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The story about Joint Logistic Support Force of the People's Liberation Army and CCP

Ruifu Yang, a bio-weapon expert of Chinese Communist Party(CCP), has worked with an official of PLA Joint Logistics Support Force and an official of China CDC working at WHO Global Preparedness Monitoring Board at the National Health Commission of PRC since 10th January 2020.

On the same date of military drill of PLA Joint Logistics Support Force(PLA JLSF branch) and the date of 2019 Military World Games in Wuhan, Xi Jinping who founded PLA JLSF branch met with representatives present in 1st Assembly of CCP Committee of PLA JLSF branch.

It is reported by Chinese media that the preceding body of PLA Joint Logistic Support Force or its warehouse in Wuhan was engaged in war of fighting against USA and aiding North Korea. In the war of aiding North Korea, CCP regarded US as main enemy. PLA acknowledged that itself indeed attended Korea War.

Paper, Improved clinical symptoms and mortality among patients with severe or critical COVID-19 ..., indicated that Changjun Wang famous for role in Zhoushan bat coronaviruses related to COVID-19 has worked in PLA Joint Logistics Support Force's PLA CDC. George F Gao, the former director of China CDC, indicated that COVID-19 virus's closest relatives are Zhoushan bat coronaviruses in an article authored with other researchers from Wuhan, Beijing, Tai’an, and Shenzhen. The words in the George F Gao's paper were as follows,"Phylogenetic analysis revealed that 2019-nCoV fell within the subgenus Sarbecovirus of the genus Betacoronavirus, with a relatively long branch length to its closest relatives bat-SL-CoVZC45 and bat-SL-CoVZXC21". Yong-Zhen Zhang, a professor of Fudan University, believed that COVID-19 virus is most closely related to Zhoushan bat coronaviruses found by Changjun Wang , and shows 100% amino acid similarity to bat SL-CoVZC45 in the nsp7 and E proteins.
As revealed by CCP's CCTV video, Changjun Wang working in PLA CDC was wearing a badge of PLA Joint Logistics Support Force and so was absolutely a soldier or member of Joint Logistic Support Force of the People's Liberation Army of Xi Jinping's Chinese Communist Party.

In April 2019, Changjun Wang and other members of PLA Joint Logistic Support Force held a meeting with China CDC officials including George F Gao to promote collaboration in overseas global health.

In 2020, some taking part in the meeting of PLA CDC and China CDC were honoured and commended as advanced individuals to fight COVID-19 pandemic war by CCP's Central Committee, Central Military Commission and State Council,after more than 5 months of Xinhua News Agency reporting COVID-19 killing many soldiers of US Navy. Wu Guizhen(武桂珍),CCP Secretary of PRC CDC, and Feng Zijian, PRC CDC vice director working with PLA Joint Logistic Support Force and affecting WHO directly, were also commended in 2020 by CCP's Central Committee, Central Military Commission and State Council,without wearing masks. WHO has been known for its engagement in covering up COVID-19 resulting in a huge globally pandemic.

As described by an article posted by Hubei Provincial Health Commission in the PRC government website on 6th November 2019, Wuhan Institute of Virology was engaged in the affairs of 2019 Wuhan Military World Sport Games via cooperation to improve emergency response capabilities.

The military drill of PLA Joint Logistic Support Force conducted on 18th October 2019 was claimedly used to improve emergency response capabilities. Xi Jinping required PLA Joint Logistic Support Force to do practical training. It may mean using real bio-weapon agents. As early as 2014, PLA's chemical defence troops have used real bio-weapon agents for practical training. Ruifu Yang, PLA's bioweapon expert, posted an article with researchers from Wuhan Institute of Virology, PLA CDC under PLA Joint Logistic Support Force, China CDC and other institutes in Sep 2019. Content shared by Hubei Provincial Health Commission in Nov 2019: During World Military Sport Games Wuhan ... cooperated extensively with Wuhan Institute of Virology of CAS, and other departments to consolidate and enhance emergency response capabilities.

The co-authors of paper "Progress of Yersinia pestis gene transcriptional regulation" included Ruifu Yang and researchers from Wuhan General Hospital of PLA now renamed to PLA General Hospital of Central Theater Command. In addition to media reports, the badge worn by Jiang Xiaojing, who was Chief Physician of PLA General Hospital of Central Theater Command commended by Xi Jinping in 2020, indicated that PLA General Hospital of Central Theater Command belonged to PLA Joint Logistic Support Force

Jiang Xiaojing

It is mentioned in a book of PLA related to Ruifu Yang that the most common method of delivering biowarfare agents is releasing aerosols. PLA made experiment to produce viral aerosols in a negative pressure lab in 2015. The negative pressure lab of PLA General Hospital of Central Theater Command is reported to be the only lab equipped with negative pressure function among the PLA troops stationed in Wuhan.

It is claimed that Hubei Fire Rescue Corps prepared integrated firefighting and reconnaissance unmanned helicopter system for 2019 Wuhan Military Sport Games and a company claimed its unmanned helicopter able to spray powder was prepared for 2019 Wuhan Military Sport Games.A book of PLA stated biowarfare agents can be delivered in a wet or dry state, and installing a spray device on a vehicle for aerosol release is a better way. Aerosol fire extinguisher was regarded to be a common high-tech fire extinguishing equipment on the market in PRC in early 2020.

An article received on 15th August 2019 indicated that WIV researchers Di Liu and Wei Li, who co-authored article with Ruifu Yang and PLA CDC researchers received on 12 April 2019, co-authored an article with Xin Chu working in Bureau of Major R&D Programs of parent company CAS. "Tendency and Strategy of China's Biological Security" co-authored by researchers from Bureau of Major R&D Programs of CAS and WIV in 2016, including Xin Chu(褚鑫), implied CCP should develop strong bioweapon and emergency response ability to dominate world via kindness"仁".

Cooperation of researchers from CAS and Academy of Military Medical Sciences(AMMS) is not a coincidence, but likely enforcement of the framework agreement between Chinese Academy of Sciences and Academy of Military Sciences of PLA, parent of AMMS, signed on 22 March 2018. Chinese Academy of Sciences also cooperated with many other military entities supporting PLA of Chinese Communist Party, such as China Electronics Technology Group Corporation(the parent of Hikvision), Aviation Industry Corporation of China, Huawei,...

Researchers from General Hospital of Central Theater Command and State Key Laboratory of Virology, Wuhan Institute of Virology et al co-authored a paper in 2021. Xinwen Chen who proposed biosafety technology support system with emergency response function for highly pathogenic pathogens with Xin Chu ceased being chief of WIV before 2019, and is a researcher heading a discipline group thereafter.

In inaugural meeting of Science and Technology Steering Committee of Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory of WIV (Wuhan P4 Lab) on 29th Sep 2018, ZHANG Tao, Vice President of CAS, claimed Wuhan P4 Lab is part of CAS's "Take the Lead Initiative" deployment. WIV removed "Take the Lead Initiative" at its English page, which had been presented in Chinese webpage as "率先行动计划", when WIV presented information about Science and Technology Steering Committee of Wuhan P4 Lab.

The "Organization and Implementation Solution of "Take the Lead Initiative" Plan of CAS" mentioned that Xi Jinping asked the CAS to implement the "Take the Lead Initiative" plan and turn the concept into reality as soon as possible on 8th August 2014, and required Bureau of Major R&D Programs to be responsible for concentrating efforts on breakthroughs in strategic and cutting-edge key core technologies, developing a number of new concept weapon equipment.
Point 8 of “the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ "Take the Lead Initiative" Plan and Outline for Comprehensively Deepening Reform” , required by Xi Jinping to implement well on 8th August 2014, requires development of a number of new concept weapon equipment.

"Regulations on Responsibility System for Security and Confidentiality of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Trial Implementation)"(CAS Confidentiality System) was amended by WIV's parent company CAS on 18th January 2019. Section 2 of CAS Confidentiality System stipulates that the scope of the responsibility system for security and confidentiality work covers national security, s & t security, scientific research and production security, network security, stability maintenance, anti-espionage Section 5 of CAS Confidentiality System stipulates that CCP's Group in CAS is responsible for implementing major decisions and arrangements on security and confidentiality of both CCP and PRC, and studying and deciding important matters on security and confidentiality.Section 6 of CAS Confidentiality System stipulates that Security Committee of CAS (CAS Security Committee) is responsible for organization, leadership and business guidance of security and confidentiality work of CAS under the leadership of CCP's Group in CAS. The main duties of CAS Security Committee include:
(I) Implementing policies and guidelines of CCP Central Committee and State Council on security and confidentiality work, convey the spirit of important central meetings and documents, and study and deploy annual work.
(II) Analyzing the security and confidentiality work situation of the whole CAS, studying and formulating relevant rules and regulations and management measures at the CAS level, and deploying their implementation.
(III) Guiding and inspecting security and confidentiality work of CAS's subsidiaries and departments.
(IV) Studying and dealing with major issues and major incidents, and studying and deciding on the opinions on the handling of major security accidents.
Section 15 of CAS Confidentiality System stipulates that main responsibilities of staff at all levels are to:
(a) comply with laws, regulations and rules on security and secrecy, & obey management of secrecy.
(b) sign letter of being responsible for security and secrecy.
Section 10 of CAS Confidentiality System stipulates that main responsibilities of persons in charge of each CAS's entity include implementing instructions of CCP and PRC govt on security and secrecy work, and requirements of CCP Committee and CAS Security Committee on secrecy.
Section 12 of CAS Confidentiality System stipulates that other CCP and official leaders of each entity shall take leadership for security and secrecy work within their respective areas, actively participate in, support, supervise and guide security and secrecy work.
WIV held its 2019 Annual Security Work Conference on 3rd April 2019.Director Wang Yanyi and CCP's Deputy Secretary He Changcai attended the meeting. All members of WIV's Security Committee and more than 60 safety officers from various disciplines attended the meeting. He Changcai interpreted CAS Confidentiality System amended on 18th January 2019 at 2019 Annual Security Work Conference and required heads of WIV's various disciplines & departments to strictly abide by secutiy rules & strengthen daily security management. So security in WIV also means secrecy for CCP. Both CCP’s Discipline Inspection Commission Secretary He Changcai and WIV's boss Wang Yanyi delievered speech at the 2019 Annual Security Work Conference on 3rd April 2019.

WIV held state security training for all employees, postdoctoral fellows & graduate student who signed letters of Responsible for Security & Secrecy" on 10th May 2019 when Hubei Provincial State Secrecy Bureau deputy director Tang Kaihong introduced state security work on secrecy.

WIV's vice chief He Changcai presided over the special training of confidentiality knowledge on PRC's management of confidential media, information secrecy, management of overseas travel of confidential personnel, secrecy management of receiving foreigners at WIV on 11th May 2018. He Changcai pointed out that purpose of this confidentiality training is to further enhance confidentiality awareness, strictly implement review system for online information, ... to provide a security guarantee for"Take the Lead Initiative" plan. It has been informed by He Changcai,the deputy party secretary of Chinese Communist Party in the Wuhan Institute of Virology, that the secrecy or security training and work of WIV are related to "Take the Lead Initiative" plan of CAS which concerned new concept weapons.

Section 2 of "Regulations on Responsibility System for Security and Confidentiality of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Trial Implementation)" stipulates that the scope of responsibility system for security and confidentiality work covers scientific research security. The secrecy requirement in science research of Chinese Communist Party including of WIV may mean death if secrecy requirement was considered by CCP to have been breached. “Deployment of Science and Technology System on Biological Security in CAS” was co-authored by Xuan Yi from Bureau of Major R&D Programs of CAS who was in charge of secrecy work in WIV of CAS in 2019, in addition to WIV's Director Xinwen Chen. Xuan Yi who was in charge of secrecy work in Wuhan Institute of Virology and worked in Bureau of Major R&D Programs of CAS responsible for weapons of new concept showed great interest in bio-weapon by co-authoring an article concerning CCP's biosecurity. Wu Jianguo, a virologist aged 66 in Wuhan University, was claimed to die from illness suddently on 3 Oct 2022. There were three places conducting coronavirus research in Wuchang including Wuhan Institute of Virology, Wuhan University and PLA General Hospital, when COVID-19 initially occured. Wuhan Institute of Virology carried out educational activities for freshmen of 2019 when Xuan Yi lectured as the executive deputy director of the Confidentiality Office of Wuhan Institute of Virology.

More than 50% of team members of Wuhan P4 Lab of Wuhan Institute of Virology were CCPers in November 2018. More than 50% of Wuhan P4 Lab leaders are CCPers, such as Director Yuan Zhiming, Deputy Directors Xiao Tong(aka Tong Xiao) and Xiao Gengfu. Xiao Tong attended a meeting with AMMS, Academy of Military Sciences of PLA and other institutes on 27 Sep 2022. Wuhan Institute of Virology set up CCP branch organisation in Wuhan P4 Lab. The secretary of Wuhan P4 Lab is Xiao Tong(童骁). The biosecurity guard team members in the central control room include Wang Wei(王伟), who won the title of "Excellent CCP Member" in 2021 on the 100th Anniversary ceremony of CCP founding . The central control room is the "strongest brain" of Wuhan P4 Lab. Wuhan P4 Lab biosafety management team responsible for access management of scientific research projects carried out in P4 lab has 5 members. But most of them are CCP members with duties of absolute obedience to CCP organs and confidentiality for CCP organs.

Team leader of Wuhan P4 Lab biosafety management in Wuhan Institute of Virology responsible for access management of scientific research projects carried out in Wuhan P4 Lab is Liu Bobo(a/k/a 刘波波, Bo-Bo Liu or any other alias) showing positive pressure protective suit in 2022.

After 2002, Xiao Tong was mainly engaged in molecular virology research, direction of HIV, engaged in 973 and 863 projects, coordinated matching of French design requirements with PRC construction standards, screened qualified suppliers for Wuhan P4 Lab oratory, and Xiao Tong, meeting those of PLA Military Veterinary Research Institute, made on-site decisions on engineering technology change of Wuhan P4 Lab. Military Veterinary Research Institute of AMMS and WIV shared a supplier Shanghai Jiehao Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Zhiming Yuan, Xiao Tong, Donglin Song, the director and deputy directors of Wuhan P4 Lab, and other members of WIV co-applied a patent with two companies, one of which is Shanghai Jiehao Biotechnology Co., Ltd. in 2018. Another company that co-applied patent with Wuhan Institute of Virology is Beijing Zhongyuan Ruitian Technology Development Co., Ltd., a company conducting international trade. Shanghai Jiehao Biotechnology Co., Ltd. was also a supplier to WuXi AppTec.

In 2018, a paper co-authored by Du Tao of WIV, Liu Bobo in Wuhan P4 lab of WIV and reseachers from AMMS of PLA indicated that PLA and WIV have jointly tested a remote-controlled device that combines bioaerosol generation and collection functions in a P4 Lab.

"Calcium channel blockers reduce severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus (SFTSV) related fatality", received on 11th May 2019, indicated that persons from PLA Joint Logistic Support Force and PLA AMMS conducted research with those of Wuhan P4 Lab of WIV. The Nine Nine Zero or 990 Hospital of PLA Joint Logistic Support Force was formed by uniting former PLA 159 Hospital and former PLA 154 Hospital and the outpatient department of the administrative department of an Aviation Academy of PLA's Air Force.

Party group of CCP in China Media Group made a secret order to implement Xi Jinping's instructions to dispatch, discover and cultivate a group of overseas "Internet celebrities" to occupy overseas public opinion platforms to influence public opinions on COVID-19 on 2 January 2020. The secret document is numbered as (Guangdianzongtai CCP Group Fa [2020] No. 1). Shen Haixiong, chief of China Media Group and deputy minister of CCP's Central Propaganda Department, claimed "Internet celebrities" developed by them effectively reversed trend of international public opinion on tracing investigation of COVID-19 origin on 25th November 2021. It was claimed on the official website of Meetsocial Co., Ltd. headquartered in Shanghai,PRC that its clients using BeyondClick service with power of 0.1 million Internet celebrity KOLs and over 40 languages include China Media Group, Huawei, DJi,etc. There are PRC peer entities or competitors of Meetsocial also conducting KOL marketing at Twitter and other media. OneSight, Madhouse Inc.,BlueVision, Cyberklick,etc., were awarded prizes on first agency summit of Twitter Greater China on 19th May 2022. Cyberklick indicated it has relation with CGTN,Alababa,wukong,etc., and conducted KOL marketing on overseas media. Cyberklick operator Eclicktech claimed that it is the only overseas promotion partner of CGTN. CGTN influenced public opinion on COVID-19 investigation. eclicktech(易点天下,Yidiantianxia),a PRC's listed company, claimed that it is the only overseas promotion partner of CGTN. As reported by China Daily on 23rd March 2020, OneSight,users of which included China Daily, CGTN, Xinhua News Agency, China News Service,etc., helped PRC brands increase visibility and influence through social media. OneSight's role as CCP's propaganda machine was reported on 26th March 2020 to hold a contract to boost Twitter following of China News Service of United Front Work of CCP responsible for influence operations overseas and to target political dissidents, Hong Kong protests, and public opinion on COVID-19. It is claimed on OneSight's website that OneSight (Beijing) Technology Co., Limited., incorporated in October 2017, became the first-level agent, brand partner and technology partner of X Greater China in May 2018. https://
