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Tesla's CCP problem

In 2024, Li Peng, a team leader of TESLA SHANGHAI CO.,LTD. , was announced by the Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions as the winner of the Shanghai May 1st Labor Medal. The basic conditions for the Shanghai May 1st Labor Medal are "consciously maintaining a high degree of consistency with the (CCP) Central Committee in terms of ideology, politics and actions, and unswervingly following the Party's instructions and the Party's path." All recommended candidates should be reviewed by the district bureau (industry) trade union, and with the consent of the (CCP) party organization at the same level, reported to the Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions for approval. Tesla Shanghai Co., Ltd was disclosed as a subsidiary of TESLA, INC. Correct translation of “特斯拉(上海)有限公司” should be TESLA SHANGHAI CO.,LTD. 

Other Shanghai May 1st Labor Medal winners announced by the Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions include but are not limited to Ye Miao, deputy director of the Command Department of Fengxian Branch of Shanghai Public Security Bureau(上海市公安局奉贤分局指挥处副处长叶苗), Lan Ling, director of the Welding R&D Department of the First Office of Shanghai Ship Technology Research Institute (the 11th Institute of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation)(上海船舶工艺研究所(中国船舶集团有限公司第十一研究所)一室焊接研发部部长兰玲), Qu Guoyuan, chief scientist of China Aviation Radio Electronics Research Institute(中国航空无线电电子研究所首席科学家曲国远), Duo Lihua, deputy director of the Third Procuratorial Department of the Second Branch of Shanghai Procuratorate(上海市检察院第二分院第三检察部副主任多丽华), Sun Min, deputy chief accountant and director of the Finance Department of Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd.(中国商用飞机有限责任公司副总会计师、财务部部长孙敏), Li Zhongzhou, director of the Office of the Shanghai Songjiang District Taxation Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation(国家税务总局上海市松江区税务局办公室主任李中洲), Leng Wei, deputy director of the Domestic News Department of Kandongfang (Shanghai) Media Co., Ltd. (Shanghai Radio and Television Media Center)(看东方(上海)传媒有限公司(上海广播电视台融媒体中心)国内新闻部副主任冷炜), Zhou Rui, director of the Economic Interview Department of the Shanghai Branch of Xinhua News Agency(新华通讯社上海分社经济采访部主任周蕊), and Huang Weidong, member of the Science and Technology Committee, model commander and chief designer of the Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology(上海航天技术研究院科技委常委,型号总指挥、总设计师黄卫东).
The Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions is led by the CCP’s Shanghai Municipal Committee(中共上海市委) and the All-China Federation of Trade Unions(中华全国总工会). The All-China Federation of Trade Unions is led by the CCP’s Central Committee Secretariat(中共中央书记处). The budgeted revenue of Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions in financial year 2024 is RMB139,301,538,completely from government, according to 2024 Budget Report of Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions(上海市总工会2024年度预算).
