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The role of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in helping People's Liberation Army(PLA) of CCP

bioRxiv claimed that it is operated by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSH).

Cold Spring Harbor Asia

As indicated on the official webpage of Cold Spring Harbor Asia(CSHA), as its world wide strategy, CSH developed Cold Spring Harbor Conferences Asia (a/k/a Cold Spring Harbor Asia, CSHCA,or CSHA) centered in Suzhou, People's Republic of China (PRC). It is claimed that CSHA’s principal aim is to develop and operate an annul program of scientific conferences in Asia modeled on the CSH meeting format and style. This program includes large conferences, training workshops and Banbury-style meetings. CSHA program covers a broad spectrum of biomedical research topics, including molecular biology, molecular genetics, neuroscience, cancer, developmental and cell biology, and plant biology. It is claimed that CSHA promotes collaborations both formal and informal, both national and international, between scientists, fostering friendships that extend well beyond the traditional laboratory bench. The official name of CSHA is likely to be or be operated by COLD SPRING HARBOR ASIA (SIP) LTD(official Chinese name "冷泉港亚洲会务(苏州工业园区)有限公司") established on 13th August 2008 with a single investor COLD SPRING HARBOR LABORATORY.

Due to promotion of Bruce Stillman reportedly, CSH started CSHA program in 2007. Mayor Li Yaping of Suzhou Municipal Government presented the "Suzhou Science and Technology Cooperation Contribution Award" to Bruce Stillman on 26th Feb 2018. Li Yaping became the deputy secretary of the CCP Suzhou Municipal Committee and acting mayor in March 2017. In January 2018, he became the mayor of Suzhou Municipal Government at the second session of the 16th Suzhou Municipal  Congress.
 It was claimed that since the official launch of Cold Spring Harbor Asia in April 2010, it had held more than 100 high-end academic conferences and 6 summer training courses. The invited speakers are all well-known scholars and academic leaders active in the forefront of international science, including 12 Nobel Prize winners, 7 of whom won this highest honor only after publicly publishing their award-winning research at the Cold Spring Harbor in Suzhou. In addition, Cold Spring Harbor Asia has also invited more than 300 academicians of the Academy of Sciences of various countries, 1,500 professors from elite universities in the top 100 in the world, and 6,500 of the most promising young scientists to Suzhou. Through Cold Spring Harbor Asia, Chinese scientists active in the forefront of the biopharmaceutical industry have focused their attention on Suzhou, such as Shi Yigong(施一公), Wang Xiaodong(王晓东), Xie Xiaoliang(谢晓亮) and other scientists with international influence. In February 2015, the Cold Spring Harbor Asia DNA Learning Center was established in the park and classes officially commenced in April 2016.
Though it was claimed that the work of establishing CSHA started in 2007, there was surely a lot of paper work to do to establish a company completely owned by foreigners in PRC,very difficult work, such as approval of the project by government, an accountant's report over its paid-in capital, etc., in PRC. An accountancy firm in Suzhou listed what need to be provided for reporting on paid-in capital of a foreignly-owned company like COLD SPRING HARBOR ASIA (SIP) LTD on its website, such as  Copy of the approval certificate of the Foreign Trade and Economic Commission(外经委) or the reply of the Bureau of Commerce, Original approval document of the foreign exchange business of the capital project(资本金项目外汇业务核准件) of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, Foreign investment confirmation letter(外方出资情况询证函) from State Administration of Foreign Exchange of PRC (国家外汇管理局).

Services that Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory delivered to Chinese Communist Party 

Xuetao Cao (a/k/a Cao Xuetao) was a member of Scientific Advisory Board (2013-2015) of Cold Spring Harbor Asia and was an Immunologist General of PLA.

There is a document titled with FAQ of Cold Spring Harbor Asia "Watson Graduate Student Academic Exchange Program""冷泉港亚洲“沃森研究生学术交流项目”FAQ" about the collaboration between Cold Spring Harbor Asia and People's Liberation Army (PLA) led by Chinese Communist Party(CCP) found on the official website of Cold Spring Harbor Asia introducing Watson Program. The summary of introduction is the same as the first point in the material. 
The tenth point on the last page said Watson Program for Graduate Academic Exchange is only open to students from cooperating institutions. Other institutions could contact Cold Spring Harbor Asia to sign an agreement before their students could participate in the program.
The information below 5. required scanning the QR code is required to complete registration & payment thereby verifying information.  Instruction written in red explicitly limited QR to cooperative institutions, those scanning from non-cooperative institutions deemed invalid.

The seventh point, followed by the names of institutions that signed an agreement with Cold Spring Harbor Asia and corresponding contacts,said students from institutions that have signed program cooperation agreements with Cold Spring Harbor Asia can participate in the program.
The names of institutions that signed an agreement with Cold Spring Harbor Asia and corresponding contacts are as follows, 
  • At the end of 3rd page below 7th point is Institute of Immunology, Second Military Medical University of PLA(中国人民解放军第二军医大学免疫学研究所): Yu Yizhi (于益芝Email: yuyz88@126.com).

  • On the top of 4th page is Cancer Research Institute of Second Military Medical University(第二军医大学肿瘤研究所): Zhao Jian (赵健Email: zj_xd@126.com ; Tel: 021-81870807)

  • Institute of Immunology, Third Military Medical University(第三军医大学免疫学研究所 ): Professor Chen Yongwen (陈永文Email:yongwench@163.com)

  • School of Stomatology, Fourth Military Medical University(第四军医大学口腔医学院):Professor Wang Meiqing (王美青Email: jpslsys@fmmu.edu.cn)

  • School of Computer Science, National University of Defense Technology of PLA(国防科技大学计算机学院):Shaoliang Peng( 彭绍亮Email: pengshaoliang@nudt.edu.cn and Tel: 86-731-84576322)

  • Academy of Military Medical Sciences(军事医学科学院): Yu Tianying (于天英Email: tyyubj@sina.com) who posted article with this email under another entity Yantai Univerisity which posted her information on 16 July 2024. 

  • Model Animal Research Center of Nanjing University南京大学模式动物研究所: Liu Xing (刘幸Email: liuxing@nicemice.cn ; Tel: 025-58641522). Its founder Gao Xiang高翔 was claimed to have stolen technologies from US. GemPharmatech, a listed company founded by Gao Xiang, supplied humanized mouse or related technical service to Army Medical University of PLA. The collaboration of GemPharmatech aka Jiangsu Jicui Pharmaceutical with PLA was evidenced.  

🔸路德社目标是唤醒内部人 不要做最后一个太监 pic.twitter.com/toNOSj70Zf— 糯米团 ⬜️ (@nuomt) December 14, 2021

  • Wuhan Institute of Virology of CAS中科院武汉病毒所: Xu Hongge 徐红革(Email: hgxu@wh.iov.cn)

1.1 under The second point of the material said each registered teacher (PI, Professor, or Staff Scientist, excluding Invited Speakers)/postdoc (Academic Package) can bring 2 auditing students to attend the meeting after completing the payment.

1.2 under the second point of the material said each registered student (Student Package) can bring 1 auditing student after completing the payment.
2. under the second point of the material said summer schools, co-sponsored conferences, and conferences not held in mainland China are not included in the Watson Program for Graduate Academic Exchange, but all other conferences are eligible.

The third point of the material said each qualified auditor is required to pay RMB 180 for registration materials and handling. The fourth point talked about the procedure of being qualifed as a meeting auditor under Watson Program for Graduate Academic Exchange.
2. under the fourth point of the material said before proceeding to purchase meeting auditor qualification, complete personal information including name, school, gender, phone, email, and name of auditor accompanied should be filled.
3. under the fourth point of the material said workers of Cold Spring Harbor Asia would check information before delivering qualification.
5. required presenting student ID card to receive a name badge on the day of the meeting.

Enforcement of Cooperation Agreement between Academy of Military Medical Sciences and CSHA

A paper indicated Ping Xu(a/k/a Xu Ping, 徐平), Lingqiang Zhang(a/k/a  张令强, Zhang Lingqiang), Cheng Cao(a/k/a Cao Cheng 曹诚) and Xuan Liu(a/k/a Liu Xuan, 刘萱), two persons from AMMS of PLA, and other persons from US and other countries jointly proposed a draft Chinese translation of ubiquitin-like protein in the CSHA Conference of Ubiquitin family, autophagy and diseases in Suzhou held on 9th-13th April 2018 by CSH.

Enforcement of Cooperation agreement between the Institute of Immunology, Second Military Medical University of PLA and CSH

PLA general Xuetao Cao,Former Director of the Institute of Immunology, Second Military Medical University and Former Vice President of Second Military Medical University, and US scientists including Rongfu Wang planned to attend CSHA conference held in PRC that commenced on 21 Sep 2015. Later, Rongfu Wang(王荣福) appeared to be a professor of Institute of Oncology(aka Cancer Research Institute), Second Military Medical University of PLA under Changjiang Scholars grant program.
Lieping Chen of Yale University School of Medicine planned to join CSHA conference held in PRC that commenced on 21 Sep 2015 together with PLA general Xuetao Cao. He served as Independent Director of Junshi Biosciences from 2018 to 2023 where Zou Jianjun from PLA was a Director.

Tadatsugu Taniguchi from University of Tokyo Institute of Industrial Science who planned to join CSHA conference held in PRC that commenced on 21 Sep 2015 together with PLA general Xuetao Cao, had met with PLA general Xuetao Cao in Tanzhe Temple, Beijing in 2009.
Binfeng Lu(卢斌峰) of University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, who frequently went back to PRC, planned to join CSHA conference held in PRC that commenced on 21 Sep 2015 together with PLA general Xuetao Cao.

Weiping Zou of University of Michigan who often went back to PRC planned to join CSHA conference in PRC that began on 21/09/2015 with PLA General Xuetao Cao from Second Military Medical University. He was hired as advisor by Henlius Company in 2018 which got listed in HK in 2019.

Yong-Soo Bae of Sungkyunkwan University, Nina Bhardwaj of Tisch Cancer Institute,Subhra Biswas of Singapore Immunology Network and Olivera Finn of University of Pittsburgh planned to join CSHA conference held in PRC that commenced on 21st Sep 2015 with PLA General Xuetao Cao.
Ming Li, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Yuting Ma, Institut Gustave Roussy, Ofer Mandelboim, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Andreas Möller, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute planned to join CSHA conference in PRC in Sep 2015 with PLA General Xuetao Cao.
Michael Platten, University of Heidelberg Medical Center, Zhihai Qin, Institute of Biophysics, CAS, Michel Sadelain, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and Shimon Sakaguchi, Osaka University planned to join CSHA conference in PRC in Sep 2015 with PLA General Xuetao Cao.

Pramod Srivastava, University of Connecticut, Kris Thielemans, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, and Laurence Zitvogel, Institut Gustave Roussy planned to join CSHA conference in PRC in Sep 2015 with PLA General Xuetao Cao.

Enforcement of Cooperation agreement between Third Military Medical University of PLA and CSH

There was a gate logo change from Third Military Medical University to Army Medical University of PLA on 22nd August 2017. The collaboration agreement between Third Military Medical University and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory(CSH) seemed to be enforced by those from CSH, Southwest Hospital of Army Medical University of PLA,such as Fei Li(李飞) and Hua Feng(冯华)It was indicated in the paper"ATRX loss induces telomere dysfunction and necessitates induction of alternative lengthening of telomeres during human cell immortalization" that Fei Li from Army Medical University of PLA worked in CSH that operates bioRxiv.
Eastern gate of Third Military Medical University of PLA prior to change
Removal of old school name “第三軍醫大學” ie "第三军医大学"
              New school name Army Medical University"陸軍軍醫大學"ie “陆军军医大学” installed

Those attending CSHA conference on Novel Insights into Glia Function & Dysfunction on 19th Oct 2018 include Cheng He of Second Military Medical Univerity of PLA, Lan Xiao of Third Military Medical University of PLA, and those from US and other countries. Those attending CSHA conference on 19th Oct 2018 with PLA also included Helmut Kettenmann, Brian Macvicar, Mami Noda, LongJun Wu, Jonathan Kipnis, Baljit S. Khakh, Richard Ransohoff,Michael Salter, C. Justin Lee, HWGM Boddeke,Nicola Allen,Benjamin Deneen,Woo-Ping Ge,Schuichi Koizumi, Carlos Matute, Christine R. Rose,Kyoungho Suk, Hiroaki Wake, Bente Finsen, Takahiro A.Kato,etc.

Consideration that Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory received from Chinese Communist Party 

Zhou Yawei(周亚伟), member of CCP Standing Committee of Guangzhou City and Director of Guangzhou Development Zone Management Committee(中共广州市委常委、广州开发区管委会主任), and Bruce Stillman, CEO of CSH, signed a MOU to jointly establish an institute,a center, and a fund on 16th August 2017.
What CSH and CCP Guangzhou were to set up were Cold Spring Harbor (Guangzhou) Research Institution, Scientific and Technological Achievements Transformation Center and the Cold Spring Harbor (Guangzhou) Biological Medicine Fund.
Officials of Guangzhou Development District visited Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and held a meeting on 16th August 2017. It was reported that Cold Spring Harbor (Guangzhou) Biological Medicine Fund was established to finance development of COLD SPRING HARBOR LABORATORY in Guangzhou. Cold Spring Harbor (Guangzhou) Biological Medicine Fund was co-established by Epiphron Capital (Hong Kong) Limited, Guangzhou Emerging Industries Development Fund Management Co., Ltd. and Guangzhou Development Zone Industrial Fund Investment Group Co., Ltd. Cold Spring Harbor (Guangzhou) Biological Medicine Fund was co-established under the comprehensive cooperation memorandum signed by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory(CSH) and Guangzhou Development Zone Management Committee.

Zhou Yawei, a member of CCP's Guangzhou Municipal Standing Committee, and Bruce Stillman, CEO of CSH, witnessed the signing ceremony of cooperation agreement to jointly establish Cold Spring Harbor (Guangzhou) Biological Medicine Fund on 16th August 2017. 

Cold Spring Harbor (Guangzhou) Bio-Pharmaceutical Industry Investment Fund L.P. (冷泉港(广州)生物医药产业投资基金合伙企业(有限合伙)) is a limited partnership managed by Cold Spring Harbor (Guangzhou) Bio-Pharmaceutical Industry Investment Fund Management Co., Limited(冷泉港(广州)生物医药产业投资基金管理有限公司).  

Epiphron Capital's relation with Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and its long-term sponsor Lindsay Goldberg

It is claimed on the website of Epiphron Capital that Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory is a collaboration partner to Epiphron Capital. It is also claimed that the patent company of Epiphron Capital(a/k/a Yipu Capital) is Lindsay Goldberg, a top private equity investment firm which is a continuous sponsor of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory for more than a century. Lindsay Goldberg is a registered trademark of Goldberg Lindsay & Co. LLC. 
The website also disclosed that the director and chief operating officer of Epiphron Capital is Tim Ferdinand, and Xiaoyu Liu(刘小俞) ,who led team to invest Hong Kong stock code 9969, 6628 and NASDAQ: BYSI, is the Co-founder and Investment Committee Chairman of Epiphron Capital.

Goldberg Lindsay & Co. LLC was founded in 2001 by Alan E. Goldberg and Robert D. Lindsay. It was stated in 2021 annual report that donors of CSH included BGI, Miriam and Alan E. Goldberg Foundation,and Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Lindsay and Family,etc.

Timothy Mark Fletcher Ferdinand's investment in Cold Spring Harbor (Guangzhou) Bio-Pharmaceutical Industry Investment Fund Management Co., Limited.

Timothy Mark Fletcher Ferdinand owned 30% stake in Cold Spring Harbor (Guangzhou) Bio-Pharmaceutical Industry Investment Fund Management Co., Limited. It was claimed that Timothy Mark Fletcher Ferdinand controlled 60% stake in Cold Spring Harbor (Guangzhou) Bio-Pharmaceutical Industry Investment Fund Management Co., Limited because Fulin Investment (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.,email of which was linked with Epiphron Capital, also owned 30%. Timothy Mark Fletcher Ferdinand was actual controller of Cold Spring Harbor (Guangzhou) Bio-Pharmaceutical Industry Investment Fund Management Co., Limited.where Wang Ping(王萍) is the legal representative.
Guangzhou Emerging Industries Development Fund Management Co., Ltd. owned 8% stake in Cold Spring Harbor (Guangzhou) Bio-Pharmaceutical Industry Investment Fund Management Co., Limited as of 31st Dec 2020. Guangzhou Emerging Industries Development Fund Management Co., Ltd.(广州市新兴产业发展基金管理有限公司 ) is wholly owned by Guangzhou Municipal Government as it is completely owned by Guangzhou Industrial Investment Fund Management Co.,Ltd(广州产业投资基金管理有限公司) wholly owned by Guangzhou Municipal Government. 

Guangzhou Development Zone Emerging Industry Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd.(广州开发区新兴产业投资基金管理有限公司) owning 20% in Cold Spring Harbor (Guangzhou) Bio-Pharmaceutical Industry Investment Fund Management Co., Limited was afflicted to Guangzhou Development Zone Industrial Fund Investment Group Co., Ltd.(广州开发区产业基金投资集团有限公司) . Guangzhou Development Zone Industrial Fund Investment Group Co., Ltd. is a state-owned enterprise wholly owned by the Guangzhou Development Zone Management Committee(广州开发区管委会).
Guangzhou Guoju Venture Capital Co., Ltd.(广州国聚创业投资有限公司) owning 12% in Cold Spring Harbor (Guangzhou) Bio-Pharmaceutical Industry Investment Fund Management Co., Limited was afflicted to Guangzhou Hi-tech Investment Group Co.,Ltd(广州高新区投资集团有限公司). Guangzhou Hi-tech Investment Group Co.,Ltd is also a state-owned enterprise of PRC. 

Epiphron Capital Fund V L.P.'s investment in Transcenta Holding Limited 06628

Epiphron Capital Fund V L.P.  is a limited partnership established in the Cayman Islands as a single investment private equity fund with Assets Under Management (AUM) of US$6.4 million, all of which was invested in Transcenta Holding Limited(a/k/a Mabspace International Limited,创胜集团) with a stock code 6628 to acquire 4,476,022 Series B-5 Preferred Shares at US$1.43 per share on 17th December 2020 which could be converted into ordinary shares on a 1:1 basis. Epiphron Capital Fund V L.P. is managed by its general partner Epiphron Capital Fund V GP Limited. Epiphron Capital Fund V GP Limited is legally and beneficially owned by Timothy Mark Fletcher Ferdinand. Epiphron Capital Fund V L.P. is also disclosed as one of a stable of Cayman Islands funds under the Epiphron brand which have invested in financing rounds of BeyondSpring, Inc (NASDAQ: BYSI), Innocare Pharma Limited (stock code 9969),etc.
Subsidiaries of Transcenta Holding Limited include, but not limited to, MabSpace Biosciences (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.(迈博斯生物医药(苏州)有限公司), Transcenta Therapeutics (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.(创胜生物医药(上海)有限公司),Suzhou MabSpace Diagnostics Co., Ltd.(苏州康迈博诊断科技有限公司), Transcenta Therapeutics (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd.(创胜生物医药(广州)有限公司), Mabspace Biotechnology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.(迈博斯生物科技(北京)有限公司), HJB (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd.(杭州奕安济世生物药业有限公司), and YJ Biosciences Co., Ltd.(杭州奕健生物科技有限公司). 

Till the period ended with 31st March 2021, all the Transcenta Holding Limited group’s revenue from external customers was derived from the PRC. As at 31 December 2019 and 2020 and 31 March 2021, non-current assets of RMB1,560,000, RMB8,089,000 and RMB7,120,000, respectively, are located in the USA. The amount of non-current assets located in the PRC are RMB1,076,210
 (1,077,770-1,560) or 99.86%, RMB 1,191,378(1,199,467-8,089) or 99.33%, and RMB1,200,317 (1,207,437-7,120) or 99.41% as at 31 December 2019 and 2020 and 31 March 2021. That is more than 99% non-current assets are in PRC.

Epiphron Capital (Hong Kong) Limited's Investment in QuantumPharm Inc. 02228

As indicated by introduction of Epiphron Capital Holdings Limited in a prospectus of QuantumPharm Inc. published on 4th June 2024, Epiphron Capital Holdings Limited was wholly owned by Epiphron Capital (Hong Kong) Limited, which was finally owned by an investment banker Timothy Mark Fletcher Ferdinand who was a director and chief operating officer of Epiphron Capital. The persons signing SHAREHOLDER SUPPORT AGREEMENT AND DEED of YishengBio Co., Ltd. on behalf of Epiphron Capital (Hong Kong) Limited is Sherry Xiaoyu Liu with witness Wang Ping. It could be safely concluded that Timothy Mark Fletcher Ferdinand and Sherry Xiaoyu Liu both work for Epiphron Capital (Hong Kong) Limited, and Xiaoyu Liu's official name is likely Sherry Xiaoyu Liu and Tim Ferdinand's official name is likely Timothy Mark Fletcher Ferdinand. Epiphron Capital (Hong Kong) Limited is more likely than not the legal entity of Epiphron brand or Epiphron Capital. Timothy Mark Fletcher Ferdinand is likely hired by Goldberg Lindsay & Co. LLC or CSH as its agent to hold shares issued by companies listed and unlisted, using the brand Epiphron Capital or EPIPHON.
Epiphron Capital Holdings Limited owned 1,635,874 shares in the QuantumPharm Inc. as of 4th June 2024, which were acquired as Series D Preferred Shares on 5th August 2021 at the price of US$0.6112941 per share (US$380,000,000/621,632,043 shares), then were converted to ordinary shares at a ratio of one to one, and are now traded on Hong Kong Exchange with a stock code 02228 with closing price HK$10.10 as of 11th October 2024. 

According to the prospectus,  QuantumPharm Inc. had directly wholly owned subsidiaries XTALPI
PTE LTD. incorporated on 12th January 2023 in Singapore, XtalPi Inc. incorporated on 10th February 2016 in US, QuantumPharm Limited incorporated on 19th May 2017 in Hong Kong, XtalPi Investment Inc. incorporated on 30th December 2021 in Cayman Islands, and CubeBio Inc.in Cayman Islands. QuantumPharm Inc. had at least five subsidiaries incorporated on PRC, including Jingtai Zhiyao Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (晶泰智药技术(上海)有限公司), Shenzhen Jingtai Technology Co., Ltd. (深圳晶泰科技有限公司),  Shenzhen Zhiyao Technology Co., Ltd. (深圳智药科技有
限公司), XtalPi Star Atlas (Suzhou) Biotech Co., Ltd.(晶泰智启星图(苏州)生物科技有限公司) and Shenzhen Zhongge Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (深圳众格生物科技有限公司). 
Over 62% of revenue of group headed by QuantumPharm Inc. came from PRC in 2021, 2022 and 2023.  Group headed by QuantumPharm Inc. had leased properties of a total gross floor area of approximately 37,202 sq.m., approximately 11,207 sq.m.of main administrative offices and laboratories in Shenzhen, 15,508 sq.m. of lab space in Shanghai, approximately 1,303 sq.m. of office space for AI research  in Beijing,  approximately 17 sq.m. of office space in Hong Kong, and a total of over 100 sq.m. of office space and lab space for business development and strategy office and an innovative demo lab in Cambridge,
Massachusetts. So more than over 75% of leased properties are in PRC.

revenue of QuantumPharm Inc. 

total gross floor area of QuantumPharm Inc. ’s leased properties 
