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中国人民解放军军事科学院的部分机构 some institutions of the Academy of Military Sciences of PLA

How to identify a PLA soldier wearing badge of Academy of Military Sciences
中国人民解放军军事科学院,位于北京西山脚下,是中国共产党中央军事委员会直接领导下的军事科学研究机关,是全军军事科学研究中心,是计划协调全军军事科学研究工作的机构。The Academy of Military Science of the People's Liberation Army(PLA) of Chinese Communist Party(CCP), located at the foot of the Western Hills in Beijing, is a military science research institution directly under the leadership of the Central Military Commission of CCP. It is the military science research center of the entire army and the institution that plans and coordinates the military science research work of the entire army.
After the adjustment and reorganization in 2017, the Academy of Military Sciences has the Military Medical Research Institute, the National Defense Engineering Research Institute, the Military Political Work Research Institute, the System Engineering Research Institute, the War Research Institute, the Chemical Defense Research Institute, the Military Law Research Institute, and the National Defense Science and Technology Innovation Research Institute. This is the organizational structure of the Academy of Military Sciences when it was established.

军队政治工作研究院Military Political Work Research Institute

前身是军事科学院下属的政治工作研究中心,2017年更名,是全军政治工作的专门研究机构。Its predecessor was the Political Work Research Center under the Academy of Military Sciences. It was renamed in 2017 and is a specialized research institution for the political work of the entire army.

军事医学研究院Military Medical Research Institute(AMMS)

前身是1951年8月组建的解放军军事医学科学院,隶属于总后勤部,2017年转隶军事科学院,是全军最高医学研究机构。Its predecessor was the PLA Academy of Military Medical Sciences(AMMS) established in August 1951, which was affiliated to the General Logistics Department. It was transferred to the Academy of Military Sciences in 2017 and is the highest medical research institution in the entire army.
The former composition of AMMS was as follows before 2017,

系统工程研究院Systems Engineering Research Institute

设立 5 个博士后科研工作站,建有武器装备体系研究和网络攻防技术等 2 个国防科技重点实验室,国家生物防护装备工程技术研究中心、全军通信靶场等 7 个国家和军队重点实验室及环境,建有国际互联网专线。It has established 5 postdoctoral research workstations, 2 key defense science and technology laboratories, including weapons and equipment system research and network attack and defense technology, 7 national and military key laboratories and environments, including the National Bioprotection Equipment Engineering and Technology Research Center and the Army Communications Range, and has built an international Internet dedicated line.

卫勤保障技术研究所Medical Support Technology Research Institute

军事科学院系统工程研究院卫勤保障技术研究所前身是中国人民解放军军事医学科学院卫生装备研究所,成立于1958年,是共军唯一从事卫生装备研究的专业研究机构,具有强大的卫生装备论证、研制、检测和开发能力。2017年,军改调整编制体制和隶属关系后,更名为卫勤保障技术研究所,隶属于军事科学院系统工程研究院。卫勤保障技术研究所(简称卫勤所)先后研制出300多项卫生装备。5项装备分别入选“十五”、“十一五”全军后勤重大科技成果,12种装备在“十二五”期间通过定型审查列装部队,占全军卫生装备定型总数的60%。研制部分装备被联合国列入维和医疗装备体制采购使用。研制的远程手术车参加了中共国建国60周年大阅兵;新型制供氧装备广泛应用于高原部队,为解决高原官兵吸氧难题做出了突出贡献;自主研发的中共国内首套埃博拉病毒防护装备,运抵非洲塞拉利昂和马里疫区,为中共国医疗检测队和维和医疗分队筑起生命屏障;研制的高机动急救车和卫生包,参加了中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年大阅兵。“十二五”传染病重大专项课题研制的新发突发传染病机动侦检技术平台、帐篷式传染病防控单元和传染病防控携行装备填补了中共国传染病现场应急防控装备的空白,入选国家“十二五”科技成就展。卫勤所拥有国家生物防护装备工程技术研究中心(PRC唯一)、全军卫生装备论证中心、全军卫生装备重点实验室等国内领先的科研中心,建有国内一流的生物检测与生物防护装备研发技术平台、生物气溶胶的评价技术平台和消毒效果评价技术平台。国家生物防护装备工程技术研究中心实验室通过国家CMA资质认定,已为中共国多家生物安全实验室及关键设备设施进行了第三方检测服务。在智能化卫生装备研究方面,研究所作为“天津市机器人技术创新联盟”副理事长单位,依托国家生物防护装备工程技术研究中心、全军卫生装备重点实验室,建立了机器人学科实验平台,围绕机器人研究承担了外骨骼助力机器人、核化生侦检排除智能化技术应用研究、战地救援机器人等多项军队重点课题的研究和总装备部生物交叉技术预研项目以及天津市应用基础与前沿计划重点课题等多项任务。The Institute of Medical Support Technology of the Academy of Systems Engineering of the Academy of Military Sciences was formerly the Institute of Health Equipment of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. It was established in 1958 and is the only professional research institution in the PLA engaged in health equipment research. It has strong capabilities in health equipment demonstration, research, testing and development. In 2017, after the military reform adjusted the establishment system and affiliation, it was renamed the Institute of Medical Support Technology and is affiliated to the Institute of Systems Engineering of the Academy of Military Sciences. The Institute of Medical Support Technology (abbreviated as the Institute of Medical Support Technology) has developed more than 300 types of health equipment. Five equipment were selected as major scientific and technological achievements of the military logistics in the "10th Five-Year Plan" and "11th Five-Year Plan". During the "12th Five-Year Plan", 12 types of equipment passed the finalization review and were equipped to the troops, accounting for 60% of the total number of finalized medical equipment in the whole army. Some of the equipment developed has been included in the United Nations peacekeeping medical equipment system for procurement and use. The remote surgical vehicle developed participated in the grand military parade for the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PRC; the new oxygen production and supply equipment is widely used in plateau troops, making outstanding contributions to solving the problem of oxygen inhalation for plateau officers and soldiers; the first set of Ebola virus protection equipment independently developed in PRC was shipped to the epidemic areas of Sierra Leone and Mali in Africa, building a life barrier for the PRC medical inspection team and the peacekeeping medical team; the high-mobility emergency vehicle and health kit developed participated in the grand military parade for the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War. The mobile detection technology platform for emerging infectious diseases, the tent-type infectious disease prevention and control unit, and the portable infectious disease prevention and control equipment developed by the major special project of the "12th Five-Year Plan" for infectious diseases have filled the gap in the emergency prevention and control equipment of infectious diseases in the PRC, and have been selected for the National "12th Five-Year Plan" Science and Technology Achievement Exhibition. The Medical Service Institute has leading scientific research centers in China, such as the National Bioprotection Equipment Engineering and Technology Research Center (PRC's only one), the PLA Health Equipment Demonstration Center, and the PLA Health Equipment Key Laboratory. It has built a first-class domestic biological detection and bioprotection equipment research and development technology platform, a bioaerosol evaluation technology platform, and a disinfection effect evaluation technology platform. The laboratory of the National Bioprotection Equipment Engineering and Technology Research Center has passed the national CMA qualification certification and has provided third-party testing services for many biosafety laboratories and key equipment facilities in the PRC. In the research of intelligent medical equipment, as the vice chairman unit of the "Tianjin Robot Technology Innovation Alliance", the institute has established a robotics discipline experimental platform based on the National Engineering and Technology Research Center for Bioprotection Equipment and the Key Laboratory of Military Medical Equipment. Focusing on robotics research, it has undertaken a number of key military research projects, including exoskeleton-assisted robots, application research on intelligent technologies for nuclear, chemical and biological detection and elimination, and battlefield rescue robots, as well as the General Armament Department's biological cross-technology pre-research projects and Tianjin's key projects on applied foundations and frontier plans.

国防工程研究院National Defense Engineering Research Institute

国防工程研究院主要负责国防工程理论与技术研究,为国防 (人防)工程建设提供技术支撑。主要研究领域:国防工程建设理论与规划论证,国防工程勘察设计,作战环境保障,防灾减灾 工程及防护工程,武器工程破坏效应,岩土工程,结构工程,特种防护材料,爆炸冲击震动防护,电磁脉冲防护等。 可重点开展论证评估、 爆炸冲击、武器侵彻、冲击震动、电磁脉冲、工程伪装、岩土工 程、内部环境等试验研究,形成了较为完备的科研试验体系。有军队放射性污染工程控制与清除技术实验室、放射性污染清除 材料与装备技术河南省工程实验室和特种防护材料河南省重点 实验室 3 个军队和省部级重点实验室。The National Defense Engineering Research Institute(NDERI) is mainly responsible for the research of national defense engineering theory and technology, and provides technical support for the construction of national defense (civil defense) engineering. The main research areas are: national defense engineering construction theory and planning demonstration, national defense engineering survey and design, combat environment guarantee, disaster prevention and mitigation engineering and protection engineering, weapon engineering damage effect, geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, special protective materials, explosion shock vibration protection, electromagnetic pulse protection, etc. It can focus on demonstration evaluation, explosion shock, weapon penetration, shock vibration, electromagnetic pulse, engineering camouflage, geotechnical engineering, internal environment and other experimental research, forming a relatively complete scientific research and experimental system. There are three military and provincial and ministerial key laboratories: Military Radioactive Contamination Engineering Control and Removal Technology Laboratory, Henan Provincial Engineering Laboratory for Radioactive Contamination Removal Materials and Equipment Technology, and Henan Provincial Key Laboratory of Special Protective Materials.

国防科技创新研究院National Defense Science and Technology Innovation Institute

2017年9月正式成立,被视为全军军事科研“航母”的“旗舰”,主要任务是推出一批引领全军、全国乃至全世界军事科技发展的创新成果,主要布局人工智能、软件工程、通信技术、空天科学与技术、量子信息、海洋、生物物理、科技战略等多个先进新型科研领域。It was officially established in September 2017 and is regarded as the "flagship" of the entire army's military scientific research "aircraft carrier". Its main task is to launch a number of innovative achievements that lead the development of military science and technology in the entire army, the country and even the world. It mainly focuses on artificial intelligence, software engineering, communication technology, aerospace science and technology, quantum information, ocean, biophysics, science and technology strategy and other advanced new scientific research fields.
部分专业构成 Some professional composition

军事科学院国防科技创新研究院政委卢周来Lu Zhoulai, Political Commissar of the National Defense Science and Technology Innovation Institute of the Academy of Military Sciences

国防科技发展战略研究中心National Defense Science and Technology Development Strategy Research Center

主要承担国防科技发展战略和 规划研究、重大项目先期论证、决策咨询研究等任务。 It is mainly responsible for the research on national defense science and technology development strategy and planning, preliminary demonstration of major projects, and decision-making consulting research.

协同创新项目部Collaborative Innovation Project Department

主要负责前沿技术研究的综合协调,创新 军事科研工作组织模式,汇聚融合军地各方资源,实现引领创新 和集成应用创新。It is mainly responsible for the comprehensive coordination of cutting-edge technology research, innovating the organizational model of military scientific research work, gathering and integrating resources from all sides of the military and the local government, and achieving leading innovation and integrated application innovation.

 人工智能研究中心Artificial Intelligence Research Center

主要承担智能基础理论(智能算法)、 智能软件(机器人操作系统)、智能计算机(芯片)、大数据、认 知通信(认知无线电)等技术研究任务。 It mainly undertakes technical research tasks such as basic intelligence theory (intelligent algorithms), intelligent software (robot operating system), intelligent computers (chips), big data, and cognitive communications (cognitive radio).
戴华东,男,1975年1月生,博士,研究员,博士生导师,毕业于国防科技大学计算机学院,曾任国防科技大学计算机学院国产基础软件工程研究中心副主任、麒麟操作系统副总师,现任军事科学院国防科技创新研究院人工智能研究中心主任。作为课题负责人,先后承担多项国家重大专项课题和重点研究项目。作为主要负责人之一,研制了麒麟服务器和桌面操作系统系列版本,积极组织开展麒麟操作系统在国防、政务、金融、电力等关键行业的推广应用。主要研究方向包括:人工智能基础理论、机器人操作系统、智能芯片敏捷开发、智能计算机体系结构等。Dai Huadong, male, born in January 1975, PhD, researcher, doctoral supervisor, graduated from the School of Computer Science, National University of Defense Technology. He was the deputy director of the National Basic Software Engineering Research Center of the School of Computer Science, National University of Defense Technology, and the deputy chief engineer of the Kylin operating system. He is currently the director of the Artificial Intelligence Research Center of the National Defense Science and Technology Innovation Institute of the Academy of Military Sciences. As the project leader, he has undertaken a number of major national special projects and key research projects. As one of the main leaders, he developed a series of versions of the Kylin server and desktop operating system, and actively organized the promotion and application of the Kylin operating system in key industries such as national defense, government affairs, finance, and electricity. The main research directions include: basic theory of artificial intelligence, robot operating system, agile development of intelligent chips, intelligent computer architecture, etc.

无人系统技术研究中心Unmanned Systems Technology Research Center

主要承担智能无人系统及体系的设 计、开发、集成、验证、应用等技术研究任务。 It is mainly responsible for the technical research tasks such as the design, development, integration, verification and application of intelligent unmanned systems and architectures.

前沿交叉技术研究中心Frontier Interdisciplinary Technology Research Center

基本任务,主要承担神经认知、低 维材料、量子技术、太赫兹、柔性电子等基础性、前瞻性技术研 究任务,将设置若干院士工作站。The basic task is to undertake basic and forward-looking technology research tasks such as neurocognition, low-dimensional materials, quantum technology, terahertz, and flexible electronics, and several academician workstations will be set up.

虚设中心Virtual Centers

国防科技创新研究院下虚设 5 个中心,中心及下设机构可根据需要进行动 态调整。初步考虑联合高等院校、科研院所、高新技术企业,在 北京、上海、广州、天津、长沙等创新资源密集地区,设立智能 空天科学研究中心、智能海洋科学研究中心、智能制造研究中心、 智能计算研究中心、智能对抗研究中心等 5 个中心。每个中心由 研究院派驻人员从事综合协调管理等工作,具体人员根据工作需 求从协同创新项目部或其他实编研究中心抽调。先行在天津、广 州进行试点,总结经验,适时推广。The National Defense Science and Technology Innovation Institute has five virtual centers, and the centers and subordinate institutions can be adjusted dynamically as needed. It is initially considered to establish five centers, including the Intelligent Space Science Research Center, the Intelligent Ocean Science Research Center, the Intelligent Manufacturing Research Center, the Intelligent Computing Research Center, and the Intelligent Countermeasures Research Center, in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Changsha and other innovation resource-intensive areas in cooperation with colleges and universities, research institutes, and high-tech enterprises. Each center would be assigned personnel by the institute to carry out comprehensive coordination and management, and specific personnel would be transferred from the collaborative innovation project department or other actual research centers according to work needs. Pilot projects would be carried out in Tianjin and Guangzhou first, and experience will be summarized and promoted in due course.
国防科技创新研究院是开展军民融合创新的重要机构。2017年9月26日,广州大学与中国人民解放军军事科学院国防科技创新研究院签署战略合作框架协议,双方将在广州大学城共建军民融合智能制造工程协同创新中心,在机器人和智能制造前沿共性技术研究领域展开合作根据合作协议,广州大学与军科院国防科技创新研究院将围绕军民融合协同创新的部分优先领域启动深入合作,这些合作领域主要包括新一代机器人操作系统应用、人工智能前沿技术研发及联合粤港澳大湾区的相关企业,在新一代机器人、智能无人系统等所涉及的新兴产业开展典型示范性应用等。这些合作实现优势互补、军民融合,打造一流的智能制造前沿共性技术研究与交叉学科协同发展的一体化创新平台。根据协议,广州大学与军科院国防科技创新研究院将发挥各自资源和优势,在广州大学城共建军民融合智能制造工程协同创新中心,共同开展新一代机器人操作系统、人工智能前沿技术等研发,并联合企业在相关新兴产业开展典型示范性应用。双方还将联合培养研究生,引进国际高端人才,开展技术、技能、创业培训。The National Defense Science and Technology Innovation Institute is an important institution for military-civilian integration innovation. On September 26, 2017, Guangzhou University and the National Defense Science and Technology Innovation Institute of the PLA's Academy of Military Sciences signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement. The two parties will jointly build a military-civilian integration intelligent manufacturing engineering collaborative innovation center in Guangzhou University City and cooperate in the research of common technologies at the forefront of robots and intelligent manufacturing. According to the cooperation agreement, Guangzhou University and the National Defense Science and Technology Innovation Institute of the Academy of Military Sciences will start in-depth cooperation around some priority areas of military-civilian integration collaborative innovation. These cooperation areas mainly include the application of new generation robot operating systems, the research and development of cutting-edge artificial intelligence technologies, and the joint efforts of relevant enterprises in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to carry out typical demonstration applications in emerging industries involving new generation robots, intelligent unmanned systems, etc. These cooperations achieve complementary advantages and military-civilian integration, and create a first-class integrated innovation platform for the research of common technologies at the forefront of intelligent manufacturing and the coordinated development of interdisciplinary disciplines. According to the agreement, Guangzhou University and the National Defense Science and Technology Innovation Institute of the Academy of Military Sciences will give full play to their respective resources and advantages, jointly build a military-civilian integration intelligent manufacturing engineering collaborative innovation center in Guangzhou University City, jointly carry out research and development of new generation robot operating systems, cutting-edge artificial intelligence technologies, etc., and jointly carry out typical demonstration applications in related emerging industries with enterprises. The two sides will also jointly train graduate students, introduce international high-end talents, and carry out technology, skills, and entrepreneurship training.
签字仪式Signing Ceremony

防化研究院Chemical Defense Research Institute

形成了以禁 化武组织指定环境样品和生物样品分析检测实验室(中国分析化 学实验室)、国家重点实验室(国民核生化灾害防护国家重点实 验室)、北京市重点实验室(先进化学蓄电技术与材料北京市重 点实验室、北京市核化安全工程技术研究中心)、军队级研究试 验中心(全军环境科学研究中心、全军防化装备评价试验中心、 军用电池试验检测中心、全国人防工程防化研究试验中心)为。有兵器科学与技术、核科学与技 术 2 个博士后科研流动站,军事化学与烟火技术、辐射防护及环 境保护、环境工程 3 个博士、硕士学位点及药理学硕士学位点, 包括军事有机化学、核爆炸效应现象学与探测技术、烟火药剂及 器材应用技术、军事毒理学、污染消除技术等 研究方向。It has formed a laboratory for analysis and testing of environmental and biological samples designated by the OPCW (China Analytical Chemistry Laboratory), a national key laboratory (National Key Laboratory for Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Disaster Protection), a Beijing key laboratory (Beijing Key Laboratory of Advanced Chemical Storage Technology and Materials, Beijing Nuclear and Chemical Safety Engineering Technology Research Center), and military-level research and testing centers (Army Environmental Science Research Center, Army Chemical Defense Equipment Evaluation and Testing Center, Military Battery Testing and Testing Center, National Civil Air Defense Engineering Chemical Defense Research and Testing Center). It has two postdoctoral research stations in weapons science and technology and nuclear science and technology, three doctoral and master's degree programs in military chemistry and pyrotechnics technology, radiation protection and environmental protection, and environmental engineering, and a master's degree program in pharmacology, including military organic chemistry, nuclear explosion effect phenomenology and detection technology, pyrotechnics and equipment application technology, military toxicology, pollution elimination technology and other research directions.

战争研究院Institute of War Studies

军事科学院战争研究院院长周林贵的观点The opinions of Zhou Linggui, director of the Academy of Military Science’s Institute of War Studies:
战争和作战实践发展是理论与科技共同推动的结果。比如,方阵作战等理论与冷兵器时期弓箭、长矛等技术的紧密结合,外线作战理论与热兵器时期火车、通信等科技的紧密结合,大纵深作战理论与当时飞机等军事科技的紧密结合等。信息化智能化时代,作战理论创新与军事科技结合的范围更广、程度更深。一个典型的例子就是,基于信息系统的体系作战理论与以网络为代表的信息化技术的紧密结合。可以说,理技融合是战争和作战问题研究实践的天然属性。通过理技融合来发现问题的前提,是运用科学的思维去推演战争,包括对战争起源、战争性质、政治本源等问题的深刻理解。在科技方面,要以网络化、体系化、涌现性、自组织、不确定性等思维来认识战争,还要运用数学、统计学、大数据、计算机模拟等方法手段来分析问题。要使研究人员既能看到战争和作战问题的整体,也能了解细节,见树又见林。一方面,运用理论在研析机理方面的特长,从经典理论中探索解决战争和作战问题的核心理念,探寻克敌制胜的方法手段和概念构想。同时,运用流程化推演、原型系统建模等方法手段,对这个核心理念、概念构想进行先期检验,帮助研究人员启发新思路。另一方面,从新质新域力量、颠覆性技术出发,在典型应用场景中分析它们的作战效能,创新解决问题的新思路新途径。第一个就是处理好人性复杂性和技术复杂性相结合的问题。战争终究是以人为主体的,战争和作战问题研究必须高度关注人性复杂性的变化,研究其在战争取向、战略选择、作战方式等方面的影响。同时,科技发展本身赋予战争更多的技术复杂性,既需要破解这个技术复杂性,又需要利用这个复杂性,还要给对手制造新的复杂性。第二个就是要坚持道、法、器相结合,道以明向、法以立本、器以成事。落到理技融合上来说,“道”是开展理技融合必须遵循的根本理念和规律,“法”是实施理技融合的规范和模式,“器”是有形的实体和工具,即理技融合落地走实的具体抓手。理技融合需要以道、法、器相结合实现“思想—理论—方法—技术—手段”全链路的创新与应用。The development of war and combat practice is the result of the joint promotion of theory and technology. For example, the close combination of theories such as phalanx warfare and technologies such as bows and spears in the cold weapon period, the close combination of external warfare theory and technologies such as trains and communications in the hot weapon period, and the close combination of deep warfare theory and military technologies such as aircraft at that time. In the era of informatization and intelligence, the scope of the combination of combat theory innovation and military technology is wider and deeper. A typical example is the close combination of system warfare theory based on information systems and information technology represented by networks. It can be said that the integration of science and technology is the natural attribute of the research and practice of war and combat issues. The premise of discovering problems through the integration of science and technology is to use scientific thinking to deduce war, including a deep understanding of the origin of war, the nature of war, and the political origin. In terms of science and technology, it is a must to understand war with networking, systematization, emergence, self-organization, uncertainty and other thinking, and use mathematics, statistics, big data, computer simulation and other methods to analyze problems. Researchers should be able to see the overall picture of war and combat issues, as well as understand the details, and see the forest for the trees. On the one hand, it should use the strengths of theory in analyzing mechanisms to explore the core concepts of solving war and combat problems from classical theories, and explore methods, means and conceptual ideas to defeat the enemy. At the same time, it should use methods such as process deduction and prototype system modeling to conduct preliminary tests on this core concept and conceptual idea, and help researchers inspire new ideas. On the other hand, starting from new quality and new domain forces and disruptive technologies, it should analyze their combat effectiveness in typical application scenarios and innovate new ideas and ways to solve problems. The first is to deal with the problem of combining human complexity with technical complexity. After all, war is based on people. Research on war and combat problems must pay close attention to the changes in human complexity and study its impact on war orientation, strategic choice, and combat methods. At the same time, scientific and technological development itself gives war more technical complexity. It is necessary to crack this technical complexity, use this complexity, and create new complexity for the opponent. The second is to adhere to the combination of Tao, Fa, and Qi, Tao to clarify the direction, Fa to establish the foundation, and Qi to accomplish things. In terms of the integration of science and technology, "Tao" is the fundamental concept and law that must be followed in carrying out the integration of science and technology, "Fa" is the norm and model for implementing the integration of science and technology, and "Qi" is the tangible entity and tool, that is, the specific grasping tool for the implementation of the integration of science and technology. The integration of science and technology requires the combination of Tao, Fa, and Qi to realize the innovation and application of the whole chain of "thought-theory-method-technology-means".

This is how PLA carried out the concept and throughts possibly raised by the Institute of War Studies.

军事法制研究院Military Law Research Institute

军事法制研究院由7家研究单位合并组建而成,主要承担军事法律、法规和规章的研究任务,并参与起草相关立法等。The Military Law Research Institute was formed by the merger of seven research units. It is mainly responsible for the research tasks of military laws, regulations and rules, and participates in the drafting of relevant legislation.
中共中央政治局2023年7月24日下午就全面加强军事治理进行第七次集体学习。CCP中央总书记习近平在主持学习时强调,全面加强军事治理是CCP的治军理念和方式的一场深刻变革,是加快国防和军队现代化的战略要求,是推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的重要方面。要全面贯彻CCP的二十大精神,深入贯彻新时代强军思想,贯彻新时代军事战略方针,坚持CCP对军队绝对领导,坚持战斗力这个唯一的根本的标准,坚持和完善中国特色社会主义军事制度,构建现代军事治理体系,提高现代军事治理能力,以高水平治理推动我军高质量发展,为实现建军一百年奋斗目标提供有力保障。On the afternoon of 24th July 2023, the Political Bureau of the CCP Central Committee held its seventh collective study on comprehensively strengthening military governance. When presiding over the study, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CCP Central Committee, emphasized that comprehensively strengthening military governance is a profound change in the CCP's military governance philosophy and methods, a strategic requirement for accelerating the modernization of national defense and the military, and an important aspect of promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities. We must fully implement the spirit of the CCP's 20th National Congress, thoroughly implement the new era of strengthening the military, implement the new era of military strategic guidelines, adhere to the CCP's absolute leadership over the military, adhere to combat effectiveness as the only fundamental standard, adhere to and improve the socialist military system with Chinese characteristics, build a modern military governance system, improve modern military governance capabilities, and promote the high-quality development of our army with high-level governance, and provide strong guarantees for achieving the goal of building the army for 100 years.
军事科学院军事法制研究院院长赵东斌就这个问题进行讲解,提出工作建议。Zhao Dongbin, director of the Military Law Research Institute of the Academy of Military Sciences, explained this issue and put forward work suggestions.
赵东斌曾担任过中央军委法制局副局长。据《法治日报》报道,2021年7月28日,在全国人大常委会法工委举办的国防军事立法专题采访中,时任中央军委法制局副局长赵东斌表示:“新修订的国防法,着眼新时代国家安全和发展战略全局,适应改革后的新形势、新任务,对国防和军队建设领域基本原则、基本制度作出充实规范,完善了中国特色军事法规制度体系,对推进国防和军队现代化具有重要意义和深远影响。”Zhao Dongbin once served as deputy director of the Legal Affairs Bureau of CCP's Central Military Commission. According to the Legal Daily, on July 28, 2021, in a special interview on national defense and military legislation held by the Legal Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, Zhao Dongbin, then deputy director of the Legal Affairs Bureau of the CCP's Central Military Commission, said: "The newly revised National Defense Law focuses on the overall national security and development strategy in the new era, adapts to the new situation and new tasks after the reform, enriches and regulates the basic principles and basic systems in the field of national defense and military construction, and improves the military laws and regulations system with Chinese characteristics. It is of great significance and far-reaching impact on promoting national defense and military modernization."
