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Fostering mutually beneficial partnerships and supporting resilient and sustainable value chainsremains our priority to reduce risk both for our economies, as well as globally, and ensure sustainabledevelopment for all. Recent events have highlighted vulnerabilities in economies around the world tonatural disasters, pandemics, geopolitical tensions and coercion. Recalling our commitment from the2022 G7 Elmau Summit, we are taking additional steps today to enhance our ongoing strategiccoordination on economic resilience and economic security by reducing vulnerabilities andcountering malign practices that exploit and reinforce them. This complements the correspondingsteps we are taking to enhance supply chain resilience as laid out in the G7 Clean Energy EconomyAction Plan. We underline the importance of cooperating both within the G7 as well as with all ourpartners to enhance global economic resilience, including by supporting a more significant role forlow and middle-income countries in supply chains in a way that also promotes their diversification and local value creation and benefits local workers and communities everywhere. We will address non-market policies and practices designed to reinforce dependencies, and will counter economic coercion. We will continue to ensure that the clearly defined, narrow set of sensitive technologies that are crucial for national security or could threaten international peace and security are appropriately controlled, without unduly impacting broader trade in technology. We affirm that our cooperation to strengthen economic resilience and economic security will be rooted in maintaining and improving a well-functioning international rules-based system, in particular the multilateral trading system with the WTO at its core. To these ends, we will work and coordinate through the G7 framework to make year-on-year progress in a holistic manner.促进互惠互利的伙伴关系并支持有弹性和可持续的价值链仍然是我们的首要任务,以降低我们经济乃至全球的风险,并确保所有人的可持续发展。 最近的事件凸显了世界各地的经济体在自然灾害、流行病、地缘政治紧张局势和胁迫面前的脆弱性。 回顾我们在 2022 年 七国集团 Elmau 峰会上的承诺,我们今天将采取更多措施,通过减少脆弱性并打击利用和强化它们的恶意做法,加强我们在经济弹性和经济安全方面的持续战略协调。这补充了我们正在采取的相应步骤,以增强七国集团清洁能源经济行动计划中规定的供应链弹性。 我们强调在七国集团内部以及与我们所有伙伴合作以增强全球经济弹性的重要性,包括支持低收入和中等收入国家在供应链中发挥更重要的作用,同时促进它们的多元化和本地化 创造价值并造福于各地的当地工人和社区。我们将解决旨在加强依赖性的非市场政策和做法,并将对抗经济胁迫。 我们将继续确保适当控制对国家安全至关重要或可能威胁国际和平与安全的明确界定的范围狭窄的敏感技术,而不会对更广泛的技术贸易产生不当影响。 我们确认,我们加强经济韧性和经济安全的合作将根植于维护和完善一个运作良好的基于规则的国际体系,特别是以世贸组织为核心的多边贸易体系。 为此,我们将通过七国集团框架开展工作和协调,统筹推进。
Enhancing global economic resilience提高全球经济韧性
Building resilient supply chains搭建有韧性的供应链
The COVID-19 pandemic and Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine has laid bare vulnerabilities in supply chains in countries around the world. Supply chain disruptions have had devastating impact for developing, emerging, and advanced economies alike. We recognize that transparency, diversification, security, sustainability, and trustworthiness and reliability are essential principles on which to build and strengthen resilient supply-chain networks among trusted partner countries both within and outside the G7. We encourage all nations to support these principles on resilient and reliable supply chains. We reaffirm our strong will to support the wider international community, particularly developing countries, in building their resilience, including through implementing the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment. Our partnerships honor international law, are free and fair, and foster mutually beneficial economic and trade relationships. Drawing lessons from recent incidents of weaponizing energy and other economic dependencies, we stand firmly against such behavior. We will enhance resilient supply chains through partnerships around the world, especially for critical goods such as critical minerals, semiconductors and batteries. We will step up our efforts to strengthen channels of communication to address supply disruptions and share insights and best practices, including from respective scenario-based stress testing.COVID-19 大流行和俄罗斯对乌克兰的侵略战争暴露了世界各国供应链的脆弱性。 供应链中断对发展中经济体、新兴经济体和发达经济体都产生了毁灭性影响。 我们认识到,透明度、多元化、安全性、可持续性以及可信度和可靠性是在七国集团内外值得信赖的伙伴国家之间建立和加强弹性供应链网络的基本原则。 我们鼓励所有国家支持这些关于弹性和可靠供应链的原则。 我们重申,我们坚定地支持更广泛的国际社会,特别是发展中国家建设其复原力,包括通过实施全球基础设施和投资伙伴关系。 我们的伙伴关系尊重国际法,是自由和公平的,并促进互惠互利的经济和贸易关系。 从最近将能源和其他经济依赖武器化的事件中吸取教训,我们坚决反对这种行为。 我们将通过全球合作伙伴关系加强弹性供应链,尤其是关键矿产、半导体和电池等关键商品。 我们将加紧努力,加强沟通渠道,以解决供应中断问题,并分享见解和最佳实践,包括来自各自基于情景的压力测试。Building resilient critical infrastructure搭建有韧性的基础设施
We emphasize the importance of cooperating on enhancing security and resiliency in critical infrastructure particularly in the digital domain. We welcome projects that strengthen the resilience of the ICT ecosystem including mobile, satellite and core networks, submarine cables, components and cloud infrastructure. We support an innovative and competitive digital ecosystem of trustworthy vendors, welcome supplier diversification efforts, and continue to discuss market trends towards open, interoperable approaches, alongside secure, resilient and established architectures in a technology neutral way. Under the Japanese G7 Presidency and against the background of early deployments of Open RAN, we will continue to exchange views on open architectures and securityrelated aspects and opportunities. We support open, global, market-driven, and inclusive multistakeholder approaches for the development of technical standards for telecommunications equipment and services to enable openness and interoperability in a technology neutral way. We discussed that such infrastructure requires a rigorous evaluation of equipment, consistent with existing measures such as those outlined in the Prague Proposals, and the EU’s 5G toolbox. We reaffirm the need to assess political, economic, and other risks of a non-technical nature posed by vendors and suppliers. We will continue our work to build resilient critical infrastructure by sharing information and best practices gained through our respective efforts.我们强调合作加强关键基础设施的安全性和弹性的重要性,尤其是在数字领域。 我们欢迎加强 ICT 生态系统弹性的项目,包括移动、卫星和核心网络、海底电缆、组件和云基础设施。 我们支持由可信赖的供应商组成的创新和有竞争力的数字生态系统,欢迎供应商多元化努力,并继续讨论市场趋势,以实现开放、可互操作的方法,以及以技术中立的方式建立安全、有弹性和成熟的架构。 在日本担任 七国集团主席国期间,在 Open RAN 早期部署的背景下,我们将继续就开放架构和安全相关方面和机会交换意见。 我们支持开放的、全球性的、市场驱动的和包容性的多利益相关方方法来制定电信设备和服务的技术标准,以技术中立的方式实现开放性和互操作性。 我们讨论了此类基础设施需要对设备进行严格评估,并与布拉格提案和欧盟 5G 工具箱中概述的现有措施保持一致。 我们重申有必要评估供应商和供应商带来的政治、经济和其他非技术性风险。 我们将继续努力,通过分享通过各自努力获得的信息和最佳实践来构建有弹性的关键基础设施。
Responding to harmful practices that undermine international rules and norms应对损害国际规则和惯例的破坏性行为
Responding to non-market policies and practices to secure global economic resilience应对非市场政策和行为以保护全球经济韧性
We express renewed concerns about comprehensive strategies to use a range of non-market policies and practices such as pervasive, opaque, and harmful industrial subsidies, market distortive practices of state owned enterprises, and all forms of forced technology transfers, as well as other practices to create strategic dependencies and systemic vulnerabilities. Addressing non-market policies and practices can therefore be an integral aspect in enhancing economic resilience and thereby economic security. In light of increased use of non-market policies and practices to reinforce vulnerabilities, we reaffirm the need to make effective use of existing means while developing new tools as appropriate. We will continue to actively develop stronger international rules and norms to tackle non-market policies and practices that distort the level playing field, and strengthen efforts at the WTO to better address these issues.我们再次对使用一系列非市场政策和做法的综合战略表示担忧,例如普遍、不透明和有害的工业补贴、国有企业扭曲市场的做法、各种形式的强制技术转让,以及其他做法 造成战略依赖和系统漏洞。 因此,解决非市场政策和做法可以成为增强经济弹性从而增强经济安全的一个不可或缺的方面。 鉴于越来越多地使用非市场政策和做法来强化脆弱性,我们重申需要有效利用现有手段,同时酌情开发新工具。 我们将继续积极制定更强有力的国际规则和规范,以应对扭曲公平竞争环境的非市场政策和做法,并加强世贸组织的努力以更好地解决这些问题。
Addressing economic coercion应对经济胁迫
The world has encountered a disturbing rise in incidents of economic coercion that seek to exploit economic vulnerabilities and dependencies and undermine the foreign and domestic policies and positions of G7 members as well as partners around the world. We will work together to ensure that attempts to weaponize economic dependencies by forcing G7 members and our partners including small economies to comply and conform will fail and face consequences. We express serious concern over economic coercion and call on all countries to refrain from its use, which not only undermines the functioning of and trust in the multilateral trading system, but also infringes upon the international order centered on respect for sovereignty and the rule of law, and ultimately undermines global security and stability. At our respective domestic levels, we will use our existing tools, review their effectiveness and develop new ones as needed to deter and counter the use of coercive economic measures. Recognizing the importance of existing joint efforts including at the WTO, we will enhance collaboration by launching the Coordination Platform on Economic Coercion to increase our collective assessment, preparedness, deterrence and response to economic coercion, and further promote cooperation with partners beyond the G7. Within this Coordination Platform, we will use early warning and rapid information sharing, regularly consult each other, collaboratively assess situations, explore coordinated responses, deter and, where appropriate, counter economic coercion, in accordance with our respective legal systems. We will also coordinate, as appropriate, to support targeted states, economies and entities as a demonstration of solidarity and resolve to uphold the rule of law.世界遭遇了经济胁迫事件的令人不安的上升,这些事件试图利用经济脆弱性和依赖性并破坏七国集团成员以及世界各地合作伙伴的国内外政策和立场。 我们将共同努力,以确保通过强迫七国集团成员和我们的合作伙伴(包括小型经济体)遵守和顺从而将经济依赖武器化的企图不会失败并面临后果。 我们对经济胁迫表示严重关切,呼吁所有国家停止使用经济胁迫,因为这不仅会破坏多边贸易体制的运作和信任,还会侵犯以尊重主权和法治为核心的国际秩序 ,并最终破坏全球安全与稳定。 在我们各自的国内层面,我们将使用我们现有的工具,审查它们的有效性,并根据需要开发新的工具来阻止和对抗强制性经济措施的使用。 认识到包括世贸组织在内的现有共同努力的重要性,我们将通过启动经济胁迫协调平台加强合作,加强我们对经济胁迫的集体评估、准备、威慑和反应,并进一步促进与七国集团以外伙伴的合作。 在这个协调平台内,我们将根据我们各自的法律制度,使用预警和快速信息共享,定期相互磋商,共同评估情况,探索协调应对措施,阻止并在适当情况下反制经济胁迫。 我们还将酌情进行协调,以支持目标国家、经济体和实体,以表明团结一致和维护法治的决心。
Countering harmful practices in the digital sphere打击数字领域的有害做法
We express concern about regulations that unjustifiably require companies to localize data or those that allow governments to access data without appropriate safeguards and protections. As a result of geopolitical and geo-economic upheavals, global business value and supply chains, especially those of our critical infrastructure, are exposed to risks. We will therefore deepen our strategic dialogue to seek to counter malicious practicesin the digital sphere to protect global value and supply chains from illegitimate influence, espionage, illicit knowledge leakage, and sabotage.我们对不合理地要求公司将数据本地化或允许政府在没有适当保障和保护的情况下访问数据的法规表示关注。 由于地缘政治和地缘经济动荡,全球商业价值和供应链,尤其是我们关键基础设施的价值和供应链,面临着风险。 因此,我们将深化战略对话,力求打击数字领域的恶意行为,保护全球价值链和供应链免受非法影响、间谍活动、非法知识泄露和破坏。
Cooperating on international standards setting在国际标准设定上进行合作
We recognize the importance of technical standards in the global economy and reaffirm our commitment to collectively support the development of open, voluntary and consensus-based standards that will shape the next generation of technology. These should be based on inclusive multistakeholder approaches in line with our common democratic values and principles. Reflecting on shared values and principles, we will identify and address issues related to international standards setting, where they arise, through information sharing and engagement in the established standards setting processes. We will deepen our cooperation through information sharing including with wider public and private stakeholders in international standards setting activities, and support effective standards setting. To this end, we reaffirm our continued collaboration including through the Framework for G7 Collaboration on Digital Technical Standards.我们认识到技术标准在全球经济中的重要性,并重申我们共同支持制定开放、自愿和基于共识的标准的承诺,这些标准将塑造下一代技术。 这些应基于符合我们共同的民主价值观和原则的包容性多利益相关方方法。 反思共同的价值观和原则,我们将通过信息共享和参与既定的标准制定流程来识别和解决与国际标准制定相关的问题。 我们将通过信息共享深化我们的合作,包括在国际标准制定活动中与更广泛的公共和私人利益相关者共享信息,并支持有效的标准制定。 为此,我们重申我们将继续合作,包括通过七国集团数字技术标准合作框架。
Addressing shared concerns regarding threats to international peace and security解决有关对国际和平与安全的威胁的共同关切
Protecting international peace and security by preventing leakage of critical and emerging
As we deepen research and development among G7 partners on critical and emerging technologies, we affirm our shared responsibility and determination to coordinate on preventing the cutting-edge technologies we develop from being used to further military capabilities that threaten international peace and security. To that end, we will share, as appropriate, information and experiences to further develop common understanding of such risks and the policy tools needed to address them, and take further actions where necessary, including those related to export and investment, corresponding to the circumstances of each country. We will further strengthen multilateral efforts to cooperate in the field of export controls to ensure gaps in our dual use technology protection ecosystem cannot be exploited. We have a common interest in preventing the narrow set of technological advances that are assessed to be core to enhancing the military and intelligence capabilities of actors who may use these capabilities to undermine international peace and security, from being fueled by our companies’ capital, expertise, and knowledge. We recognize that appropriate measures designed to address risks from outbound investment could be important to complement existing tools of targeted controls on exports and inbound investments, which work together to protect our sensitive technologies from being used in ways that threaten international peace and security. As we continue to work to make our economic security toolkits fit for today’s challenges, we will provide clarity to the private sector regarding these common goals. We will also continue to coordinate, share lessons, and seek to align our approaches where feasible to maximize the effectiveness of our efforts.随着我们加深七国集团合作伙伴对关键和新兴技术的研究和开发,我们申明我们共同的责任和决心,以协调防止我们开发的尖端技术被用于增强威胁国际和平与安全的军事能力。 为此,我们将酌情分享信息和经验,以进一步形成对此类风险和应对这些风险所需的政策工具的共同理解,并在必要时根据每个国家的情况采取进一步行动,包括与出口和投资相关的行动。 我们将进一步加强出口管制领域的多边合作,确保我们的两用技术保护生态系统的漏洞不被利用。 我们有共同的利益,即防止被评估为增强可能利用这些能力破坏国际和平与安全的行为者的军事和情报能力的核心技术进步受到我们公司的资本、专业见解和知识的推动。我们认识到,旨在解决对外投资风险的适当措施对于补充现有的出口和入境投资定向控制工具可能很重要,这些工具共同努力保护我们的敏感技术不被用于威胁国际和平与安全的方式。 随着我们继续努力使我们的经济安全工具包适应当今的挑战,我们将向私营部门明确这些共同目标。 我们还将继续协调、分享经验教训,并在可行的情况下寻求调整我们的方法,以最大限度地提高我们努力的有效性。
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