian personnel on official duty in a
combat zone.
Sec. 1104. Standardized credentials for law enforcement officers of the
Department of Defense.
Sec. 1105. Temporary extension of authority to provide security for
former Department of Defense officials.
Sec. 1106. Enhanced pay authority for certain research and technology
positions in science and technology
reinvention laboratories.
Sec. 1107. Flexible workplace programs.
Sec. 1108. Eligibility of Department of Defense employees in time-
limited appointments to compete for
permanent appointments.
Sec. 1109. Modification to personnel management authority to attract
experts in science and engineering.
Sec. 1110. Modification and extension of pilot program on dynamic
shaping of the workforce to improve the
technical skills and expertise at certain
department of defense laboratories.
Sec. 1111. Modification of temporary expansion of authority for
noncompetitive appointments of military
spouses by federal agencies.
Sec. 1112. Modification to pilot program for the temporary assignment
of cyber and information technology
personnel to private sector organizations.
Subtitle A--Assistance and Training
Sec. 1201. Payment of personnel expenses necessary for participation
in training program conducted by Colombia
under the United States-Colombia Action
Plan for Regional Security.
Sec. 1202. Modifications to Reports on Security Cooperation.
Sec. 1203. Modification of authority for participation in
multinational centers of excellence.
Sec. 1204. Modification of existing authorities to provide for an
Irregular Warfare Center and a Regional
Defense Fellowship Program.
Sec. 1205. Modification to authority to provide support for conduct of
Sec. 1206. Extension and modification of authority for reimbursement
of certain coalition nations for support
provided to United States military
Sec. 1207. Modification and extension of authority to support border
security operations of certain foreign
Sec. 1208. Security cooperation programs with foreign partners to
advance women, peace, and security.
Sec. 1209. Review of implementation of prohibition on use of funds for
assistance to units of foreign security
forces that have committed a gross
violation of human rights.
Sec. 1210. Independent assessment of United States efforts to train,
advise, assist, and equip the military
forces of Somalia.
Sec. 1211. Security cooperation activities at Counter-UAS University.
Sec. 1212. Defense Operational Resilience International Cooperation
Pilot Program.
Subtitle B--Matters Relating to Afghanistan and Pakistan
Sec. 1221. Extension of authority for certain payments to redress
injury and loss.
Sec. 1222. Additional matters for inclusion in reports on oversight in
Sec. 1223. Prohibition on transporting currency to the Taliban and the
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
Subtitle C--Matters Relating to Syria, Iraq, and Iran
Sec. 1231. Modification of annual report on the military capabilities
of Iran and related activities.
Sec. 1232. Extension of authority to support operations and activities
of the Office of Security Cooperation in
Sec. 1233. Extension of authority to provide assistance to vetted
Syrian groups and individuals.
Sec. 1234. Extension and modification of authority to provide
assistance to counter the Islamic State of
Iraq and Syria.
Sec. 1235. Prohibition on transfers to Iran.
Sec. 1236. Report on Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-affiliated
operatives abroad.
Sec. 1237. Assessment of support to Iraqi Security Forces and Kurdish
Peshmerga Forces to counter air and missile
Sec. 1238. Interagency strategy to disrupt and dismantle narcotics
production and trafficking and affiliated
networks linked to the regime of Bashar al-
Assad in Syria.
Sec. 1239. Prohibition on transfers to Badr Organization.
Sec. 1240. Report on United Nations arms embargo on Iran.
Subtitle D--Matters Relating to Russia
Sec. 1241. Modification and extension of Ukraine Security Assistance
Sec. 1242. Extension of limitation on military cooperation between the
United States and Russia.
Sec. 1243. Modification to annual report on military and security
developments involving the Russian
Sec. 1244. Temporary authorizations related to Ukraine and other
Sec. 1245. Prohibition on availability of funds relating to
sovereignty of the Russian Federation over
internationally recognized territory of
Sec. 1246. Report on Department of Defense plan for the provision of
short and medium-term security assistance
to Ukraine.
Sec. 1247. Oversight of United States assistance to Ukraine.
Subtitle E--Matters Relating to the Indo-Pacific Region
Sec. 1251. Modification to annual report on military and security
developments involving the People's
Republic of China.
Sec. 1252. Modification of Indo-Pacific Maritime Security Initiative
to authorize use of funds for the Coast
Sec. 1253. Modification of prohibition on participation of the
People's Republic of China in rim of the
Pacific (RIMPAC) naval exercises to include
cessation of genocide by China.
Sec. 1254. Extension and modification of Pacific Deterrence
Sec. 1255. Extension of authority to transfer funds for Bien Hoa
dioxin cleanup.
Sec. 1256. Enhanced indications and warning for deterrence and
Sec. 1257. Prohibition on use of funds to support entertainment
projects with ties to the Government of the
People's Republic of China.
Sec. 1258. Reporting on institutions of higher education domiciled in
the People's Republic of China that provide
support to the People's Liberation Army.
Sec. 1259. Review of port and port-related infrastructure purchases
and investments made by the Government of
the People's Republic of China and entities
directed or backed by the Government of the
People's Republic of China.
Sec. 1260. Enhancing major defense partnership with India.
Sec. 1261. Pilot program to develop young civilian defense leaders in
the Indo-Pacific region.
Sec. 1262. Report on bilateral agreements supporting United States
military posture in the Indo-Pacific
Sec. 1263. Statement of policy on Taiwan.
Sec. 1264. Sense of congress on joint exercises with Taiwan.
Sec. 1265. Sense of Congress on defense alliances and partnerships in
the Indo-Pacific region.
Subtitle F--Other Matters
Sec. 1271. North Atlantic Treaty Organization Special Operations
Sec. 1272. Sense of Congress on NATO and United States defense posture
in Europe.
Sec. 1273. Report on Fifth Fleet capabilities upgrades.
Sec. 1274. Report on use of social media by foreign terrorist
Sec. 1275. Report and feasibility study on collaboration to meet
shared national security interests in East
Sec. 1276. Assessment of challenges to implementation of the
partnership among Australia, the United
Kingdom, and the United States.
Sec. 1277. Modification and extension of United States-Israel
cooperation to counter unmanned aerial
Sec. 1278. Sense of Congress and briefing on multinational force and
Sec. 1279. Briefing on Department of Defense program to protect United
States students against foreign agents.
Subtitle A--Military Programs
Sec. 1401. Working capital funds.
Sec. 1402. Chemical agents and munitions destruction, defense.
Sec. 1403. Drug interdiction and counter-drug activities, defense-wide.
Sec. 1404. Defense Inspector General.
Sec. 1405. Defense health program.
Subtitle B--National Defense Stockpile
Sec. 1411. Reform of the Strategic and Critical Materials Stock Piling
Sec. 1412. Modification of acquisition authority under Strategic and
Critical Materials Stock Piling Act.
Sec. 1413. Briefings on shortfalls in National Defense Stockpile.
Sec. 1414. Authority to acquire materials for the National Defense
Sec. 1415. Department of Defense readiness to support prolonged
Subtitle C--Other Matters
Sec. 1421. Authority for transfer of funds to joint Department of
Defense-Department of Veterans Affairs
Medical Facility Demonstration Fund for
Captain James A. Lovell Health Care Center,
Sec. 1422. Authorization of appropriations for Armed Forces Retirement
Subtitle A--Cyber Matters
Sec. 1501. Improvements to Principal Cyber Advisors.
Sec. 1502. Annual reports on support by military departments for United
States Cyber Command.
Sec. 1503. Modification of office of primary responsibility for
strategic cybersecurity program.
Sec. 1504. Tailored cyberspace operations organizations.
Sec. 1505. Establishment of support center for consortium of
universities that advise Secretary of
Defense on cybersecurity matters.
Sec. 1506. Alignment of Department of Defense cyber international
strategy with National Defense Strategy and
Department of Defense Cyber Strategy.
Sec. 1507. Enhancement of cyberspace training and security cooperation.
Sec. 1508. Military Cybersecurity Cooperation with Hashemite Kingdom of
Sec. 1509. Management and oversight of Joint Cyber Warfighting
Sec. 1510. Integrated non-kinetic force development.
Sec. 1511. Protection of critical infrastructure.
Sec. 1512. Budget display for cryptographic modernization activities
for certain systems of the Department of
Sec. 1513. Establishing projects for data management, artificial
intelligence, and digital solutions.
Sec. 1514. Operational testing for commercial cybersecurity
Subtitle B--Information Operations
Sec. 1521. Requirement to notify Chief of Mission of military operation
in the information environment.
Sec. 1522. Assessment and optimization of Department of Defense
information and influence operations
conducted through cyberspace.
Sec. 1523. Joint information operations course.
Sec. 1524. Limitation on availability of certain funds until submission
of joint lexicon for terms related to
information operations.
Sec. 1525. Limitation on availability of funds pending submittal of
information operations strategy and posture
Sec. 1526. Limitation on availability of certain funds until submission
of assessments relating to cybersecurity of
the defense industrial base.
Subtitle C--Personnel
Sec. 1531. Cyber operations-peculiar awards.
Sec. 1532. Establishment of Cyber Operations Designator and rating for
the Navy.
Sec. 1533. Total force generation for the Cyberspace Operations Forces.
Sec. 1534. Correcting cyber mission force readiness shortfalls.
Sec. 1535. Department of Defense Cyber and Digital Service Academy.
Sec. 1536. Report on recommendations from Navy Civilian Career Path
Sec. 1537. Study to determine optimal strategy for structuring and
manning elements of Joint Force
Headquarters-Cyber Organizations, Joint
Mission Operations Centers, and Cyber
Operations-Integrated Planning Elements.
Sec. 1538. Manning review of Space Force cyber squadrons.
Sec. 1539. Independent review of posture and staffing levels of Office
of the Chief Information Officer.
Sec. 1540. Independent assessment of Civilian Cybersecurity Reserve for
Department of Defense.
Sec. 1541. Comprehensive review of Cyber Excepted Service.
Subtitle D--Reports and Other Matters
Sec. 1551. Pilot program for sharing cyber capabilities and related
information with foreign operational
Sec. 1552. Demonstration program for cyber and information technology
budget data analytics.
Sec. 1553. Plan for commercial cloud test and evaluation.
Sec. 1554. Roadmap and implementation plan for cyber adoption of
artificial intelligence.
Sec. 1555. Review of Department of Defense implementation of
recommendations from Defense Science Board
cyber report.
Sec. 1556. Annual briefing on relationship between National Security
Agency and United States Cyber Command.
Sec. 1557. Review of definitions associated with Cyberspace Operations
Sec. 1558. Annual assessments and reports on assignment of certain
budget control responsibility to Commander
of United States Cyber Command.
Sec. 1559. Assessments of weapons systems vulnerabilities to radio-
frequency enabled cyber attacks.
Sec. 1560. Briefing on Department of Defense plan to deter and counter
adversaries in the information environment.
Subtitle A--Space Activities
Sec. 1601. Requirements for protection of satellites.
Sec. 1602. Strategy on protection of satellites.
Sec. 1603. Modification of reports on integration of acquisition and
capability delivery schedules for segments
of major satellite acquisitions programs
and funding for such programs.
Sec. 1604. Tactically responsive space capability.
Sec. 1605. Extension of annual report on Space Command and Control.
Sec. 1606. Allied responsive space capabilities.
Sec. 1607. Applied research and educational activities to support space
technology development.
Sec. 1608. Review of Space Development Agency exemption from Joint
Capabilities Integration and Development
Sec. 1609. Update to plan to manage Integrated Tactical Warning and
Attack Assessment System and multi-domain
Sec. 1610. Report on space debris.
Subtitle B--Defense Intelligence and Intelligence-Related Activities
Sec. 1621. Congressional oversight of clandestine activities that
support operational preparation of the
Subtitle C--Nuclear Forces
Sec. 1631. Biannual briefing on nuclear weapons and related activities.
Sec. 1632. Industrial base monitoring for B-21 and Sentinel programs.
Sec. 1633. Improvements to Nuclear Weapons Council.
Sec. 1634. Portfolio management framework for nuclear forces.
Sec. 1635. Extension of requirement to report on nuclear weapons
Sec. 1636. Modification and extension of annual assessment of cyber
resilience of nuclear command and control
Sec. 1637. Modification of reports on Nuclear Posture Review
Sec. 1638. Establishment of intercontinental ballistic missile site
activation task force for Sentinel program.
Sec. 1639. Prohibition on reduction of the intercontinental ballistic
missiles of the United States.
Sec. 1640. Plan for development of reentry vehicles.
Sec. 1641. Treatment of nuclear modernization and hypersonic missile
programs within Defense Priorities and
Allocations System.
Sec. 1642. Matters relating to nuclear-capable sea-launched cruise
Subtitle D--Missile Defense Programs
Sec. 1651. Biannual briefing on missile defense and related activities.
Sec. 1652. Improvements to acquisition accountability reports on the
ballistic missile defense system.
Sec. 1653. Making permanent prohibitions relating to missile defense
information and systems.
Sec. 1654. Next generation interceptors for missile defense of United
States homeland.
Sec. 1655. Termination of requirement to transition ballistic missile
defense programs to the military
Sec. 1656. Persistent cybersecurity operations for ballistic missile
defense systems and networks.
Sec. 1657. Fire control architectures.
Sec. 1658. Middle East integrated air and missile defense.
Sec. 1659. Iron Dome short-range rocket defense system and Israeli
cooperative missile defense program co-
development and co-production.
Sec. 1660. Integrated air and missile defense architecture for defense
of Guam.
Sec. 1661. Limitation on availability of certain funds until submission
of report on implementation of the cruise
missile defense architecture for the
Sec. 1662. Strategy to use asymmetric capabilities to defeat hypersonic
missile threats.
Sec. 1663. Plan on delivering Shared Early Warning System data to
certain allies and partners of the United
Sec. 1664. Reports on ground-based interceptors.
Sec. 1665. Report on missile defense interceptor site in contiguous
United States.
Subtitle E--Other Matters
Sec. 1671. Cooperative threat reduction funds.
Sec. 1672. Department of Defense support for requirements of the White
House Military Office.
Sec. 1673. Unidentified anomalous phenomena reporting procedures.
Sec. 1674. Study of weapons programs that allow Armed Forces to address
hard and deeply buried targets.
Sec. 1701. Annual report on industrial base constraints for munitions.
Sec. 1702. Modification to Special Defense Acquisition Fund.
Sec. 1703. Quarterly briefings on replenishment and revitalization of
weapons provided to Ukraine.
Sec. 1704. Assessment of requirements and acquisition objectives for
Patriot air and missile defense battalions.
Sec. 1705. Independent assessment of department of defense capability
and capacity needs for munitions production
and stockpiling.
Sec. 2001. Short title.
Sec. 2002. Expiration of authorizations and amounts required to be
specified by law.
Sec. 2803. Effective date and automatic execution of conforming changes
to tables of sections, tables of contents,
and similar tabular entries.
Sec. 2101. Authorized Army construction and land acquisition projects.
Sec. 2102. Family housing.
Sec. 2103. Authorization of appropriations, Army.
Sec. 2104. Demolition of District of Columbia Fort McNair Quarters 4,
13, and 15.
Sec. 2105. Modification of authority to carry out fiscal year 2019
project at Camp Tango, Korea.
Sec. 2106. Extension and modification of authority to carry out certain
fiscal year 2018 projects.
Sec. 2201. Authorized Navy construction and land acquisition projects.
Sec. 2202. Family housing.
Sec. 2203. Authorization of appropriations, Navy.
Sec. 2204. Extension of authority to carry out certain fiscal year 2018
Sec. 2205. Transfer of customers from Navy electrical utility system at
former Naval Air Station Barber's Point,
Hawaii, to new electrical system in
Kalaeloa, Hawaii.
Sec. 2301. Authorized Air Force construction and land acquisition
Sec. 2302. Family housing.
Sec. 2303. Authorization of appropriations, Air Force.
Sec. 2304. Extension of authority to carry out certain fiscal year 2018
Sec. 2305. Modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal year
2021 project.
Sec. 2306. Modification of authority to carry out certain military
construction projects at Tyndall Air Force
Base, Florida.
Sec. 2401. Authorized Defense Agencies construction and land
acquisition projects.
Sec. 2402. Authorized energy resilience and conservation investment
program projects.
Sec. 2403. Authorization of appropriations, defense agencies.
Sec. 2404. Extension of authority to carry out certain fiscal year 2018
Subtitle A--North Atlantic Treaty Organization Security Investment
Sec. 2501. Authorized NATO construction and land acquisition projects.
Sec. 2502. Authorization of appropriations, NATO.
Subtitle B--Host Country In-Kind Contributions
Sec. 2511. Republic of Korea funded construction projects.
Sec. 2512. Repeal of authorized approach to certain construction
Sec. 2601. Authorized Army National Guard construction and land
acquisition projects.
Sec. 2602. Authorized Army Reserve construction and land acquisition
Sec. 2603. Authorized Navy Reserve and Marine Corps Reserve
construction and land acquisition projects.
Sec. 2604. Authorized Air National Guard construction and land
acquisition projects.
Sec. 2605. Authorized Air Force Reserve construction and land
acquisition projects.
Sec. 2606. Authorization of appropriations, National Guard and Reserve.
Sec. 2607. Corrections to authority to carry out certain fiscal year
2022 projects.
Sec. 2608. Extension of authority to carry out certain fiscal year 2018
Sec. 2701. Authorization of appropriations for base realignment and
closure activities funded through
Department of Defense Base Closure Account.
Sec. 2702. Authorization to fund certain demolition and removal
activities through Department of Defense
Base Closure Account.
Sec. 2703. Prohibition on conducting additional base realignment and
closure (BRAC) round.
Subtitle A--Military Construction Program
Sec. 2801. Temporary increase of amounts in connection with authority
to carry out unspecified minor military
Sec. 2802. Modification of annual locality adjustment of dollar
thresholds applicable to unspecified minor
military construction authorities.
Sec. 2803. Permanent authority for defense laboratory modernization
Sec. 2804. Elimination of sunset of authority to conduct unspecified
minor military construction for lab
Sec. 2805. Military construction projects for innovation, research,
development, test, and evaluation.
Sec. 2806. Supervision of large military construction projects.
Sec. 2807. Specification of Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy,
Installations, and Environment as Chief
Housing Officer.
Sec. 2808. Clarification of exceptions to limitations on cost
variations for military construction
projects and military family housing
Sec. 2809. Use of operation and maintenance funds for certain
construction projects outside the United
Sec. 2810. Consideration of installation of integrated solar roofing to
improve energy resiliency of military
Sec. 2811. Revision of Unified Facilities Guide Specifications and
Unified Facilities Criteria to include
specifications on use of gas insulated
switchgear and criteria and specifications
on microgrids and microgrid converters.
Sec. 2812. Determination and notification relating to Executive orders
that impact cost and scope of work of
military construction projects.
Sec. 2813. Requirement for inclusion of Department of Defense Forms
1391 with annual budget submission by
Sec. 2814. Use of integrated project delivery contracts.
Subtitle B--Military Housing Reforms
Sec. 2821. Standardization of military installation Housing
Requirements and Market Analyses.
Sec. 2822. Notice requirement for MHPI ground lease extensions.
Sec. 2823. Annual briefings on military housing privatization projects.
Sec. 2824. Mold inspection of vacant housing units.
Sec. 2825. Implementation of recommendations from audit of medical
conditions of residents in privatized
military housing.
Subtitle C--Real Property and Facilities Administration
Sec. 2831. Authorized land and facilities transfer to support contracts
with federally funded research and
development centers.
Sec. 2832. Limitation on use of funds pending completion of military
installation resilience component of master
plans for at-risk major military
Sec. 2833. Physical entrances to certain military installations.
Subtitle D--Land Conveyances
Sec. 2841. Extension of time frame for land conveyance, Sharpe Army
Depot, Lathrop, California.
Sec. 2842. Land conveyance, Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina.
Sec. 2843. Land conveyance, Naval Air Station Oceana, Dam Neck Annex,
Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Sec. 2844. Land exchange, Marine Reserve Training Center, Omaha,
Sec. 2845. Land Conveyance, Starkville, Mississippi.
Subtitle E--Miscellaneous Studies and Reports
Sec. 2851. Study on practices with respect to development of military
construction projects.
Sec. 2852. Report on capacity of Department of Defense to provide
survivors of natural disasters with
emergency short-term housing.
Sec. 2853. Reporting on lead service lines and lead plumbing.
Sec. 2854. Briefing on attempts to acquire land near United States
military installations by the People's
Republic of China.
Subtitle F--Other Matters
Sec. 2861. Required consultation with State and local entities for
notifications related to the basing
decision-making process.
Sec. 2862. Inclusion in Defense Community Infrastructure Pilot Program
of certain projects for ROTC training.
Sec. 2863. Inclusion of infrastructure improvements identified in the
report on strategic seaports in Defense
Community Infrastructure Pilot Program.
Sec. 2864. Inclusion of certain property for purposes of defense
community infrastructure pilot program.
Sec. 2865. Expansion of pilot program on increased use of sustainable
building materials in military construction
to include locations throughout the United
Sec. 2866. Basing decision scorecard consistency and transparency.
Sec. 2867. Temporary authority for acceptance and use of funds for
certain construction projects in the
Republic of Korea.
Sec. 2868. Repeal of requirement for Interagency Coordination Group of
Inspectors General for Guam Realignment.
Sec. 2869. Lease or use agreement for category 3 subterranean training
Sec. 2870. Limitation on use of funds for closure of combat readiness
training centers.
Sec. 2871. Required investments in improving child development centers.
Sec. 2872. Interagency Regional Coordinator for Resilience Pilot
Sec. 2873. Access to military installations for Homeland Security
Investigations personnel in Guam.
Sec. 2874. Prohibition on joint use of Homestead Air Reserve Base with
civil aviation.
Sec. 2875. Electrical charging capability construction requirements
relating to parking for Federal Government
motor vehicles.
Subtitle A--Fallon Range Training Complex
Sec. 2901. Military land withdrawal for Fallon Range Training Complex.
Sec. 2902. Numu Newe Special Management Area.
Sec. 2903. National conservation areas.
Sec. 2904. Collaboration with State and county.
Sec. 2905. Wilderness areas in Churchill County, Nevada.
Sec. 2906. Release of wilderness study areas.
Sec. 2907. Land conveyances and exchanges.
Sec. 2908. Checkerboard resolution.
Subtitle B--Lander County Economic Development and Conservation
Sec. 2911. Definitions.
Part I--Lander County Public Purpose Land Conveyances
Sec. 2921. Definitions.
Sec. 2922. Conveyances to Lander County, Nevada.
Part II--Lander County Wilderness Areas
Sec. 2931. Definitions.
Sec. 2932. Designation of wilderness areas.
Sec. 2933. Release of wilderness study areas.
Subtitle A--National Security Programs and Authorizations
Sec. 3101. National Nuclear Security Administration.
Sec. 3102. Defense environmental cleanup.
Sec. 3103. Other defense activities.
Sec. 3104. Nuclear energy.
Subtitle B--Program Authorizations, Restrictions, and Limitations
Sec. 3111. Requirements for specific request for new or modified
nuclear weapons.
Sec. 3112. Modifications to long-term plan for meeting national
security requirements for unencumbered
Sec. 3113. Modification of minor construction threshold for plant
Sec. 3114. Update to plan for deactivation and decommissioning of
nonoperational defense nuclear facilities.
Sec. 3115. Use of alternative technologies to eliminate proliferation
threats at vulnerable sites.
Sec. 3116. Unavailability for overhead costs of amounts specified for
laboratory-directed research and
Sec. 3117. Workforce enhancement for National Nuclear Security
Sec. 3118. Modification of cost baselines for certain projects.
Sec. 3119. Purchase of real property options.
Sec. 3120. Prohibition on availability of funds to reconvert or retire
W76-2 warheads.
Sec. 3121. Acceleration of depleted uranium manufacturing processes.
Sec. 3122. Assistance by the National Nuclear Security Administration
to the Air Force for the development of the
Mark 21A fuse.
Sec. 3123. Determination of standardized indirect cost elements.
Sec. 3124. Certification of completion of milestones with respect to
plutonium pit aging.
Sec. 3125. National Nuclear Security Administration facility advanced
manufacturing development.
Sec. 3126. Authorization of workforce development and training
partnership programs within National
Nuclear Security Administration.
Subtitle C--Reports and Other Matters
Sec. 3131. Modification to certain reporting requirements.
Sec. 3132. Repeal of obsolete provisions of the Atomic Energy Defense
Act and other provisions.
Sec. 3201. Authorization.
Sec. 3202. Continuation of functions and powers during loss of quorum.
Sec. 3401. Authorization of appropriations.
Subtitle A--Maritime Administration
Sec. 3501. Authorization of appropriations for the Maritime
Sec. 3502. Secretary of Transportation responsibility with respect to
cargoes procured, furnished, or financed by
other Federal departments and agencies.
Subtitle B--Merchant Marine Academy
Sec. 3511. Exemption of certain students from requirement to obtain
merchant mariner license.
Sec. 3512. Board of Visitors.
Sec. 3513. Protection of cadets from sexual assault onboard vessels.
Sec. 3514. Service academy faculty parity of use of United States
Government works.
Sec. 3515. Reports on matters relating to the United States Merchant
Marine Academy.
Sec. 3516. Study on Capital Improvement Program at the USMMA.
Sec. 3517. Requirements relating to training of Merchant Marine Academy
cadets on certain vessels.
Subtitle C--Maritime Infrastructure
Sec. 3521. United States marine highway program.
Sec. 3522. Port infrastructure development grants.
Sec. 3523. Project selection criteria for port infrastructure
development program.
Sec. 3524. Infrastructure improvements identified in the report on
strategic seaports.
Sec. 3525. GAO review of Government efforts to promote growth and
modernization of United States Merchant
Sec. 3526. GAO review of Federal efforts to enhance port infrastructure
resiliency and disaster preparedness.
Sec. 3527. Study on foreign investment in shipping.
Sec. 3528. Report on alternate marine fuel bunkering facilities at
Sec. 3529. Study of cybersecurity and national security threats posed
by foreign manufactured cranes at United
States ports.
Subtitle D--Maritime Workforce
Sec. 3531. Improving Protections for Midshipmen.
Sec. 3532. Maritime Technical Advancement Act.
Sec. 3533. Ensuring diverse mariner recruitment.
Sec. 3534. Low emissions vessels training.
Subtitle E--Other Matters
Sec. 3541. Waiver of navigation and vessel inspection laws.
Sec. 3542. National maritime strategy.
Sec. 3543. Maritime Environmental and Technical Assistance Program.
Sec. 3544. Definition of qualified vessel.
Sec. 3545. Establishing a capital construction fund.
Sec. 3546. Recapitalization of National Defense Reserve Fleet.
Sec. 3547. Sense of Congress on Merchant Marine.
Sec. 3548. Analysis of effects of chemicals in stormwater runoff on
Pacific salmon and steelhead.
Sec. 3549. Report on effective vessel quieting measures.
Sec. 4001. Authorization of amounts in funding tables.
Sec. 4101. Procurement.
Sec. 4201. Research, development, test, and evaluation.
Sec. 4301. Operation and maintenance.
Sec. 4401. Military personnel.
Sec. 4501. Other authorizations.
Sec. 4601. Military construction.
Sec. 4701. Department of Energy National Security Programs.
Subtitle A--Advisory Committees
Sec. 5101. Annual report from Advisory Committee on Women Veterans.
Sec. 5102. Department of Veterans Affairs Advisory Committee on United
States Outlying Areas and Freely Associated
Subtitle B--Studies and Reports
Sec. 5111. Secretary of Veterans Affairs study on dissemination of
information on Department of Veterans
Affairs home loan benefits.
Sec. 5112. GAO study on post-market surveillance of medical devices by
Department of Veterans Affairs.
Sec. 5113. Department of Veterans Affairs report on supportive services
and housing insecurity.
Sec. 5114. Report on handling of certain records of the Department of
Veterans Affairs.
Subtitle C--Other Matters
Sec. 5121. Improved application of employment and reemployment rights
of all members of uniformed services.
Sec. 5122. Competitive pay for health care providers of Department of
Veterans Affairs.
Sec. 5123. Definition of land use revenue under West Los Angeles
Leasing Act of 2016.
Sec. 5124. Technical corrections to Honoring our PACT Act of 2022.
Sec. 5125. Improving pilot program on acceptance by the Department of
Veterans Affairs of donated facilities and
related improvements.
Sec. 5126. Improvement of Vet Centers at Department of Veterans
Sec. 5127. Information on certain veterans with prior medical
occupations; program on intermediate care
technicians of Department of Veterans
Subtitle A--Inspector General Independence
Sec. 5201. Short title.
Sec. 5202. Removal or transfer of Inspectors General; placement on non-
duty status.
Sec. 5203. Vacancy in position of Inspector General.
Sec. 5204. Office of Inspector General whistleblower complaints.
Subtitle B--Presidential Explanation of Failure to Nominate an
Inspector General
Sec. 5221. Presidential explanation of failure to nominate an Inspector
Subtitle C--Integrity Committee of the Council of Inspectors General on
Integrity and Efficiency Transparency
Sec. 5231. Short title.
Sec. 5232. Additional information to be included in requests and
reports to Congress.
Sec. 5233. Availability of information to Congress on certain
allegations of wrongdoing closed without
Sec. 5234. Semiannual report.
Sec. 5235. Additional reports.
Sec. 5236. Requirement to report final disposition to Congress.
Sec. 5237. Investigations of Offices of Inspector General of
establishments by the Integrity Committee.
Subtitle D--Notice of Ongoing Investigations When There Is a Change in
Status of Inspector General
Sec. 5241. Notice of ongoing investigations when there is a change in
status of Inspector General.
Subtitle E--Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and
Efficiency Report on Expenditures
Sec. 5251. CIGIE report on expenditures.
Subtitle F--Notice of Refusal to Provide Inspectors General Access
Sec. 5261. Notice of refusal to provide information or assistance to
Inspectors General.
Subtitle G--Training Resources for Inspectors General and Other Matters
Sec. 5271. Training resources for Inspectors General.
Sec. 5272. Definition of appropriate congressional committees.
Sec. 5273. Semiannual reports.
Sec. 5274. Submission of reports that specifically identify non-
governmental organizations or business
Sec. 5275. Review relating to vetting, processing, and resettlement of
evacuees from Afghanistan and the
Afghanistan special immigrant visa program.
Subtitle A--General Provisions
Sec. 5301. Access for Veterans to Records.
Sec. 5302. ONDCP supplemental strategies.
Sec. 5303. Performance Enhancement.
Sec. 5304. Appeals to merit systems protection board relating to FBI
reprisal allegations; salary of Special
Sec. 5305. Fairness for Federal firefighters.
Subtitle B--PLUM Act of 2022
Sec. 5321. Short title.
Sec. 5322. Establishment of public website on government policy and
supporting positions.
Sec. 5401. Short title.
Sec. 5402. Reauthorization.
Sec. 5403. Effective date.
Subtitle A--Taiwan Enhanced Resilience Act
Sec. 5501. Short title.
Part 1--Implementation of an Enhanced Defense Partnership Between the
United States and Taiwan
Sec. 5502. Modernizing Taiwan's security capabilities to deter and, if
necessary, defeat aggression by the
People's Republic of China.
Sec. 5503. Increase in annual regional contingency stockpile additions
and support for Taiwan.
Sec. 5504. International military education and training cooperation
with Taiwan.
Sec. 5505. Additional authorities to support Taiwan.
Sec. 5506. Multi-year plan to fulfill defensive requirements of
military forces of Taiwan.
Sec. 5507. Fast-tracking sales to Taiwan under Foreign Military Sales
Sec. 5508. Arms exports delivery solutions for Taiwan and United States
allies in the Indo-Pacific.
Sec. 5509. Assessment of Taiwan's needs for civilian defense and
Sec. 5510. Annual report on Taiwan defensive military capabilities and
intelligence support.
Sec. 5511. Findings and statement of policy.
Sec. 5512. Sense of Congress on Taiwan defense relations.
Part 2--Countering People's Republic of China's Coercion and Influence
Sec. 5513. Strategy to respond to influence and information operations
targeting Taiwan.
Sec. 5514. Task force to counter economic coercion by the People's
Republic of China.
Sec. 5515. China censorship monitor and action group.
Part 3--Inclusion of Taiwan in International Organizations
Sec. 5516. Findings.
Sec. 5517. Sense of Congress on Taiwan's meaningful participation in
the international community.
Sec. 5518. Strategy to support Taiwan's meaningful participation in
international organizations.
Sec. 5519. Meaningful participation of Taiwan in the International
Civil Aviation Organization.
Part 4--Miscellaneous Provisions
Sec. 5520. Report on Taiwan Travel Act.
Sec. 5521. Amendments to the Taiwan Allies International Protection and
Enhancement Initiative (Taipei) Act of
Sec. 5522. Report on role of People's Republic of China's nuclear
threat in escalation dynamics.
Sec. 5523. Report analyzing the impact of Russia's war against Ukraine
on the objectives of the People's Republic
of China with respect to Taiwan.
Sec. 5524. Expanding United States-Taiwan development cooperation.
Sec. 5525. Sense of congress on expanding United States economic
relations with Taiwan.
Part 5--Supporting United States Educational and Exchange Programs With
Sec. 5526. Short title.
Sec. 5527. Findings.
Sec. 5528. Purposes.
Sec. 5529. Definitions.
Sec. 5530. Taiwan Fellowship Program.
Sec. 5531. Reports and audits.
Sec. 5532. Taiwan fellows on detail from government service.
Sec. 5533. Funding.
Sec. 5534. Study and report.
Sec. 5535. Supporting United States educational and exchange programs
with Taiwan.
Part 6--United States-Taiwan Public Health Protection
Sec. 5536. Short title.
Sec. 5537. Definitions.
Sec. 5538. Study on an infectious disease monitoring center.
Part 7--Rules of Construction
Sec. 5539. Rule of construction.
Sec. 5540. Rule of construction regarding the use of military force.
Subtitle B--United States-Ecuador Partnership Act of 2022
Sec. 5541. Short title.
Sec. 5542. Sense of Congress.
Sec. 5543. Facilitating economic and commercial ties.
Sec. 5544. Promoting inclusive economic development.
Sec. 5545. Combating illicit economies, corruption, and negative
foreign influence.
Sec. 5546. Strengthening democratic governance.
Sec. 5547. Fostering conservation and stewardship.
Sec. 5548. Authorization to transfer excess Coast Guard vessels.
Sec. 5549. Reporting requirements.
Sec. 5550. Sunset.
Subtitle C--FENTANYL Results Act
Sec. 5551. Short title.
Sec. 5552. Prioritization of efforts of the Department of State to
combat international trafficking in covered
synthetic drugs.
Sec. 5553. Program to provide assistance to build the capacity of
foreign law enforcement agencies with
respect to covered synthetic drugs.
Sec. 5554. Exchange program on demand reduction matters relating to
illicit use of covered synthetic drugs.
Sec. 5555. Amendments to international narcotics control program.
Sec. 5556. Sense of Congress.
Sec. 5557. Rule of construction.
Sec. 5558. Definitions.
Subtitle D--International Pandemic Preparedness
Sec. 5559. Short title.
Sec. 5560. Definitions.
Sec. 5561. Enhancing the United States' international response to
Sec. 5562. International pandemic prevention and preparedness.
Sec. 5563. Financial Intermediary Fund for Pandemic Prevention,
Preparedness, and Response.
Sec. 5564. General provisions.
Sec. 5565. Sunset.
Sec. 5566. Rule of construction.
Subtitle E--Burma Act of 2022
Sec. 5567. Short title.
Sec. 5568. Definitions.
Part 1--Matters Relating to the Conflict in Burma
Sec. 5569. Statement of policy.
Part 2--Sanctions and Policy Coordination With Respect to Burma
Sec. 5570. Definitions.
Sec. 5571. Imposition of sanctions with respect to human rights abuses
and perpetration of a coup in Burma.
Sec. 5572. Sanctions and policy coordination for Burma.
Sec. 5573. Support for greater United Nations action with respect to
Sec. 5574. Sunset.
Part 3--Authorizations of Appropriations for Assistance for Burma
Sec. 5575. General authorization of appropriations.
Sec. 5576. Limitations.
Sec. 5577. Appropriate congressional committees defined.
Part 4--Efforts Against Human Rights Abuses
Sec. 5578. Authorization to provide technical assistance for efforts
against human rights abuses.
Part 5--Sanctions Exception Relating to Importation of Goods
Sec. 5579. Sanctions exception relating to importation of goods.
Subtitle F--Promotion of Freedom of Information and Countering of
Censorship and Surveillance in North Korea
Sec. 5580. Short title.
Sec. 5581. Findings; sense of Congress.
Sec. 5582. Statement of policy.
Sec. 5583. United States strategy to combat North Korea's repressive
information environment.
Sec. 5584. Promoting freedom of information and countering censorship
and surveillance in North Korea.
Subtitle G--Other Matters
Sec. 5585. Congressional notification for rewards paid using
Sec. 5586. Secure access to sanitation facilities for women and girls.
Sec. 5587. Reauthorization of the Tropical Forest and Coral Reef
Conservation Act of 1998.
Sec. 5588. Global Food Security Reauthorization Act of 2022.
Sec. 5589. Extension and modification of certain export controls.
Sec. 5590. Imposition of sanctions with respect to the sale, supply, or
transfer of gold to or from Russia.
Sec. 5591. Renegotiation of Compacts of Free Association.
Sec. 5592. Secretary of State assistance for prisoners in Islamic
Republic of Iran.
Sec. 5593. Iran Nuclear Weapons Capability and Terrorism Monitoring Act
of 2022.
Subtitle H--Reports
Sec. 5594. Modification to peacekeeping operations report.
Sec. 5595. Report on Indo-Pacific region.
Sec. 5596. Report on humanitarian situation and food security in
Sec. 5597. Statement of policy and report on engaging with Niger.
Sec. 5598. Report on bilateral security and law enforcement cooperation
with Mexico.
Sec. 5599. Report on Chinese support to Russia with respect to its
unprovoked invasion of and full-scale war
against Ukraine.
Sec. 5599A. Feasibility study on United States support for and
participation in the international
counterterrorism academy in Cote d'Ivoire.
Sec. 5599B. Consultations on reuniting Korean Americans with family
members in North Korea.
Subtitle I--Sense of Congress Provisions
Sec. 5599C. Sense of Congress regarding the status of China.
Sec. 5599D. Sense of Congress regarding Israel.
Sec. 5599E. Sense of Congress relating to the NATO Parliamentary
Sec. 5599F. Condemning detention and indictment of Russian opposition
leader Vladimir Vladimirovich Kara-Murza.
Sec. 5599G. Sense of Congress regarding development of nuclear weapons
by Iran.
Sec. 5601. Designation of small State and rural advocate.
Sec. 5602. Flexibility.
Sec. 5603. Preliminary damage assessment.
Sec. 5604. Letter of deviation authority.
Sec. 5605. Recognizing FEMA support.
Sec. 5701. United States policy on World Bank Group and Asian
Development Bank assistance to the People's
Republic of China.
Sec. 5702. Support for international initiatives to provide debt
restructuring or relief to developing
countries with unsustainable levels of
Sec. 5703. Ukraine debt payment relief.
Sec. 5704. Isolate Russian Government Officials Act of 2022.
Sec. 5705. Fair hiring in banking.
Sec. 5706. Banking Transparency for Sanctioned Persons Act of 2022.
Sec. 5707. Flexibility in addressing rural homelessness.
Sec. 5708. Master account and services database.
Sec. 5801. Short title.
Subtitle A--Data Standards for Covered Agencies; Department of the
Treasury Rulemaking
Sec. 5811. Data standards.
Sec. 5812. Open data publication by the Department of the Treasury.
Sec. 5813. No new disclosure requirements.
Subtitle B--Securities and Exchange Commission
Sec. 5821. Data standards requirements for the Securities and Exchange
Sec. 5822. Open data publication by the Securities and Exchange
Sec. 5823. Data transparency relating to municipal securities.
Sec. 5824. Data transparency at national securities associations.
Sec. 5825. Shorter-term burden reduction and disclosure simplification
at the Securities and Exchange Commission;
Sec. 5826. No new disclosure requirements.
Subtitle C--Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Sec. 5831. Data standards requirements for the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation.
Sec. 5832. Open data publication by the Federal Deposit Insurance
Sec. 5833. Rulemaking.
Sec. 5834. No new disclosure requirements.
Subtitle D--Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Sec. 5841. Data standards and open data publication requirements for
the Office of the Comptroller of the
Sec. 5842. Rulemaking.
Sec. 5843. No new disclosure requirements.
Subtitle E--Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection
Sec. 5851. Data standards and open data publication requirements for
the Bureau of Consumer Financial
Sec. 5852. Rulemaking.
Sec. 5853. No new disclosure requirements.
Subtitle F--Federal Reserve System
Sec. 5861. Data standards requirements for the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System.
Sec. 5862. Open data publication by the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System.
Sec. 5863. Rulemaking.
Sec. 5864. No new disclosure requirements.
Subtitle G--National Credit Union Administration
Sec. 5871. Data standards.
Sec. 5872. Open data publication by the National Credit Union
Sec. 5873. Rulemaking.
Sec. 5874. No new disclosure requirements.
Subtitle H--Federal Housing Finance Agency
Sec. 5881. Data standards requirements for the Federal Housing Finance
Sec. 5882. Open data publication by the Federal Housing Finance Agency.
Sec. 5883. Rulemaking.
Sec. 5884. No new disclosure requirements.
Subtitle I--Miscellaneous
Sec. 5891. Rules of construction.
Sec. 5892. Classified and protected information.
Sec. 5893. Report.
Subtitle A--Judiciary Matters
Sec. 5901. Extension of admission to Guam or the Commonwealth of the
Northern Mariana Islands for certain
nonimmigrant H-2B workers.
Sec. 5902. Eligibility of Portuguese traders and investors for E-1 and
E-2 nonimmigrant visas.
Sec. 5903. Incentives for States to create sexual assault survivors'
bill of rights.
Sec. 5904. Extending the statute of limitations for certain money
laundering offenses.
Subtitle B--Science, Space, and Technology Matters
Sec. 5911. Financial assistance for construction of test beds and
specialized facilities.
Sec. 5912. Reports on arctic research, budget, and spending.
Sec. 5913. National research and development strategy for distributed
ledger technology.
Sec. 5914. Technical corrections.
Subtitle C--FedRamp Authorization Act
Sec. 5921. FedRAMP Authorization Act.
Subtitle D--Judicial Security and Privacy
Sec. 5931. Short title.
Sec. 5932. Findings and purpose.
Sec. 5933. Definitions.
Sec. 5934. Protecting covered information in public records.
Sec. 5935. Training and education.
Sec. 5936. Vulnerability management capability.
Sec. 5937. Rules of construction.
Sec. 5938. Severability.
Sec. 5939. Effective date.
Subtitle E--Other Matters
Sec. 5941. Secretary of Agriculture report on improving supply chain
shortfalls and infrastructure needs at
wholesale produce markets.
Sec. 5942. Extension of deadline for transfer of parcels of land in New
Sec. 5943. Ending global wildlife poaching and trafficking.
Sec. 5944. Cost-sharing requirements applicable to certain Bureau of
Reclamation dams and dikes.
Sec. 5945. Transfer of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
property in Norfolk, Virginia.
Sec. 5946. Other matters.
Sec. 5947. Enhancing transparency on international agreements and non-
binding instruments.
Sec. 5948. Ukraine Invasion War Crimes Deterrence and Accountability
Sec. 5949. Prohibition on certain semiconductor products and services.
Sec. 6001. Short title; table of contents.
Sec. 6002. Definitions.
Sec. 6003. Explanatory statement.
Sec. 6101. Authorization of appropriations.
Sec. 6102. Classified Schedule of Authorizations.
Sec. 6103. Intelligence Community Management Account.
Sec. 6104. Restriction on conduct of intelligence activities.
Sec. 6105. Increase in employee compensation and benefits authorized by
Sec. 6201. Authorization of appropriations.
Sec. 6301. Modification of requirements for certain employment
activities by former intelligence officers
and employees.
Sec. 6302. Counterintelligence and national security protections for
intelligence community grant funding.
Sec. 6303. Extension of Central Intelligence Agency law enforcement
jurisdiction to facilities of Office of
Director of National Intelligence.
Sec. 6304. Annual reports on status of recommendations of Comptroller
General of the United States for the
Director of National Intelligence.
Sec. 6305. Timely submission of classified intelligence budget
justification materials.
Sec. 6306. Copyright protection for civilian faculty of the National
Intelligence University.
Sec. 6307. Modifications to Foreign Malign Influence Response Center.
Sec. 6308. Requirement to offer cyber protection support for personnel
of intelligence community in positions
highly vulnerable to cyber attack.
Sec. 6309. Enforcement of cybersecurity requirements for national
security systems.
Sec. 6310. Review and briefing on intelligence community activities
under Executive Order 12333.
Sec. 6311. Assessing intelligence community open-source support for
export controls and foreign investment
Sec. 6312. Annual training requirement and report regarding analytic
Sec. 6313. Review of Joint Intelligence Community Council.
Sec. 6314. Required policy for minimum insider threat standards.
Sec. 6315. Unfunded priorities of the intelligence community.
Sec. 6316. Submission of covered documents and classified annexes.
Sec. 6317. Improvements to program on recruitment and training.
Sec. 6318. Measures to mitigate counterintelligence threats from
proliferation and use of foreign commercial
Sec. 6319. Personnel vetting performance measures.
Sec. 6320. Proactive cybersecurity.
Subtitle A--Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Sec. 6401. Modifications to responsibilities and authorities of
Director of National Intelligence.
Sec. 6402. Annual submission to Congress of National Intelligence
Priorities Framework.
Sec. 6403. Disposition of records of Office of the Director of National
Subtitle B--Central Intelligence Agency
Sec. 6411. Clarification regarding protection of Central Intelligence
Agency functions.
Sec. 6412. Expansion of reporting requirements relating to authority to
pay personnel of Central Intelligence
Agency for certain injuries to the brain.
Sec. 6413. Historical Advisory Panel of Central Intelligence Agency.
Sec. 6414. Authority of Central Intelligence Agency to provide
protection for certain personnel.
Sec. 6415. Notification of use of certain expenditure authorities.
Sec. 6416. Office supporting Central Intelligence Agency workforce
Subtitle C--Elements of the Defense Intelligence Enterprise
Sec. 6421. Inclusion of Space Force as element of intelligence
Sec. 6422. Oversight of Defense Intelligence Agency culture.
Subtitle D--Other Elements
Sec. 6431. Modification of advisory board in National Reconnaissance
Sec. 6432. Establishment of advisory board for National Geospatial-
Intelligence Agency.
Sec. 6433. Elevation of the commercial and business operations office
of the National Geospatial-Intelligence
Sec. 6435. Study on personnel under Strategic Intelligence Partnership
Sec. 6436. Briefing on coordination between intelligence community and
Bureau of Industry and Security.
Subtitle A--Intelligence Matters Relating to the People's Republic of
Sec. 6501. Report on wealth and corrupt activities of the leadership of
the Chinese Communist Party.
Sec. 6502. Identification and threat assessment of companies with
investments by the People's Republic of
Sec. 6503. Intelligence community working group for monitoring the
economic and technological capabilities of
the People's Republic of China.
Sec. 6504. Annual report on concentrated reeducation camps in the
Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of the
People's Republic of China.
Sec. 6505. Assessments of production of semiconductors by the People's
Republic of China.
Subtitle B--Miscellaneous Authorities, Requirements, and Limitations
Sec. 6511. Notice of deployment or transfer of containerized missile
systems by Russia, China, or Iran.
Sec. 6512. Intelligence community coordinator for Russian atrocities
Sec. 6513. Lead intelligence community coordinator for countering and
neutralizing proliferation of Iran-origin
unmanned aircraft systems.
Sec. 6514. Collaboration between intelligence community and Department
of Commerce to counter foreign commercial
Sec. 6515. Intelligence assessment on foreign weaponization of
advertisement technology data.
Sec. 6516. Intelligence community assessment regarding Russian gray
zone assets.
Subtitle C--Reports and Other Matters
Sec. 6521. Report on assessing will to fight.
Sec. 6522. Report on threat from hypersonic weapons.
Sec. 6523. Report on ordnance of Russia and China.
Sec. 6524. Report on activities of China and Russia targeting Latin
America and the Caribbean.
Sec. 6525. Report on support provided by China to Russia.
Sec. 6526. Report on global CCP financing of port infrastructure.
Sec. 6527. Sense of Congress on provision of support by intelligence
community for atrocity prevention and
Sec. 6601. Improving onboarding of personnel in intelligence community.
Sec. 6602. Report on legislative action required to implement Trusted
Workforce 2.0 initiative.
Sec. 6603. Inspector General of the Intelligence Community assessment
of administration of polygraphs in
intelligence community.
Sec. 6604. Timeliness in the administration of polygraphs.
Sec. 6605. Policy on submittal of applications for access to classified
information for certain personnel.
Sec. 6606. Technical correction regarding Federal policy on sharing of
covered insider threat information.
Sec. 6607. Inspector General of the Intelligence Community report on
use of space certified as sensitive
compartmented information facilities.
Sec. 6608. Improving prohibition of certain personnel practices in
intelligence community with respect to
contractor employees.
Sec. 6609. Definitions regarding whistleblower complaints and
information of urgent concern received by
inspectors general of the intelligence
Subtitle A--General Matters
Sec. 6701. Definitions.
Sec. 6702. Additional responsibilities of Director of National
Intelligence for artificial intelligence
policies, standards, and guidance for the
intelligence community.
Sec. 6703. Director of Science and Technology.
Sec. 6704. Intelligence Community Chief Data Officer.
Subtitle B--Improvements Relating to Procurement
Sec. 6711. Additional transaction authority.
Sec. 6712. Implementation plan and advisability study for offices of
commercial integration.
Sec. 6713. Pilot program on designated emerging technology transition
Sec. 6714. Harmonization of authorizations to operate.
Sec. 6715. Plan to expand sensitive compartmented information facility
access by certain contractors; reports on
expansion of security clearances for
certain contractors.
Sec. 6716. Compliance by intelligence community with requirements of
Federal Acquisition Regulation relating to
commercially available off-the-shelf items
and commercial services.
Sec. 6717. Policy on required user adoption metrics in certain
contracts for artificial intelligence and
emerging technology software products.
Sec. 6718. Certification relating to information technology and
software systems.
Subtitle C--Reports
Sec. 6721. Reports on integration of artificial intelligence within
intelligence community.
Sec. 6722. Report on potential benefits of establishment of ICWERX.
Sec. 6723. Requirements and report on workforce needs of intelligence
community relating to science, technology,
engineering, and math, and related areas.
Subtitle D--Talent, Education, and Training
Sec. 6731. Report on establishment of technology acquisition cadre.
Sec. 6732. Emerging technology education and training.
Subtitle E--Other Matters
Sec. 6741. Improvements to use of commercial software products.
Sec. 6742. Code-free artificial intelligence enablement tools policy.
Sec. 6801. Improvements relating to continuity of Privacy and Civil
Liberties Oversight Board membership.
Sec. 6802. Modification of requirement for office to address
unidentified anomalous phenomena.
Sec. 6803. Comptroller General of the United States audits and
briefings on unidentified anomalous
phenomena historical record report.
Sec. 6804. Report on precursor chemicals used in the production of
synthetic opioids.
Sec. 6805. Assessment and report on mass migration in the Western
Sec. 6806. Report on international norms, rules, and principles
applicable in space.
Sec. 6807. Assessments of the effects of sanctions imposed with respect
to the Russian Federation's invasion of
Sec. 6808. Assessment of impact of Russia's invasion of Ukraine on food
Sec. 6809. Pilot program for Director of Federal Bureau of
Investigation to undertake an effort to
identify International Mobile Subscriber
Sec. 6810. Department of State Bureau of Intelligence and Research
assessment of anomalous health incidents.
Sec. 6811. Repeal and modification of certain reporting and briefing
Sec. 6812. Increased intelligence-related engineering, research, and
development capabilities of minority
Sec. 6813. Reports on personnel vetting processes and progress under
Trusted Workforce 2.0 initiative.
Sec. 6814. Reports relating to programs of record of National
Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.
Sec. 6815. Plan regarding Social Media Data and Threat Analysis Center.
Sec. 6816. Report on use of publicly available social media information
in personnel vetting determinations.
Sec. 6817. Report on strengthening workforce diversity planning and
Sec. 6818. Report on transition of National Reconnaissance Office to
digital engineering environment.
Sec. 6819. Briefing on Department of Homeland Security intelligence
Sec. 6820. Report on declassification efforts of Central Intelligence
Sec. 6821. Report on National Space Intelligence Center.
Sec. 6822. Report on implementation of Executive Order 13556, regarding
controlled unclassified information.
Sec. 6823. National Museum of Intelligence and Special Operations.
Sec. 6824. Technical corrections.
Subtitle A--Strengthening Security in Our Communities
Sec. 7101. Enhancements to funding and administration of Nonprofit
Security Grant Program of the Department of
Homeland Security.
Sec. 7102. Preservation of homeland security capabilities.
Sec. 7103. School and daycare protection.
Sec. 7104. Cybersecurity grants for schools.
Sec. 7105. Transnational Criminal Investigative Unit Stipend.
Sec. 7106. Chemical Security Analysis Center.
Subtitle B--Strengthening DHS Management, Policymaking, and Operations
Sec. 7111. Joint Task Forces of the Department of Homeland Security.
Sec. 7112. Homeland Procurement Reform Act.
Sec. 7113. Daily public report of covered contract awards.
Sec. 7114. Preference for United States industry.
Sec. 7115. Department of Homeland Security mentor-protege program.
Sec. 7116. DHS economic security council.
Subtitle C--Enhancing Cybersecurity Training and Operations
Sec. 7121. President's Cup Cybersecurity Competition.
Sec. 7122. Industrial control systems cybersecurity training.
Sec. 7123. National Computer Forensics Institute reauthorization.
Sec. 7124. Report on cybersecurity roles and responsibilities of the
Department of Homeland Security.
Subtitle D--Enhancing Transportation and Border Security Operations
Sec. 7131. TSA reaching across nationalities, societies, and languages
to advance traveler education.
Sec. 7132. One-stop pilot program.
Sec. 7133. Report on efforts of the Department of Homeland Security to
deter vehicular terrorist attacks (Darren
Sec. 7134. DHS illicit cross-border tunnel defense.
Sec. 7135. Providing training for U.S. Customs and Border Protection
personnel on the use of containment devices
to prevent secondary exposure to fentanyl
and other potentially lethal substances.
Sec. 7136. Reports, evaluations, and research regarding drug
interdiction at and between ports of entry.
Subtitle E--Technical Corrections, Conforming Changes, and Improvements
Sec. 7141. Quadrennial homeland security review technical corrections.
Sec. 7142. Technical, conforming, and clerical amendments.
Sec. 7143. CISA technical corrections and improvements.
Subtitle A--Intragovernmental Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act
Sec. 7201. Requirement for information sharing agreements.
Subtitle A--Improving Government for America's Taxpayers
Sec. 7211. Government Accountability Office unimplemented priority
Subtitle B--Advancing American AI Act
Sec. 7221. Short title.
Sec. 7222. Purposes.
Sec. 7223. Definitions.
Sec. 7224. Principles and policies for use of artificial intelligence
in Government.
Sec. 7225. Agency inventories and artificial intelligence use cases.
Sec. 7226. Rapid pilot, deployment and scale of applied artificial
intelligence capabilities to demonstrate
modernization activities related to use
Sec. 7227. Enabling entrepreneurs and agency missions.
Sec. 7228. Intelligence community exception.
Subtitle C--Strategic EV Management
Sec. 7231. Short Title.
Sec. 7232. Definitions.
Sec. 7233. Strategic guidance.
Sec. 7234. Study of Federal fleet vehicles.
Subtitle D--Congressionally Mandated Reports
Sec. 7241. Short title.
Sec. 7242. Definitions.
Sec. 7243. Establishment of online portal for congressionally mandated
Sec. 7244. Federal agency responsibilities.
Sec. 7245. Changing or removing reports.
Sec. 7246. Withholding of information.
Sec. 7247. Implementation.
Sec. 7248. Determination of budgetary effects.
Subtitle A--Global Catastrophic Risk Management Act of 2022
Sec. 7301. Short title.
Sec. 7302. Definitions.
Sec. 7303. Assessment of global catastrophic risk.
Sec. 7304. Report required.
Sec. 7305. Enhanced catastrophic incident annex.
Sec. 7306. Validation of the strategy through an exercise.
Sec. 7307. Recommendations.
Sec. 7308. Reporting requirements.
Sec. 7309. Rules of construction.
Subtitle B--Technological Hazards Preparedness and Training
Sec. 7311. Short title.
Sec. 7312. Definitions.
Sec. 7313. Assistance and training for communities with technological
hazards and related emerging threats.
Sec. 7314. Authorization of appropriations.
Sec. 7315. Savings provision.
Subtitle C--Other Matters
Sec. 7321. Crisis counseling assistance and training.
Sec. 8001. Short title; table of contents.
Sec. 8002. Secretary defined.
Subtitle A--General Provisions
Sec. 8101. Federal breakwaters and jetties.
Sec. 8102. Emergency response to natural disasters.
Sec. 8103. Shoreline and riverbank protection and restoration mission.
Sec. 8104. Floodplain management services.
Sec. 8105. Public recreational amenities in ecosystem restoration
Sec. 8106. Scope of feasibility studies.
Sec. 8107. Water supply conservation.
Sec. 8108. Managed aquifer recharge study and working group.
Sec. 8109. Updates to certain water control manuals.
Sec. 8110. National coastal mapping study.
Sec. 8111. Tribal partnership program.
Sec. 8112. Tribal Liaison.
Sec. 8113. Tribal assistance.
Sec. 8114. Cost sharing provisions for the territories and Indian
Sec. 8115. Tribal and Economically Disadvantaged Communities Advisory
Sec. 8116. Workforce planning.
Sec. 8117. Corps of Engineers support for underserved communities;
Sec. 8118. Pilot programs for certain communities.
Sec. 8119. Technical assistance.
Sec. 8120. Technical assistance for levee inspections.
Sec. 8121. Assessment of Corps of Engineers levees.
Sec. 8122. National low-head dam inventory.
Sec. 8123. Expediting hydropower at Corps of Engineers facilities.
Sec. 8124. Reserve component training at water resources development
Sec. 8125. Payment of pay and allowances of certain officers from
appropriation for improvements.
Sec. 8126. Maintenance dredging permits.
Sec. 8127. Environmental dredging.
Sec. 8128. Assessment of regional confined aquatic disposal facilities.
Sec. 8129. Studies for periodic nourishment.
Sec. 8130. Beneficial use of dredged material; management plans.
Sec. 8131. Criteria for funding operation and maintenance of small,
remote, and subsistence harbors.
Sec. 8132. Additional projects for underserved community harbors.
Sec. 8133. Inland waterways regional dredge pilot program.
Sec. 8134. NEPA reporting.
Sec. 8135. Funding to process permits.
Sec. 8136. Lease durations.
Sec. 8137. Reforestation.
Sec. 8138. Emergency streambank and shoreline protection.
Sec. 8139. Lease deviations.
Sec. 8140. Policy and technical standards.
Sec. 8141. Corps records relating to harmful algal blooms in Lake
Okeechobee, Florida.
Sec. 8142. Forecasting models for the Great Lakes.
Sec. 8143. Monitoring and assessment program for saline lakes in the
Great Basin.
Sec. 8144. Chattahoochee River program.
Sec. 8145. Lower Mississippi River Basin demonstration program.
Sec. 8146. Washington Aqueduct.
Sec. 8147. Water infrastructure public-private partnership pilot
Sec. 8148. Advance payment in lieu of reimbursement for certain Federal
Sec. 8149. Use of other Federal funds.
Sec. 8150. Non-Federal Interest Advisory Committee.
Sec. 8151. Materials, services, and funds for repair, restoration, or
rehabilitation of certain public recreation
Sec. 8152. Rehabilitation of pump stations.
Sec. 8153. Report to Congress on Corps of Engineers reservoirs.
Sec. 8154. Temporary relocation assistance pilot program.
Sec. 8155. Continuation of construction.
Sec. 8156. Federal interest determination.
Sec. 8157. Inland waterway projects.
Sec. 8158. Corps of Engineers Western Water Cooperative Committee.
Sec. 8159. Support of Army civil works missions.
Sec. 8160. Civil works research and development.
Sec. 8161. Sense of Congress on operations and maintenance of
recreation sites.
Sec. 8162. Sense of Congress relating to post-disaster repairs.
Subtitle B--Studies and Reports
Sec. 8201. Authorization of proposed feasibility studies.
Sec. 8202. Expedited completion.
Sec. 8203. Expedited modifications of existing feasibility studies.
Sec. 8204. Corps of Engineers reservoir sedimentation assessment.
Sec. 8205. Report and recommendations on dredge capacity.
Sec. 8206. Assessment of impacts from changing operation and
maintenance responsibilities.
Sec. 8207. Maintenance dredging data.
Sec. 8208. Western infrastructure study.
Sec. 8209. Recreation and economic development at Corps facilities in
Sec. 8210. Ouachita River watershed, Arkansas and Louisiana.
Sec. 8211. Report on Santa Barbara streams, Lower Mission Creek,
Sec. 8212. Disposition study on Salinas Dam and Reservoir, California.
Sec. 8213. Excess lands report for Whittier Narrows Dam, California.
Sec. 8214. Comprehensive central and southern Florida study.
Sec. 8215. Northern estuaries ecosystem restoration, Florida.
Sec. 8216. Study on shellfish habitat and seagrass, Florida Central
Gulf Coast.
Sec. 8217. Report on South Florida ecosystem restoration plan
Sec. 8218. Great Lakes recreational boating.
Sec. 8219. Hydraulic evaluation of Upper Mississippi River and Illinois
Sec. 8220. Disposition study on hydropower in the Willamette Valley,
Sec. 8221. Houston Ship Channel Expansion Channel Improvement Project,
Sec. 8222. Sabine-Neches waterway navigation improvement project,
Sec. 8223. Norfolk Harbor and Channels, Virginia.
Sec. 8224. Coastal Virginia, Virginia.
Sec. 8225. West Virginia hydropower.
Sec. 8226. Electronic preparation and submission of applications.
Sec. 8227. Investments for recreation areas.
Sec. 8228. Automated fee machines.
Sec. 8229. Review of recreational hazards.
Sec. 8230. Assessment of coastal flooding mitigation modeling and
testing capacity.
Sec. 8231. Report on socially and economically disadvantaged small
business concerns.
Sec. 8232. Report on solar energy opportunities.
Sec. 8233. Report to Congress on economic valuation of preservation of
open space, recreational areas, and habitat
associated with project lands.
Sec. 8234. Report on corrosion prevention activities.
Sec. 8235. Report to Congress on easements related to water resources
development projects.
Sec. 8236. GAO studies.
Sec. 8237. Assessment of forest, rangeland, and watershed restoration
services on lands owned by the Corps of
Subtitle C--Deauthorizations and Modifications
Sec. 8301. Deauthorization of inactive projects.
Sec. 8302. Watershed and river basin assessments.
Sec. 8303. Forecast-informed reservoir operations.
Sec. 8304. Lakes program.
Sec. 8305. Invasive species.
Sec. 8306. Maintenance of navigation channels.
Sec. 8307. Project reauthorizations.
Sec. 8308. Special rule for certain beach nourishment projects.
Sec. 8309. Columbia River Basin.
Sec. 8310. Evaluation of hydrologic changes in Souris River Basin.
Sec. 8311. Acequias irrigation systems.
Sec. 8312. Port of Nome, Alaska.
Sec. 8313. St. George, Alaska.
Sec. 8314. Unalaska (Dutch Harbor) Channels, Alaska.
Sec. 8315. Storm damage prevention and reduction, coastal erosion, and
ice and glacial damage, Alaska.
Sec. 8316. St. Francis Lake Control Structure.
Sec. 8317. South Platte River and Tributaries, Adams and Denver
Counties, Colorado.
Sec. 8318. Fruitvale Avenue Railroad Bridge, Alameda, California.
Sec. 8319. Los Angeles County, California.
Sec. 8320. Deauthorization of designated portions of the Los Angeles
County Drainage Area, California.
Sec. 8321. Murrieta Creek, California.
Sec. 8322. Sacramento River Basin, California.
Sec. 8323. San Diego River and Mission Bay, San Diego County,
Sec. 8324. Additional assistance for Eastern Santa Clara Basin,
Sec. 8325. San Francisco Bay, California.
Sec. 8326. South San Francisco Bay Shoreline, California.
Sec. 8327. Delaware shore protection and restoration.
Sec. 8328. St. Johns River Basin, Central and Southern Florida.
Sec. 8329. Little Pass, Clearwater Bay, Florida.
Sec. 8330. Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, Florida.
Sec. 8331. Palm Beach Harbor, Florida.
Sec. 8332. Port Everglades, Florida.
Sec. 8333. South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force.
Sec. 8334. New Savannah Bluff Lock and Dam, Georgia and South Carolina.
Sec. 8335. Little Wood River, Gooding, Idaho.
Sec. 8336. Chicago shoreline protection.
Sec. 8337. Great Lakes and Mississippi River Interbasin project,
Brandon Road, Will County, Illinois.
Sec. 8338. Southeast Des Moines, Southwest Pleasant Hill, Iowa.
Sec. 8339. City of El Dorado, Kansas.
Sec. 8340. Algiers Canal Levees, Louisiana.
Sec. 8341. Mississippi River Gulf Outlet, Louisiana.
Sec. 8342. Camp Ellis, Saco, Maine.
Sec. 8343. Lower Mississippi River comprehensive management study.
Sec. 8344. Upper Mississippi River protection.
Sec. 8345. Upper Mississippi River restoration program.
Sec. 8346. Water level management on the Upper Mississippi River and
Illinois Waterway.
Sec. 8347. Mississippi Delta Headwaters, Mississippi.
Sec. 8348. Sense of Congress relating to Okatibbee Lake, Mississippi.
Sec. 8349. Argentine, East Bottoms, Fairfax-Jersey Creek, and North
Kansas Levees units, Missouri River and
tributaries at Kansas Cities, Missouri and
Sec. 8350. Lower Missouri River streambank erosion control evaluation
and demonstration projects.
Sec. 8351. Missouri River interception-rearing complexes.
Sec. 8352. Missouri River mitigation project, Missouri, Kansas, Iowa,
and Nebraska.
Sec. 8353. Northern Missouri.
Sec. 8354. Israel River, Lancaster, New Hampshire.
Sec. 8355. Middle Rio Grande flood protection, Bernalillo to Belen, New
Sec. 8356. Ecosystem restoration, Hudson-Raritan Estuary, New York and
New Jersey.
Sec. 8357. Arkansas River corridor, Oklahoma.
Sec. 8358. Copan Lake, Oklahoma.
Sec. 8359. Southwestern Oregon.
Sec. 8360. Yaquina River, Oregon.
Sec. 8361. Lower Blackstone River, Rhode Island.
Sec. 8362. Charleston Harbor, South Carolina.
Sec. 8363. Colleton County, South Carolina.
Sec. 8364. Ensley levee, Tennessee.
Sec. 8365. Wolf River Harbor, Tennessee.
Sec. 8366. Addicks and Barker Reservoirs, Texas.
Sec. 8367. North Padre Island, Corpus Christi Bay, Texas.
Sec. 8368. Nueces County, Texas.
Sec. 8369. Lake Champlain Canal, Vermont and New York.
Sec. 8370. Rehabilitation of Corps of Engineers constructed dams.
Sec. 8371. Puget Sound nearshore ecosystem restoration, Washington.
Sec. 8372. Lower Mud River, Milton, West Virginia.
Sec. 8373. Northern West Virginia.
Sec. 8374. Southern West Virginia.
Sec. 8375. Environmental infrastructure.
Sec. 8376. Additional assistance for critical projects.
Sec. 8377. Conveyances.
Sec. 8378. Land transfer and trust land for Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma.
Sec. 8379. John P. Murtha Locks and Dam.
Sec. 8380. Treatment of certain benefits and costs.
Sec. 8381. Debris removal.
Sec. 8382. General reauthorizations.
Sec. 8383. Transfer of excess credit.
Sec. 8384. Treatment of credit between projects.
Sec. 8385. Non-Federal payment flexibility.
Sec. 8386. Coastal community flood control and other purposes.
Sec. 8387. National levee safety program.
Sec. 8388. Surplus water contracts and water storage agreements.
Sec. 8389. Water supply storage repair, rehabilitation, and replacement
Sec. 8390. Abandoned and inactive noncoal mine restoration.
Sec. 8391. Asian carp prevention and control pilot program.
Sec. 8392. Enhanced development program.
Sec. 8393. Recreational opportunities at certain projects.
Sec. 8394. Federal assistance.
Sec. 8395. Mississippi River mat sinking unit.
Sec. 8396. Sense of Congress on lease agreement.
Sec. 8397. Expedited completion of projects and studies.
Subtitle D--Water Resources Infrastructure
Sec. 8401. Project authorizations.
Sec. 8402. Special rules.
Sec. 8403. Facility investment.
Sec. 8501. Regional water programs.
Sec. 8502. Nonpoint source management programs.
Sec. 8503. Wastewater assistance to colonias.
Sec. 9001. Short title.
Sec. 9002. Definitions.
Sec. 9101. Modernizing the Bureau of Arms Control, Verification, and
Compliance and the Bureau of International
Security and Nonproliferation.
Sec. 9102. Notification to Congress for United States nationals
unlawfully or wrongfully detained abroad.
Sec. 9103. Family Engagement Coordinator.
Sec. 9104. Rewards for Justice.
Sec. 9105. Ensuring geographic diversity and accessibility of passport
Sec. 9106. Cultural Antiquities Task Force.
Sec. 9107. Office of Sanctions Coordination.
Sec. 9108. Sense of Congress and strategic plan regarding the
Department of State's Unit for Subnational
Sec. 9201. Department of State paid Student Internship Program.
Sec. 9202. Improvements to the prevention of, and the response to,
harassment, discrimination, sexual assault,
and related retaliation.
Sec. 9203. Increasing the maximum amount authorized for science and
technology fellowship grants and
cooperative agreements.
Sec. 9204. Additional personnel to address backlogs in hiring and
Sec. 9205. Foreign affairs training.
Sec. 9206. Facilitation and encouragement of training and professional
development for Foreign Service and Civil
Service personnel.
Sec. 9207. Security clearance approval process.
Sec. 9208. Addendum for study on foreign service allowances.
Sec. 9209. Curtailments, removals from post, and waivers of privileges
and immunities.
Sec. 9210. Report on worldwide availability.
Sec. 9211. Professional development.
Sec. 9212. Management assessments at diplomatic and consular posts.
Sec. 9213. Independent review of promotion policies.
Sec. 9214. Third party verification of permanent change of station
(PCS) orders.
Sec. 9215. Post-employment restrictions on Senate-confirmed officials
at the Department of State.
Sec. 9216. Expansion of authorities regarding special rules for certain
monthly workers' compensation payments and
other payments.
Sec. 9217. Report on pilot program for lateral entry into the Foreign
Sec. 9218. Report on changes to the Foreign Service Officer test.
Sec. 9219. Dignity for people with disabilities serving in the Foreign
Sec. 9220. Expanding scope of fellowship programs to include civil
Sec. 9301. Amendments to Secure Embassy Construction and
Counterterrorism Act of 1999.
Sec. 9302. Diplomatic support and security.
Sec. 9303. Establishment of United States embassies in Solomon Islands,
Kiribati, and Tonga and a diplomatic
presence in Vanuatu.
Sec. 9401. Report on barriers to applying for employment with the
Department of State.
Sec. 9402. Collection, analysis, and dissemination of workforce data.
Sec. 9403. Centers of Excellence in Foreign Affairs and Assistance.
Sec. 9404. Promoting transparency and accountability in the Department
of State workforce.
Sec. 9405. Rule of construction.
Sec. 9501. United States international cyberspace policy.
Sec. 9502. Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy.
Sec. 9503. International cyberspace and digital policy strategy.
Sec. 9504. Government Accountability Office report on cyber diplomacy.
Sec. 9505. Report on diplomatic programs to detect and respond to cyber
threats against allies and partners.
Sec. 9506. Cybersecurity recruitment and retention.
Sec. 9507. Short course on emerging technologies for senior officials.
Sec. 9508. Establishment and expansion of Regional Technology Officer
Sec. 9509. Vulnerability disclosure policy and bug bounty program
Sec. 9601. United States participation in international fairs and
Sec. 9602. Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs.
Sec. 9603. Report on public diplomacy.
Sec. 9604. Promoting peace, education, and cultural exchange through
music diplomacy.
Sec. 9701. Supporting the employment of United States citizens by
international organizations.
Sec. 9702. Increasing housing availability for certain employees
assigned to the United States Mission to
the United Nations.
Sec. 9703. Limitation on United States contributions to peacekeeping
operations not authorized by the United
Nations Security Council.
Sec. 9704. Boards of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Radio Free Asia,
the Middle East Broadcasting Networks, and
the Open Technology Fund.
Sec. 9705. Broadcasting entities no longer required to consolidate into
a single private, nonprofit corporation.
Sec. 9706. International broadcasting activities.
Sec. 9707. Global internet freedom.
Sec. 9708. Arms Export Control Act alignment with the Export Control
Reform Act.
Sec. 9709. Increasing the maximum annual lease payment available
without approval by the Secretary.
Sec. 9710. Report on United States access to critical mineral resources
Sec. 9711. Overseas United States strategic infrastructure development
Sec. 9712. Provision of parking services and retention of parking fees.
Sec. 9713. Diplomatic reception areas.
Sec. 9714. Return of supporting documents for passport applications
through United States Postal Service
certified mail.
Sec. 9715. Report on distribution of personnel and resources related to
ordered departures and post closures.
Sec. 9716. Elimination of obsolete reports.
Sec. 9717. Locality pay for Federal employees working overseas under
Domestic Employee Teleworking Overseas
Sec. 9718. Report on countering the activities of malign actors.
Sec. 9801. Diplomatic facilities.
Sec. 9802. Extension of existing authorities.
Sec. 9803. Commission on Reform and Modernization of the Department of
Sec. 10000. Table of contents.
Subtitle A--Reauthorization of Coral Reef Conservation Act of 2000
Sec. 10001. Reauthorization of Coral Reef Conservation Act of 2000.
Subtitle B--United States Coral Reef Task Force
Sec. 10011. Establishment.
Sec. 10012. Duties.
Sec. 10013. Membership.
Sec. 10014. Responsibilities of Federal agency members.
Sec. 10015. Working groups.
Sec. 10016. Definitions.
Subtitle C--Department of the Interior Coral Reef Authorities
Sec. 10021. Coral reef conservation and restoration assistance.
Subtitle D--Susan L. Williams National Coral Reef Management Fellowship
Sec. 10031. Susan L. Williams National Coral Reef Management
Sec. 10101. Purpose.
Sec. 10102. Definitions.
Sec. 10103. Workforce study.
Sec. 10104. Accelerating innovation at Cooperative Institutes.
Sec. 10105. Blue Economy valuation.
Sec. 10106. No additional funds authorized.
Sec. 10201. Findings; purposes.
Sec. 10202. Regional Ocean Partnerships.
Sec. 10301. Findings.
Sec. 10302. Definitions.
Sec. 10303. Ocean Policy Committee.
Sec. 10304. National Ocean Mapping, Exploration, and Characterization
Sec. 10305. Modifications to the ocean exploration program of the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Sec. 10306. Repeal.
Sec. 10307. Modifications to ocean and coastal mapping program of the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Sec. 10308. Modifications to Hydrographic Services Improvement Act of
Sec. 10401. Data collection and dissemination.
Sec. 10402. Stranding or entanglement response agreements.
Sec. 10403. Unusual mortality event activity funding.
Sec. 10404. Liability.
Sec. 10405. National Marine Mammal Tissue Bank and tissue analysis.
Sec. 10406. Marine Mammal Rescue and Response Grant Program and Rapid
Response Fund.
Sec. 10407. Health MAP.
Sec. 10408. Reports to Congress.
Sec. 10409. Authorization of appropriations.
Sec. 10410. Definitions.
Sec. 10411. Study on marine mammal mortality.
Sec. 10501. Modifications to National Volcano Early Warning and
Monitoring System.
Sec. 10601. Learning excellence and good examples from new developers.
Sec. 11001. Short title; table of contents.
Sec. 11002. Definitions.
Sec. 11003. Rule of construction.
Sec. 11101. Authorization of appropriations.
Sec. 11102. Authorized levels of military strength and training.
Sec. 11103. Authorization for certain programs and services.
Sec. 11104. Availability of amounts for acquisition of additional
Sec. 11105. Shoreside infrastructure and facilities.
Sec. 11106. Coast Guard yard resilient infrastructure and construction
Subtitle A--Infrastructure and Assets
Sec. 11201. Report on shoreside infrastructure and facilities projects.
Sec. 11202. Report and briefing on resourcing strategy for Western
Pacific region.
Sec. 11203. Study and report on national security and drug trafficking
threats in Florida Straits, Cuba, and
Caribbean region.
Sec. 11204. Coast Guard Yard.
Sec. 11205. Authority to enter into transactions other than contracts
and grants to procure cost-effective
technology for mission needs.
Sec. 11206. Improvements to infrastructure and operations planning.
Sec. 11207. Aqua alert notification system pilot program.
Sec. 11208. Pilot project for enhancing Coast Guard cutter readiness
through condition-based maintenance.
Sec. 11209. Study on laydown of Coast Guard Cutters.
Sec. 11210. Acquisition life-cycle cost estimates.
Sec. 11211. Disposition of infrastructure related to E-LORAN.
Subtitle B--Great Lakes
Sec. 11212. Great Lakes winter commerce.
Sec. 11213. Database on icebreaking operations in Great Lakes.
Sec. 11214. Center of expertise for Great Lakes oil spill search and
Sec. 11215. Great Lakes snowmobile acquisition plan.
Sec. 11216. Great Lakes barge inspection exemption.
Sec. 11217. Study on sufficiency of Coast Guard aviation assets to meet
mission demands.
Subtitle C--Arctic
Sec. 11218. Establishment of medium icebreaker program office.
Sec. 11219. Arctic activities.
Sec. 11220. Study on Arctic operations and infrastructure.
Sec. 11221. Pribilof Island transition completion actions.
Sec. 11222. Report on shipyards of Finland and Sweden.
Sec. 11223. Acquisition of icebreaker.
Subtitle D--Maritime Cyber and Artificial Intelligence
Sec. 11224. Enhancing maritime cybersecurity.
Sec. 11225. Establishment of unmanned system program and autonomous
control and computer vision technology
Sec. 11226. Artificial intelligence strategy.
Sec. 11227. Review of artificial intelligence applications and
establishment of performance metrics.
Sec. 11228. Cyber data management.
Sec. 11229. Data management.
Sec. 11230. Study on cyber threats to United States marine
transportation system.
Subtitle E--Aviation
Sec. 11231. Space-available travel on Coast Guard aircraft: program
authorization and eligible recipients.
Sec. 11232. Report on Coast Guard Air Station Barbers Point hangar.
Sec. 11233. Study on operational availability of Coast Guard aircraft
and strategy for Coast Guard Aviation.
Subtitle F--Workforce Readiness
Sec. 11234. Authorized strength.
Sec. 11235. Continuation of officers with certain critical skills on
active duty.
Sec. 11236. Number and distribution of officers on active duty
promotion list.
Sec. 11237. Career incentive pay for marine inspectors.
Sec. 11238. Expansion of ability for selection board to recommend
officers of particular merit for promotion.
Sec. 11239. Modification to education loan repayment program.
Sec. 11240. Retirement of Vice Commandant.
Sec. 11241. Report on resignation and retirement processing times and
Sec. 11242. Calculation of active service.
Sec. 11243. Physical Disability Evaluation System procedure review.
Sec. 11244. Expansion of authority for multirater assessments of
certain personnel.
Sec. 11245. Promotion parity.
Sec. 11246. Partnership program to diversify Coast Guard.
Sec. 11247. Expansion of Coast Guard Junior Reserve Officers' Training
Sec. 11248. Improving representation of women and racial and ethnic
minorities among Coast Guard active-duty
Sec. 11249. Strategy to enhance diversity through recruitment and
Sec. 11250. Support for Coast Guard Academy.
Sec. 11251. Training for congressional affairs personnel.
Sec. 11252. Strategy for retention of cuttermen.
Sec. 11253. Study on performance of Coast Guard Force Readiness
Sec. 11254. Study on frequency of weapons training for Coast Guard
Subtitle G--Miscellaneous Provisions
Sec. 11255. Modification of prohibition on operation or procurement of
foreign-made unmanned aircraft systems.
Sec. 11256. Budgeting of Coast Guard relating to certain operations.
Sec. 11257. Report on San Diego maritime domain awareness.
Sec. 11258. Conveyance of Coast Guard vessels for public purposes.
Sec. 11259. National Coast Guard Museum funding plan.
Sec. 11260. Report on Coast Guard explosive ordnance disposal.
Sec. 11261. Transfer and conveyance.
Sec. 11262. Transparency and oversight.
Sec. 11263. Study on safety inspection program for containers and
Sec. 11264. Operational data sharing capability.
Sec. 11265. Feasibility study on construction of Coast Guard station at
Port Mansfield.
Sec. 11266. Procurement of tethered aerostat radar system for Coast
Guard Station South Padre Island.
Sec. 11267. Prohibition on major acquisition contracts with entities
associated with Chinese Communist Party.
Sec. 11268. Review of drug interdiction equipment and standards;
testing for fentanyl during interdiction
Sec. 11269. Public availability of information on monthly migrant
Sec. 11270. Cargo waiting time reduction.
Sec. 11271. Study on Coast Guard oversight and investigations.
Subtitle H--Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Response and
Sec. 11272. Administration of sexual assault forensic examination kits.
Sec. 11273. Policy on requests for permanent changes of station or unit
transfers by persons who report being the
victim of sexual assault.
Sec. 11274. Sex offenses and personnel records.
Sec. 11275. Study on Special Victims' Counsel program.
Subtitle A--Marine Mammals
Sec. 11301. Definitions.
Sec. 11302. Assistance to ports to reduce impacts of vessel traffic and
port operations on marine mammals.
Sec. 11303. Near real-time monitoring and mitigation program for large
Sec. 11304. Pilot program to establish a Cetacean Desk for Puget Sound
Sec. 11305. Monitoring ocean soundscapes.
Subtitle B--Oil Spills
Sec. 11306. Report on changing salvors.
Sec. 11307. Limited indemnity provisions in standby oil spill response
Sec. 11308. Improving oil spill preparedness.
Sec. 11309. Western Alaska oil spill planning criteria.
Sec. 11310. Coast Guard claims processing costs.
Sec. 11311. Calculation of interest on debt owed to national pollution
Sec. 11312. Per-incident limitation.
Sec. 11313. Access to Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund.
Sec. 11314. Cost-reimbursable agreements.
Sec. 11315. Oil spill response review.
Sec. 11316. Additional exceptions to regulations for towing vessels.
Sec. 11317. Port Coordination Council for Point Spencer.
Subtitle C--Environmental Compliance
Sec. 11318. Providing requirements for vessels anchored in established
anchorage grounds.
Sec. 11319. Study on impacts on shipping and commercial, Tribal, and
recreational fisheries from development of
renewable energy on West Coast.
Sec. 11320. Use of devices broadcasting on AIS for purposes of marking
fishing gear.
Subtitle D--Environmental Issues
Sec. 11321. Notification of communication outages.
Sec. 11322. Improvements to communication with fishing industry and
related stakeholders.
Sec. 11323. Advance notification of military or other exercises.
Sec. 11324. Modifications to Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust
Fund administration.
Sec. 11325. Load lines.
Sec. 11326. Actions by National Marine Fisheries Service to increase
energy production.
Sec. 11327. Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force.
Sec. 11328. Safety standards.
Subtitle E--Illegal Fishing and Forced Labor Prevention
Sec. 11329. Definitions.
Chapter 1--Combating Human Trafficking Through Seafood Import
Sec. 11330. Enhancement of Seafood Import Monitoring Program Message
Set in Automated Commercial Environment
Sec. 11331. Data sharing and aggregation.
Sec. 11332. Import audits.
Sec. 11333. Availability of fisheries information.
Sec. 11334. Report on Seafood Import Monitoring Program.
Sec. 11335. Authorization of appropriations.
Chapter 2--Strengthening International Fisheries Management To Combat
Human Trafficking
Sec. 11336. Denial of port privileges.
Sec. 11337. Identification and certification criteria.
Sec. 11338. Equivalent conservation measures.
Sec. 11339. Capacity building in foreign fisheries.
Sec. 11340. Training of United States observers.
Sec. 11341. Regulations.
Subtitle A--Support for Coast Guard Members and Families
Sec. 11401. Coast Guard child care improvements.
Sec. 11402. Armed Forces access to Coast Guard child development
Sec. 11403. Cadet pregnancy policy improvements.
Sec. 11404. Combat-related special compensation.
Sec. 11405. Study on food security.
Subtitle B--Healthcare
Sec. 11406. Development of medical staffing standards for Coast Guard.
Sec. 11407. Healthcare system review and strategic plan.
Sec. 11408. Data collection and access to care.
Sec. 11409. Behavioral health policy.
Sec. 11410. Members asserting post-traumatic stress disorder or
traumatic brain injury.
Sec. 11411. Improvements to Physical Disability Evaluation System and
transition program.
Sec. 11412. Expansion of access to counseling.
Sec. 11413. Expansion of postgraduate opportunities for members of
Coast Guard in medical and related fields.
Sec. 11414. Study on Coast Guard medical facilities needs.
Sec. 11415. Study on Coast Guard telemedicine program.
Subtitle C--Housing
Sec. 11416. Study on Coast Guard housing access, cost, and challenges.
Sec. 11417. Audit of certain military housing conditions of enlisted
members of Coast Guard in Key West,
Sec. 11418. Study on Coast Guard housing authorities and privatized
Sec. 11419. Strategy to improve quality of life at remote units.
Subtitle D--Other Matters
Sec. 11420. Report on availability of emergency supplies for Coast
Guard personnel.
Sec. 11421. Fleet mix analysis and shore infrastructure investment
Subtitle A--Vessel Safety
Sec. 11501. Responses to safety recommendations.
Sec. 11502. Requirements for DUKW amphibious passenger vessels.
Sec. 11503. Exoneration and limitation of liability for small passenger
Sec. 11504. At-sea recovery operations pilot program.
Sec. 11505. Historic wood sailing vessels.
Sec. 11506. Certificates of numbers for undocumented vessels.
Sec. 11507. Comptroller General review and report on Coast Guard
oversight of third-party organizations.
Sec. 11508. Articulated tug-barge manning.
Sec. 11509. Fishing vessel safety.
Sec. 11510. Exemptions for certain passenger vessels.
Subtitle B--Merchant Mariner Credentialing
Sec. 11511. Modernizing merchant mariner credentialing system.
Sec. 11512. Assessment regarding application process for merchant
mariner credentials.
Sec. 11513. GAO report.
Sec. 11514. Military to Mariners Act of 2022.
Sec. 11515. Definitions.
Subtitle C--Other Matters
Sec. 11516. Nonoperating individual.
Sec. 11517. Oceanographic research vessels.
Sec. 11518. Port access routes briefing.
Sec. 11519. Definition of stateless vessel.
Sec. 11520. Limitation on recovery for certain injuries incurred in
aquaculture activities.
Sec. 11521. Report on securing vessels and cargo.
Sec. 11522. Report on enforcement of coastwise laws.
Sec. 11523. Land conveyance, Sharpe Army Depot, Lathrop, California.
Sec. 11524. Prohibition on entry and operation.
Sec. 11525. Floating dry docks.
Sec. 11526. Updated requirements for fishing crew agreements.
Sec. 11601. Definitions.
Sec. 11602. Convicted sex offender as grounds for denial.
Sec. 11603. Sexual harassment or sexual assault as grounds for
suspension or revocation.
Sec. 11604. Accommodation; notices.
Sec. 11605. Protection against discrimination.
Sec. 11606. Alcohol at sea.
Sec. 11607. Surveillance requirements.
Sec. 11608. Master key control.
Sec. 11609. Requirement to report sexual assault and harassment.
Sec. 11610. Safety management system.
Sec. 11611. Reports to Congress.
Subtitle A--National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Commissioned Officer Corps
Sec. 11701. Definitions.
Sec. 11702. Requirement for appointments.
Sec. 11703. Repeal of requirement to promote ensigns after 3 years of
Sec. 11704. Authority to provide awards and decorations.
Sec. 11705. Retirement and separation.
Sec. 11706. Improving professional mariner staffing.
Sec. 11707. Legal assistance.
Sec. 11708. Acquisition of aircraft for agency air, atmosphere, and
weather reconnaissance and research
Sec. 11709. Report on professional mariner staffing models.
Subtitle B--Other Matters
Sec. 11710. Conveyance of certain property of National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration in Juneau,
Sec. 11801. Terms and vacancies.
Sec. 11802. Passenger vessel security and safety requirements.
Sec. 11803. Technical corrections.
Sec. 11804. Transportation worker identification credential technical
Sec. 11805. Reinstatement.
Sec. 11806. Determination of budgetary effects.
Sec. 11807. Technical amendment.
Sec. 11808. Lighthouse service amendments.
In this Act, the term ``congressional defense committees'' has the
meaning given that term in section 101(a)(16) of title 10, United
States Code.
The budgetary effects of this Act, for the purpose of complying
with the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010, shall be determined by
reference to the latest statement titled ``Budgetary Effects of PAYGO
Legislation'' for this Act, jointly submitted for printing in the
Congressional Record by the Chairmen of the House and Senate Budget
Committees, provided that such statement has been submitted prior to
the vote on passage in the House acting first on the conference report
or amendment between the Houses.
The explanatory statement regarding this Act, printed in the House
section of the Congressional Record on or about December 7, 2022, by
the Chairman of the Committee on Armed Services of the House of
Representatives and the Chairman of the Committee on Armed Services of
the Senate, shall have the same effect with respect to the
implementation of this Act as if it were a joint explanatory statement
of a committee of conference.
Subtitle A--Authorization of Appropriations
Sec. 101. Authorization of appropriations.
Subtitle B--Army Programs
Sec. 111. Limitations on production of Extended Range Cannon Artillery
Subtitle C--Navy Programs
Sec. 121. Requirements relating to EA-18G aircraft of the Navy.
Sec. 122. Navy shipbuilding workforce development special incentive.
Sec. 123. Extension of prohibition on availability of funds for Navy
port waterborne security barriers.
Sec. 124. Limitation on authority to modify capabilities and fleet
configuration of E-6B aircraft.
Sec. 125. Multiyear procurement authority for Arleigh Burke class
Sec. 126. Procurement authority for Ship-to-Shore Connector program.
Sec. 127. Procurement authority for CH-53K heavy lift helicopter
Sec. 128. Procurement authorities for John Lewis-class fleet
replenishment oiler ships.
Sec. 129. Procurement authorities for certain amphibious shipbuilding
Sec. 130. Contracts for design and construction of the DDG(X) destroyer
Sec. 131. Tomahawk and Standard Missile-6 capability on FFG-62 class
Sec. 132. Report on advance procurement for CVN-82 and CVN-83.
Sec. 133. Quarterly briefings on the CH-53K King Stallion helicopter
Subtitle D--Air Force Programs
Sec. 141. Modification of inventory requirements for aircraft of the
combat air forces.
Sec. 142. Inventory and other requirements relating to air refueling
tanker aircraft.
Sec. 143. Requirements relating to F-22 aircraft.
Sec. 144. Modification of exception to prohibition on certain
reductions to B-1 bomber aircraft
Sec. 145. Repeal of Air Force E-8C force presentation requirement.
Sec. 146. Minimum inventory of C-130 aircraft.
Sec. 147. Prohibition on availability of funds for retirement of C-40
Sec. 148. Prohibition on availability of funds for termination of
production lines for HH-60W aircraft.
Sec. 149. Prohibition on certain reductions to inventory of E-3
airborne warning and control system
Sec. 150. Limitation on divestment of F-15 aircraft.
Sec. 151. Authority to procure upgraded ejection seats for certain T-
38A aircraft.
Sec. 152. Procurement authority for digital mission operations platform
for the Space Force.
Sec. 153. Digital transformation commercial software acquisition.
Sec. 154. Requirements study and strategy for the combat search and
rescue mission of the Air Force.
Sec. 155. Plan for transfer of KC-135 aircraft to the Air National
Sec. 156. Annual reports on T-7A Advanced Pilot Training System.
Subtitle E--Defense-wide, Joint, and Multiservice Matters
Sec. 161. Increase in Air Force and Navy use of used commercial dual-
use parts in certain aircraft and engines.
Sec. 162. Assessment and strategy for fielding capabilities to counter
threats posed by unmanned aerial system
Sec. 163. Assessment and report on military rotary wing aircraft
industrial base.
Sec. 164. Comptroller General audit of efforts to modernize the
propulsion, power, and thermal management
systems of F-35 aircraft.
第1258条。 中华人民共和国境内为人民解放军提供支援的高等教育机构的报告。
(a) 确定。-- (1) 总则。--国防部长与国家情报总监协商后,应确定提供实质性支持给人民解放军的设于中华人民共和国的每个高等教育机构。 (2) 因素——在根据第 (1) 款确定实体时,部长应考虑以下因素: (A) 对实施中国军民融合战略的实质性支持。 (B) 与中国国家国防科技工业局的实质性关系。 (四)从中共中央军事委员会所属单位获得的经费。 (E) 支持或促成与中国政府或中国共产党内的任何安全、国防或警察部队的关系。 (F) 部长认为合适的任何其他因素。SEC 1258. REPORTING ON INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION DOMICILED IN THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA THAT PROVIDE SUPPORT TO THE PEOPLE'S LIBERATION ARMY.(a) Determination.-- (1) In general.--The Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Director of National Intelligence, shall identify each entity that is an institution of higher education domiciled in the People's Republic of China that provides material support to the People's Liberation Army. (2) Factors.--In making a determination under paragraph (1) with respect to an entity, the Secretary shall consider the following factors: (A) Material support to the implementation of the military-civil fusion strategy of China. (B) Material relationship with the Chinese State Administration for Science, Technology, and Industry for the National Defense. (D) Funding received from any organization subordinate to the Central Military Commission of the Chinese Communist Party. (E) Supporting or enabling relationship with any security, defense, or police forces within the Government of China or the Chinese Communist Party. (F) Any other factor the Secretary determines is appropriate.
第 5599C 条国会对中国地位的看法。
(一)中华人民共和国是完全工业化国家,不再是发展中国家; 并且
(2) 任何提供或给予中国作为“发展中国家”的优惠地位或待遇的国际协定都应更新以反映中国的地位。
第162条 应对无人驾驶航空系统蜂群造成的威胁的部署能力的评估和战略。
(2) 对包括中华人民共和国、俄罗斯联邦、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国和非国家行为者在内的对手使用或可能使用无人机群的分析; SEC. 5599C. SENSE OF CONGRESS REGARDING THE STATUS OF CHINA. It is the sense of Congress that-- (1) the People's Republic of China is a fully industrialized nation and no longer a developing nation; and (2) any international agreement that provides or accords China a favorable status or treatment as a ``developing nation'' should be updated to reflect the status of China.
第1259条. 审查中华人民共和国政府和中华人民共和国政府指导或支持的实体进行的港口和港口相关基础设施采购和投资。Sec. 1259. Review of port and port-related infrastructure purchases and investments made by the Government of the People's Republic of China and entities directed or backed by the Government of the People's Republic of China.
(a) In General.--The Secretary of State, in coordination with the Director of National Intelligence, the Secretary of Defense, and the head of any other agency the Secretary of State considers necessary, shall conduct a review of port and port-related infrastructure purchases and investments critical to the interests and national security of the United States made by-- (1) the Government of the People's Republic of China; (2) entities directed or backed by the Government of the People's Republic of China; and (3) entities with beneficial owners that include the Government of the People's Republic of China or a private company controlled by the Government of the People's Republic of China. (b) Elements.--The review required by subsection (a) shall include the following: (1) A list of port and port-related infrastructure purchases and investments described in that subsection, prioritized in order of the purchases or investments that pose the greatest threat to United States economic, defense, and foreign policy interests. (2) An analysis of the effects the consolidation of such investments, or the assertion of control by the Government of the People's Republic of China over entities described in paragraph (2) or (3) of that subsection, would have on Department of State and Department of Defense contingency plans. (3) A description of the integration into ports of technologies developed and produced by the Government of the People's Republic of China or entities described in paragraphs (2) or (3) of that subsection, and the data and cyber security risks posed by such integration. (4) A description of past and planned efforts by the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense, with the support of the Director of National Intelligence, to address such purchases, investments, and consolidation of investments or assertion of control. (c) Coordination With Other Federal Agencies.--In conducting the review required by subsection (a), the Secretary of State may coordinate with the head of any other Federal agency, as the Secretary considers appropriate. (d) Report.-- (1) In general.--Not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State shall submit to the appropriate committees of Congress a report on the results of the review under subsection (a). (2) Form.--The report required by paragraph (1) shall be submitted in unclassified form, but may contain a classified annex. (e) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Appropriate committees of congress.--The term ``appropriate committees of Congress'' means-- (A) the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Foreign Relations, and the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate; and (B) the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives. (2) Port.--The term ``port'' means-- (A) any port-- (i) on the navigable waters of the United States; or (ii) that is considered by the Secretary of State to be critical to United States interests; and (B) any harbor, marine terminal, or other shoreside facility used principally for the movement of goods on inland waters that the Secretary of State considers critical to United States interests. (3) Port-related infrastructure.--The term ``port-related infrastructure'' includes-- (A) crane equipment; (B) logistics, information, and communications systems; and (C) any other infrastructure the Secretary of State considers appropriate.
SEC. 2854. BRIEFING ON ATTEMPTS TO ACQUIRE LAND NEAR UNITED STATES MILITARY INSTALLATIONS BY THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA. The Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment, in consultation with the head of the Department of the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, shall provide a briefing to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives not later than June 1, 2023, that details-- (1) attempts by the People's Republic of China to acquire land that is located in close proximity (as determined by the Secretary of Defense) to a United States military installation; and (2) ongoing Department of Defense efforts to counter such attempts.
PART 2--COUNTERING PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA'S COERCION AND INFLUENCE CAMPAIGNS SEC. 5513. STRATEGY TO RESPOND TO INFLUENCE AND INFORMATION OPERATIONS TARGETING TAIWAN. (a) In General.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and annually thereafter for the following 5 years, the Secretary of State, in coordination with the Director of National Intelligence, shall develop and implement a strategy to respond to-- (1) covert, coercive, and corrupting activities carried out to advance the Chinese Communist Party's ``United Front'' work related to Taiwan, including activities directed, coordinated, or otherwise supported by the United Front Work Department or its subordinate or affiliated entities; and (2) information and disinformation campaigns, cyber attacks, and nontraditional propaganda measures supported by the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese Communist Party that are directed toward persons or entities in Taiwan. (b) Elements.--The strategy required under subsection (a) shall include descriptions of-- (1) the proposed response to propaganda and disinformation campaigns by the People's Republic of China and cyber- intrusions targeting Taiwan, including-- (A) assistance in building the capacity of Taiwan's public and private-sector entities to document and expose propaganda and disinformation supported by the Government of the People's Republic of China, the Chinese Communist Party, or affiliated entities; (B) assistance to enhance Taiwan's ability to develop a holistic strategy to respond to sharp power operations, including election interference; and (C) media training for Taiwan officials and other Taiwan entities targeted by disinformation campaigns; (2) the proposed response to political influence operations that includes an assessment of the extent of influence exerted by the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese Communist Party in Taiwan on local political parties, financial institutions, media organizations, and other entities; (3) support for exchanges and other technical assistance to strengthen the Taiwan legal system's ability to respond to sharp power operations; and (4) programs carried out by the Global Engagement Center to expose misinformation and disinformation in the Chinese Communist Party's propaganda. SEC. 5514. TASK FORCE TO COUNTER ECONOMIC COERCION BY THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA. (a) Sense of Congress.--It is the sense of Congress that-- (1) the People's Republic of China's (PRC) increasing use of economic coercion against foreign governments, companies, organizations, other entities, and individuals requires that the United States devise a comprehensive, effective, and multilateral response; (2) the private sector is a crucial partner in helping the United States Government respond to the PRC's coercive economic practices and hold the PRC accountable; (3) improved engagement and communication with the private sector, including receiving information from the United States private sector about the PRC's coercive economic practices would help the United States Government and private sector stakeholders conduct early assessments of potential pressure points and vulnerabilities; and (4) PRC coercive economic practices create pressures for the private sector to behave in ways antithetical to United States national interests and competitiveness. (b) Establishment of Task Force.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the President shall establish an interagency task force to be known as the ``Countering Economic Coercion Task Force'' (referred to in this section as the ``Task Force''). (c) Duties.-- (1) In general.--The Task Force shall-- (A) oversee the development and implementation of an integrated United States Government strategy to respond to People's Republic of China (PRC) coercive economic practices, which shall include-- (i) systematically monitoring and evaluating-- (I) the costs of such practices on United States businesses and overall United States economic performance; (II) instances in which such practices taken against a non-PRC entity has benefitted other parties; and (III) the impacts such practices have had on United States national interests; and (ii) facilitating coordination among Federal departments and agencies when responding to such practices as well as proactively deterring such economic coercion, including by clarifying the roles for Federal departments and agencies identified in subsection (d) in implementing the strategy; and (iii) forming policy recommendations for the implementation of relevant United States authorities to respond to instances of PRC coercive economic practices; (B) consult with United States allies and partners on the feasibility and desirability of collectively identifying, assessing, and responding to PRC coercive economic practices, as well as actions that could be taken to expand coordination with the goal of ensuring a consistent, coherent, and collective response to such practices and establishing long-term deterrence of such practices; (C) effectively engage the United States private sector, particularly sectors, groups, or other entities that are susceptible to such PRC coercive economic practices, on concerns related to such practices; and (D) develop and implement a process for regularly sharing relevant information, including classified information to the extent appropriate and practicable, on such PRC coercive economic practices with United States allies, partners, and the private sector. (2) Consultation.--In carrying out its duties under this subsection, the Task Force should regularly consult, to the extent necessary and appropriate, with the following: (A) Relevant stakeholders in the private sector. (B) Federal departments and agencies that are not represented on the Task Force. (C) United States allies and partners. (d) Membership.--The President shall-- (1) appoint the chair of the Task Force from among the staff of the National Security Council; (2) appoint the vice chair of the Task Force from among the staff of the National Economic Council; and (3) determine the Federal departments and agencies that will serve on the task force, and direct the head of those agencies to appoint personnel at the level of Assistant Secretary or above to participate in the Task Force. (e) Reports.-- (1) Initial report.--Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Task Force shall submit to Congress a report that includes the following elements: (A) A comprehensive review of the array of economic tools the Government of the People's Republic of China (PRC) employs or could employ in the future to coerce other governments and non-PRC companies (including United States companies) including the Government of the PRC's continued efforts to codify informal practices into its domestic law. (B) The strategy required by subsection (c)(1)(A). (C) An interagency definition of PRC coercive economic practices that captures both-- (i) the use of informal or extralegal PRC coercive economic practices; and (ii) the inappropriate use of economic tools, including those authorized under the laws and regulations of the PRC. (D) A comprehensive review of the array of tools the United States Government employs or could employ to respond to economic coercion against the government, companies, and other entities of the United States or its allies and partners. (E) A list of unilateral or multilateral-- (i) preemptive practices to defend or deter against PRC coercive economic practices; and (ii) actions taken in response to the Government of the PRC's general use of coercive economic practices, including the imposition of costs on the PRC. (F) An assessment of United States allies and partners key vulnerabilities to PRC coercive economic practices. (G) A description of gaps in existing resources or capabilities for United States Government departments and agencies to respond effectively to PRC coercive economic practices directed at United States entities and assist United States allies and partners in their responses to PRC coercive economic practices. (H) An analysis of the circumstances under which the PRC employs different types of economic coercion and against what kinds of targets. (I) An assessment of United States and international rules and norms as well as any treaty obligations the PRC has stretched, circumvented, or broken through its economically coercive practices and the United States response in each instance. (2) Interim reports.-- (A) First interim report.--Not later than 1 year after the date on which the report required by paragraph (1) is submitted to Congress, the Task Force shall submit to Congress a report that includes the following elements: (i) Updates to information required by subparagraphs (A) through (G) of paragraph (1). (ii) A description of activities conducted by the Task Force to implement the strategy required by subsection (c)(1)(A). (iii) An assessment of the implementation and effectiveness of the strategy, lessons learned from the past year and planned changes to the strategy. (B) Second interim report.--Not later than 1 year after the date on which the report required by subparagraph (A) is submitted to Congress, the Task Force shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report that includes an update to the elements required under the report required by subparagraph (A). (3) Final report.--Not later than 30 days after the date on which the report required by paragraph (2)(B) is submitted to Congress, the Task Force shall submit to Congress a final report that includes the following elements: (A) An analysis of PRC coercive economic practices and the cost of such coercive practices to United States businesses. (B) A description of areas of possible vulnerability for United States businesses and businesses of United States partners and allies. (C) Recommendations on how to continue the effort to counter PRC coercive economic practices, including through further coordination with United States allies and partners. (D) Illustrative examples. (4) Form.--The reports required by this subsection shall be submitted in classified form, but may include an unclassified summary. (f) Sunset.-- (1) In general.--The Task Force shall terminate at the end of the 60-day period beginning on the date on which the final report required by subsection (e)(3) is submitted to Congress. (2) Additional actions.--The Task force may use the 60-day period referred to in paragraph (1) for the purposes of concluding its activities, including providing testimony to Congress concerning the final report required by subsection (e)(3). (g) Assistance for Countries and Entities Targeted by the People's Republic of China for Economic Coercion.--The Secretary of State, the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development, the United States International Development Finance Corporation, the Secretary of Commerce, and the Secretary of the Treasury shall provide appropriate assistance to countries and entities that are subject to coercive economic practices by the People's Republic of China. SEC. 5515. CHINA CENSORSHIP MONITOR AND ACTION GROUP. (a) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Appropriate congressional committees.--The term ``appropriate congressional committees'' means-- (A) the Committee on Foreign Relations, the Committee on Appropriations, and the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate; and (B) the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Committee on Appropriations, and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives. (2) Qualified research entity.--The term ``qualified research entity'' means an entity that-- (A) is a nonpartisan research organization or a Federally funded research and development center; (B) has appropriate expertise and analytical capability to write the report required under subsection (c); and (C) is free from any financial, commercial, or other entanglements, which could undermine the independence of such report or create a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest, with-- (i) the Government of the People's Republic of China; (ii) the Chinese Communist Party; (iii) any company incorporated in the People's Republic of China or a subsidiary of such company; or (iv) any company or entity incorporated outside of the People's Republic of China that is believed to have a substantial financial or commercial interest in the People's Republic of China. (3) United states person.--The term ``United States person'' means-- (A) a United States citizen or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence to the United States; or (B) an entity organized under the laws of the United States or any jurisdiction within the United States, including a foreign branch of such an entity. (b) China Censorship Monitor and Action Group.-- (1) In general.--The President shall establish an interagency task force, which shall be known as the ``China Censorship Monitor and Action Group'' (referred to in this subsection as the ``Task Force''). (2) Membership.--The President shall take the following actions with respect to the membership of, and participation in, the Task Force: (A) Appoint the chair of the Task Force from among the staff of the National Security Council. (B) Appoint the vice chair of the Task Force from among the staff of the National Economic Council. (C) Determine the Federal departments and agencies that will serve on the Task Force, and direct the head of those agencies to appoint personnel at the level of Assistant Secretary or above to participate in the Task Force. (3) Responsibilities.--The Task Force shall-- (A) oversee the development and execution of an integrated Federal Government strategy to monitor and address the impacts of efforts directed, or directly supported, by the Government of the People's Republic of China to censor or intimidate, in the United States or in any of its possessions or territories, any United States person, including United States companies that conduct business in the People's Republic of China, which are exercising their right to freedom of speech; and (B) submit the strategy developed pursuant to subparagraph (A) to the appropriate congressional committees not later than 120 days after the date of the enactment of this Act. (4) Meetings.--The Task Force shall meet not less frequently than twice per year. (5) Consultations.--The Task Force should regularly consult, to the extent necessary and appropriate, with-- (A) Federal agencies that are not represented on the Task Force; (B) independent agencies of the United States Government that are not represented on the Task Force; (C) relevant stakeholders in the private sector and the media; and (D) relevant stakeholders among United States allies and partners facing similar challenges related to censorship or intimidation by the Government of the People's Republic of China. (6) Reporting requirements.-- (A) Annual report.--The Task Force shall submit an annual report to the appropriate congressional committees that describes, with respect to the reporting period-- (i) the strategic objectives and policies pursued by the Task Force to address the challenges of censorship and intimidation of United States persons while in the United States or any of its possessions or territories, which is directed or directly supported by the Government of the People's Republic of China; (ii) the activities conducted by the Task Force in support of the strategic objectives and policies referred to in clause (i); and (iii) the results of the activities referred to in clause (ii) and the impact of such activities on the national interests of the United States. (B) Form of report.--Each report submitted pursuant to subparagraph (A) shall be unclassified, but may include a classified annex. (C) Congressional briefings.--Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, and annually thereafter, the Task Force shall provide briefings to the appropriate congressional committees regarding the activities of the Task Force to execute the strategy developed pursuant to paragraph (3)(A). (c) Report on Censorship and Intimidation of United States Persons by the Government of the People's Republic of China.-- (1) Report.-- (A) In general.--Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State shall select and seek to enter into an agreement with a qualified research entity that is independent of the Department of State to write a report on censorship and intimidation in the United States and its possessions and territories of United States persons, including United States companies that conduct business in the People's Republic of China, which is directed or directly supported by the Government of the People's Republic of China. (B) Matters to be included.--The report required under subparagraph (A) shall-- (i) assess major trends, patterns, and methods of the Government of the People's Republic of China's efforts to direct or directly support censorship and intimidation of United States persons, including United States companies that conduct business in the People's Republic of China, which are exercising their right to freedom of speech; (ii) assess, including through the use of illustrative examples, as appropriate, the impact on and consequences for United States persons, including United States companies that conduct business in the People's Republic of China, that criticize-- (I) the Chinese Communist Party; (II) the Government of the People's Republic of China; (III) the authoritarian model of government of the People's Republic of China; or (IV) a particular policy advanced by the Chinese Communist Party or the Government of the People's Republic of China; (iii) identify the implications for the United States of the matters described in clauses (i) and (ii); (iv) assess the methods and evaluate the efficacy of the efforts by the Government of the People's Republic of China to limit freedom of expression in the private sector, including media, social media, film, education, travel, financial services, sports and entertainment, technology, telecommunication, and internet infrastructure interests; (v) include policy recommendations for the United States Government, including recommendations regarding collaboration with United States allies and partners, to address censorship and intimidation by the Government of the People's Republic of China; and (vi) include policy recommendations for United States persons, including United States companies that conduct business in China, to address censorship and intimidation by the Government of the People's Republic of China. (C) Applicability to united states allies and partners.--To the extent practicable, the report required under subparagraph (A) should identify implications and policy recommendations that are relevant to United States allies and partners facing censorship and intimidation directed or directly supported by the Government of the People's Republic of China. (2) Submission of report.-- (A) In general.--Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State shall submit the report written by the qualified research entity selected pursuant to paragraph (1)(A) to the appropriate congressional committees. (B) Publication.--The report referred to in subparagraph (A) shall be made accessible to the public online through relevant United States Government websites. (d) Sunset.--This section shall terminate on the date that is 5 years after the date of enactment of this Act. PART 3--INCLUSION OF TAIWAN IN INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS SEC. 5516. FINDINGS. Congress makes the following findings: (1) Since 2016, the Gambia, Sao Tome and Principe, Panama, the Dominican Republic, Burkina Faso, El Salvador, the Solomon Islands, and Kiribati have severed diplomatic relations with Taiwan in favor of diplomatic relations with China. (2) Taiwan was invited to participate in the World Health Assembly (WHA), the decision-making body of the World Health Organization (WHO), as an observer annually between 2009 and 2016. Since the 2016 election of President Tsai, the PRC has increasingly resisted Taiwan's participation in the WHA. Taiwan was not invited to attend the WHA in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, or 2021. (3) The Taipei Flight Information Region reportedly served 1,750,000 flights and 68,900,000 passengers in 2018, and is home to Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport, the eleventh busiest airport in the world. Taiwan has been excluded from participating at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) since 2013. (4) United Nations (UN) General Assembly Resolution 2758 does not address the issue of representation of Taiwan and its people at the United Nations, nor does it give the PRC the right to represent the people of Taiwan. SEC. 5517. SENSE OF CONGRESS ON TAIWAN'S MEANINGFUL PARTICIPATION IN THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY. It is the sense of Congress that-- (1) Taiwan is an important contributor to the global community, as a model for democracy, and by providing expertise in global health, international aviation security, emerging technology development, and high environmental standards; (2) multiple United States Government administrations of both political parties have taken important steps to advance Taiwan's meaningful participation in international organizations; (3) existing efforts to enhance United States cooperation with Taiwan to provide global public goods, including through development assistance, humanitarian assistance, and disaster relief, in trilateral and multilateral fora are laudable and should continue; (4) nonetheless, significant structural, policy, and legal barriers remain to advancing Taiwan's meaningful participation in the international community; and (5) efforts to share Taiwan's expertise with other parts of the global community could be further enhanced through a systematic approach, along with greater attention from Congress and the American public to such efforts. SEC. 5518. STRATEGY TO SUPPORT TAIWAN'S MEANINGFUL PARTICIPATION IN INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS. (a) In General.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State, in consultation with other Federal departments and agencies as appropriate, shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a strategy-- (1) to advance Taiwan''s meaningful participation in a prioritized set of international organizations (IOs); and (2) that responds to growing pressure from the PRC on foreign governments, IOs, commercial actors, and civil society organizations to comply with its ``One-China Principle'', with respect to Taiwan. (b) Matters to Be Included.--The strategy required under subsection (a) should include the following elements: (1) An assessment of the methods the PRC uses to coerce actors to into adhering to its ``One-China Principle.'' The methods should include those employed against governments, IOs, and civil society organizations. The assessment should also include pressure on commercial actors, to the extent it is relevant in the context of Taiwan's meaningful participation in IOs. (2) An assessment of the policies of foreign governments toward the PRC and Taiwan, to identify likeminded allies and partners who might become public or private partners in the strategy. (3) A systematic analysis of all IOs, as practicable, to identify IOs that best lend themselves to advancing Taiwan's participation. (4) A plan to expand economic, security, and diplomatic engagement with nations that have demonstrably strengthened, enhanced, or upgraded relations with Taiwan, in accordance with United States interests. (5) A survey of IOs that have allowed Taiwan's meaningful participation, including an assessment of whether any erosion in Taiwan's engagement has occurred within those organizations and how Taiwan's participation has positively strengthened the capacity and activity of these organizations, thereby providing positive models for Taiwan's inclusion in other similar forums. (6) A list of no more than 20 IOs at which the United States Government will prioritize for using its voice, vote, and influence to advance Taiwan's meaningful participation over the three-year period following the date of enactment of this Act. The list should be derived from the IOs identified in paragraph (3). (7) A description of the diplomatic strategies and the coalitions the United States Government plans to develop to implement paragraph (6). (c) Form of Report.--The strategy required in subsection (a) shall be classified, but it may include an unclassified summary. (d) Support for Meaningful Participation.--The Permanent Representative of the United States to the United Nations and other relevant United States officials shall actively support Taiwan's meaningful participation in all appropriate international organizations. SEC. 5519. MEANINGFUL PARTICIPATION OF TAIWAN IN THE INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION. (a) Sense of Congress.--It is the sense of Congress that-- (1) the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) should allow Taiwan to meaningfully participate in the organization, including in ICAO triennial assembly sessions, conferences, technical working groups, meetings, activities, and mechanisms; (2) Taiwan is a global leader and hub for international aviation, with a range of expertise, information, and resources and the fifth busiest airport in Asia (Taoyuan International Airport), and its meaningful participation in ICAO would significantly enhance the ability of ICAO to ensure the safety and security of global aviation; and (3) coercion by the Chinese Communist Party and the People's Republic of China has ensured the systematic exclusion of Taiwan from meaningful participation in ICAO, significantly undermining the ability of ICAO to ensure the safety and security of global aviation. (b) Plan for Taiwan's Meaningful Participation in the International Civil Aviation Organization.--The Secretary of State, in coordination with the Secretary of Commerce and the Secretary of Transportation, is authorized-- (1) to initiate a United States plan to secure Taiwan's meaningful participation in ICAO, including in ICAO triennial assembly sessions, conferences, technical working groups, meetings, activities, and mechanisms; and (2) to instruct the United States representative to the ICAO to-- (A) use the voice and vote of the United States to ensure Taiwan's meaningful participation in ICAO, including in ICAO triennial assembly sessions, conferences, technical working groups, meetings, activities, and mechanisms; and (B) seek to secure a vote at the next ICAO triennial assembly session on the question of Taiwan's participation in that session. (c) Report Concerning Taiwan's Meaningful Participation in the International Civil Aviation Organization.--Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, and not later than April 1 of each year thereafter for the following 6 years, the Secretary of State, in coordination with the Secretary of Commerce, shall submit to the Committee on Foreign Relations and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate and the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, and the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives an unclassified report that-- (1) describes the United States plan to ensure Taiwan's meaningful participation in ICAO, including in ICAO triennial assembly sessions, conferences, technical working groups, meetings, activities, and mechanisms; (2) includes an account of the efforts made by the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Commerce to ensure Taiwan's meaningful participation in ICAO, including in ICAO triennial assembly sessions, conferences, technical working groups, meetings, activities, and mechanisms; and (3) identifies the steps the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Commerce will take in the next year to ensure Taiwan's meaningful participation in ICAO, including in ICAO triennial assembly sessions, conferences, technical working groups, meetings, activities, and mechanisms.
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